131 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. The illusion of knowledge: The song questions the notion that speaking confidently on a subject equates to understanding it deeply.

      There is a need for intellectual humility within the community of researchers, and society in general. Do not speak confident about that which you do not know.

      Relation to Charlie Munger's principle.

  2. Apr 2024
    1. The Mzanzi kids multilingual language learning App was created for children between the ages of 2-6 years in South Africa. It was designed to stimulate visual, speech and language literacy skills at an early age by understanding basic everyday concepts and highlighting the correct pronunciation of speech in six (6) different languages; English, Afrikaans, IsiXhosa, IsiZulu, Sepedi and Setswana. The integration of images and phonetics provides a good foundation for children to learn and speak in their mother tongue or home language with confidence and fluency, but most importantly comprehend and appreciate the diversity of languages used by South Africans. This multilingual App provides a good introduction before entering a schooling environment, and offers a non-threatening, playful and fun way of learning languages using innovative technology.

      This is an app for multilingual language learning. Mine will focus on the mother tongue.

      I tried it out for a bit and found the audio very repetitive, which could be problematic. Minecraft had such good audio - C14 or C11? It is fantastically immersive, and the popularity of the game and audio is irrefutable if you look at longevity (games come and go often, and very few manage to stick and have a continuous impact, Minecraft is a good example of an exception to this, alongside other well adjusted and designed games.

      I had fun learning the clicks in isiXhoso - something I want to practice, but the audio became too much as i hit the image repeatedly.

      There's room for more resources. This application does not speak to all children, and no one application ever will, hence the need for many across a broad range of cultures and diversities.

    1. Besides that, we're an arrogant, surly lot most often more interested in dwelling on our divine wonderfulness than we are slaving away on your lowly project.

      yes, an impeccable sense of confidence is REQUIRED in this level of success

  3. Sep 2023
    1. I'd suggest that you play around a little bit with a vanilla app. Create a brand new app without any additional files, just what rails new generates. See how bin/rails runner Models raises an error because there is no models directory in autoload_paths. Now, put config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/app) in config/application.rb and observe how bin/rails runner Models just returns a prompt. With the confidence of having that running, then transalate to your app.
  4. Jul 2023
    1. specific uses of the technology help develop what we call “relational confidence,” or the confidence that one has a close enough relationship to a colleague to ask and get needed knowledge. With greater relational confidence, knowledge sharing is more successful.
  5. Apr 2023
    1. reinforcing audio

      Audio(music and sounds) within a video presentation is a tool that can help you engage more with your audience, unfortunately it is a double edged sword. There are times when the audio can fail or be delayed, which can throw off the rhythm of your presentation as well as your confidence. Using audio for edited videos gives the user more control as they can edit the audio to their liking.

  6. Mar 2023
  7. Jan 2023
  8. Oct 2022
    1. After the first week of the campaign, we realized what are the main problematic pillars and fixed them right away. Nevertheless, even with these improvements and strong support from the Gamefound team, we’re not even close to achieving the backer numbers with which we could safely promise to create a game of the quality we think it deserves.
    1. To be able to trustone's own experience, even if it often turns out to beinadequate, is one mark of the mature workman. Suchconfidence in o n e ' s own experience is indispensable tooriginality in any intellectual pursuit, and the file is onetool by which I have tried to develop and justify suchconfidence.

      The function of memory served by having written notes is what allows the serious researcher or thinker to have greater confidence in their work, potentially more free from cognitive bias as one idea can be directly compared and contrasted with another by direct juxtaposition.

