- Feb 2021
www.openttd.org www.openttd.org
As of today, you can Wishlist OpenTTD on SteamE. Historically, OpenTTD always had a single home from where we distributed the game. We used to be hosted on SourceForge (you know you are old, if you remember that being a thing :D), and slowly moved towards our own self-created distribution methods. These days, we mostly distribute our game via our website. But times are changing, and so is our hair. Over the last few months, we have silently been working to become a bit more visible in the world. Don’t worry, not for reasons you might think: OpenTTD has as many active users as it had in 2007. But more because we no longer think it is the right approach to only distribute via our own website. This became painfully apparent when we noticed other people post OpenTTD on some stores. They are not always updated with new releases, sometimes even slacking behind a few years. And maybe more important to us: we can not guarantee that the uploaded version is unmodified and is the version as we intended. So, instead of fighting it, why not turn around and join them! Why not release our own, verified, builds on those stores! And this is exactly what we have been working on lately. And when I say “we”, a bit ironic to me, I mean the two developers that are around longest (myself and orudge) ;) A while back orudge added OpenTTD to the Microsoft Store. And today, I am happy to announce we will be on SteamE too! Well, we are on Steam, but we haven’t released anything there yet (sorry that I got your hopes up, just to squash them right after :( ). This is partially because of how Steam works, but also because we know we can bring a better experience for Steam with our upcoming release. That brings me to the most exciting news: if everything goes as planned, we will release OpenTTD 1.11 on Steam on the first of April, 2021! And that is not even an April fools’ joke! You can already Wishlist OpenTTD today .. and till we release on Steam, you can find our game via our website ;)
www.openttd.org www.openttd.org
As of today, you can Wishlist OpenTTD on SteamE. Historically, OpenTTD always had a single home from where we distributed the game. We used to be hosted on SourceForge (you know you are old, if you remember that being a thing :D), and slowly moved towards our own self-created distribution methods. These days, we mostly distribute our game via our website. But times are changing, and so is our hair. Over the last few months, we have silently been working to become a bit more visible in the world. Don’t worry, not for reasons you might think: OpenTTD has as many active users as it had in 2007. But more because we no longer think it is the right approach to only distribute via our own website.
www.dekudeals.com www.dekudeals.com
Tired of games where there are tips and tutorials of all kinds and you can finish them without much difficulty?
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
Not fun by yourself and the game is dead. Wouldn't be much fun with others either.
miriamposner.com miriamposner.com
I’ve been considering proximity-based group meeting rooms, like wonder.me, but I worry slightly that the new room won’t work as intended and we’ll all be at sea.
I've also run across rally.video as an option in this space.
newpipe.net newpipe.net
www.francetvinfo.fr www.francetvinfo.fr
Les lunettes pour dyslexiques
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
That fact that I am giving this little indie gem it's first review more than two full weeks after it launched shows the sad state on Steam of how the over saturation of asset flips and low effort garbage buries little treasures like this game.
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
Ah, the old advertising games... It's kind of hard to explain for new generation of players, but back in the days we had games fully dedicated to certain brands. And they wanted us to pay for them. Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about games like Zool and Biker Mice from Mars that used to include excessive product placement. Even some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games had it. I'm talking about games that were created solely to promote a certain brand. Like Pepsiman, where we played as that weird Pepsi mascot, or Avoid the Noid with the scary bunny-like... creature from Domino's (there was actually another game about him, but it was just a “hack” of somewhat popular Famicom game Kamen no Ninja: Hanamaru). Like I've said, it's kind of hard to explain, but back in the days, kids were less sarcastic, while Ads were... well, a bit more than just Ads.With no Internet, with TV being way more than it's today and with way, WAY less rules applied (because SEGA does what Nintendon't), Ads were more than just that annoying thing that interrupts Rhett and Link on YouTube. Those were almost art on their own. And the perfect scenario for a brand was to create the mascots so cool that everybody would want to buy merchandise with it. I mean, aside from the main product. Like, everybody loves Cap'n Crunch (huge fan here). But would you also pay for a PEZ dispenser with the man? Would you like a T-shirt? That's how it worked back in the days. And with video games starting to recover from large-scale recession of early 80s, when crappy products like Pepsi Invaders almost killed the entire market, we've got ourselves advertising games... that were actually quite good.Believe it, or not, but the games about 7-Up's Spot, Cheetos' Chester Cheetah and even McDonald's Ronald McDonald were actually pretty solid. And sometimes there were even games that tried to achieve more than that. From a fourth generation platformer with kickass soundtrack called Global Gladiators that used to include McDonald's kids Mick and Mack (previously included in the game called MC Kids, which wasn't as good) to a weird 3D action game called Darkened Skye, which featured magic system based on Skittles. Let's just say that advertising games were not as simple as you may think. And this one? Not only it's my most favorite game of the kind, it's, like, one of my most favorite puzzle games... ever. Together with The Incredible Machines, Supaplex and so on. It's that good.First of all, Pushover is a game that was made to promote a popular British snack Quavers (they're so curly!). Quavers are the curly potato puffs and their mascot, Colin Curly... just lost all of them. So, as Colin's ant friend, we need to go down through the ant hill to some caves (because reasons) and get them back. That's pretty much all the background we've got here. Nothing big, nothing really interesting, but... it doesn't matter. Like... at all. The thing is – Pushover is an action puzzle game, the story doesn't really matter in that genre, while gameplay-wise... well, like I've said, this game is totally awesome.Long story short, Pushover is all about the domino effect. You push (hence the title) one block and watch the others falling. Naturally, your goal is to drop all the blocks on level during the limited amount of time. After that, you'll be able to exit the current level and get the password for the next one. Which will be very useful, since the game comes with the whooping 100 levels, some of which will be pretty tricky. Sounds pretty dull, though, can't argue with that. I mean, who cares about domino, right? Pushing blocks on 100 levels... sounds boring, right? But it's not that simple.See, there are ten different types of blocks in this game. All with their own unique properties. And trying to figure out how to drop all blocks on the levels with just a couple of pushes? It's just fun. Very