  9. Aug 2022
  10. Mar 2022
  11. Feb 2022
  12. Dec 2021
  13. Nov 2021
    1. teachers’ confidencein their own basic IT skills promotes positive attitudes to online learning and that peer tutoring plays animportant role in teachers’ learning
      1. Disparities caused and/or exacerbated as a result of the forced transition to online learning.
  14. Oct 2021
  15. Sep 2021
  16. Aug 2021
  17. Jul 2021
    1. It’s fun but when would we ever use things like this in actual code?When it’s well tested, commented, documented, and becomes an understood idiom of your code base.We focus so much on black magic and avoiding it that we rarely have a chance to enjoy any of the benefits. When used responsibly and when necessary, it gives a lot of power and expressiveness.
  18. Jun 2021
  19. May 2021
    1. Approaching email development this way transitions more of the quality assurance (QA) process to the browser instead of the email client. It gives email designers more power, control, and confidence in developing an email that will render gracefully across all email clients.

      can mostly test with browser and have less need (but still not no need) to test with email client

  20. Apr 2021
    1. Céline Gounder, MD, ScM, FIDSA. (2021, April 14). With all due respect to @NateSilver538, he is not an expert on the psychology of vaccine confidence. He is a poll aggregator and political pundit. He is not an infectious disease specialist, epidemiologist, vaccinologist, virologist, immunologist, or behavioral scientist. Https://t.co/HBrI6zj9aa [Tweet]. @celinegounder. https://twitter.com/celinegounder/status/1382299663269761024

  21. Mar 2021
  22. Feb 2021
  23. Jan 2021
  24. Oct 2020
    1. Final Form makes the assumption that your validation functions are "pure" or "idempotent", i.e. will always return the same result when given the same values. This is why it doesn't run the synchronous validation again (just to double check) before allowing the submission: because it's already stored the results of the last time it ran it.
  25. Sep 2020
  26. Aug 2020
  27. Jul 2020
  28. Jun 2020
  29. May 2020
    1. The test is being marked as skipped because it has randomly failed. How much confidence do we have in that test and feature in the first place.
    2. “Make it work” means shipping something that doesn’t break. The code might be ugly and difficult to understand, but we’re delivering value to the customer and we have tests that give us confidence. Without tests, it’s hard to answer “Does this work?”
    1. The "'strict-dynamic'" source expression aims to make Content Security Policy simpler to deploy for existing applications who have a high degree of confidence in the scripts they load directly, but low confidence in their ability to provide a reasonable list of resources to load up front.
    1. Van den Akker, O., Weston, S. J., Campbell, L., Chopik, W. J., Damian, R. I., Davis-Kean, P., Hall, A. N., Kosie, J. E., Kruse, E. T., Olsen, J., Ritchie, S. J., Valentine, K. D., van ’t Veer, A. E., & Bakker, M. (2019). Preregistration of secondary data analysis: A template and tutorial [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/hvfmr

  30. Apr 2020
    1. In the past, I've had people approach me with all sorts of creative means by which I could store this data and make it available to people. But no matter how good a crypto solution I come up with, being able to hand-on-heart say "I don't store passwords in HIBP" is enormously important. Not "I store them but I've been really, really, really careful with them" because that always leaves an element of doubt in people's minds.
  31. Mar 2020
    1. Melting glaciers reveal LOST island in Antarctica – and humans are already visiting it

      Overall scientific credibility: 'low' according to the scientists who analyzed this article.

      evaluation card

      Find more details in Climate Feedback's analysis

  32. Feb 2020
  33. Nov 2019
    1. Because they're more integrated and try to serialize an incomplete system (e.g. one with some kind of side effects: from browser/library/runtime versions to environment to database/API changes), they will tend to have high false-negatives (failing test for which the production code is actually fine and the test just needs to be changed). False negatives quickly erode the team's trust in a test to actually find bugs and instead come to be seen as a chore on a checklist they need to satisfy before they can move on to the next thing.
    1. But isn't the point of testing to be confident the application works? Who cares if your unit works if the app is broken? I definitely want to know if the third party component I'm using breaks my use case. I mean, I'm not going to rewrite their entire test base, but if I can easily test my use case by not mocking out their component then why not do that and get the extra confidence?
    2. So finally I'm coming out with it and explaining why I never use shallow rendering and why I think nobody else should either. Here's my main assertion:With shallow rendering, I can refactor my component's implementation and my tests break. With shallow rendering, I can break my application and my tests say everything's still working.This is highly concerning to me because not only does it make testing frustrating, but it also lulls you into a false sense of security. The reason I write tests is to be confident that my application works and there are far better ways to do that than shallow rendering.
    1. We're not just fast, we know where we're going.
    2. You’ll rest easy at night, knowing that the proper amount of automated test coverage is in place and protecting your product from unintentional breakage.
    1. You want to write maintainable tests for your React components. As a part of this goal, you want your tests to avoid including implementation details of your components and rather focus on making your tests give you the confidence for which they are intended. As part of this, you want your testbase to be maintainable in the long run so refactors of your components (changes to implementation but not functionality) don't break your tests and slow you and your team down.
    2. The more your tests resemble the way your software is used, the more confidence they can give you.
  34. Sep 2019
  35. Mar 2019
    1. This page describes a method of teaching designed specifically for adults. The instructional design theory is Keller's "ARCS," which stands for attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction--all features that adult learning experiences should be characterized by. The text on this page is readable but the popups and graphics are a bit annoying. rating 3/5

  36. Feb 2019
  37. Dec 2018
  38. Nov 2018
    1. Learning Confidence Sets using Support Vector Machines

      也是一篇讨论“置信度”的文章。将二分类问题转化为一个分别独立的“三分类”问题,且分类边界可学习,而边界的取定用 SVM。文章里似乎有不少详尽的数学理论推导,值得练手推推看~

    2. Inhibited Softmax for Uncertainty Estimation in Neural Networks

      这种关乎网络“置信度confidence”或者叫“不确定度uncentainty”的 paper 还是挺有意义的,虽然现在还是婆说婆有理的阶段。文内综述了很多 Related 工作,还是挺值得 mark 下的。作者提的Inhibited Softmax蛮好理解的,另repo里放了不少ipynb文档[good]。

    3. Learning Confidence for Out-of-Distribution Detection in Neural Networks


      关键在于最后一层处,并行的多安排了一层表示学习confidence 的输出层。不过,总觉得这种操作很片面,有点以偏概全~

    1. blog is called Rebecca’s Pocket. In her oft-cited essay “Weblogs: a history and perspective”, she writes about how blogging not only helped her gain knowledge about herself and her own interests, blogging actually led her to value more highly her own opinion and her own point of view. Partly, this was because she carefully considered her ideas as she wrote.

      This demonstrates how blogging is one of those informal yet vital places where people become great writers.

  39. Jul 2018
    1. This result is consistent with analysis by the data science team at Quora, a site where users ask and answer questions. That team found that women use uncertain words and phrases more often than men do, even when they are just as confident.
  40. Jul 2016
    1. You might even notice that your confidence isn’t the only thing that goes up, this was my first step in growing internally, and you’ll find that in the end Social Development isn’t just about learning to talk to other people, it’s a deep discovery about who you truly are.
    2. Basically it makes you go from walking in a mild pace towards your goals to sprinting at them full speed with a rocket pack strapped to your back!
    3. Self-Acceptance + Self Assurance = Confidence
  41. Jan 2016
    1. I am now viewing the "Workman's Sandwich" and wondering what it would take humankind to provide the WorkWOMAN's Sandwich... Ladies on the job deserve just as much roast beef as any male laborer. If I may, I'd like to propose an ideal sandwich: it would include the contents of; Cheese churned from the breast milk of strong, independent mothers, Turkey of the female farmer's land, and mustard from a female CEO-owned grocery store on Wall Street.

  42. Oct 2013
    1. Let reading, therefore, be at first sure, then continuous, and for a long time slow, until, by exercise, a correct quickness is gained.

      learning at their own pace and building confidence along the way.

    1. we believe that we cannot and shall not fail, or that we shall succeed completely

      confidence is key to success

    2. Confidence is, about what things we feel it, and under what conditions. It is the opposite of fear, and what causes it is the opposite of what causes fear; it is, therefore, the expectation associated with a mental picture of the nearness of what keeps us safe and the absence or remoteness of what is terrible: it may be due either to the near presence of what inspires confidence or to the absence of what causes alarm.
    1. the three, namely, that induce us to believe a thing apart from any proof of it: good sense, good moral character, and goodwill

      these things are confidence builders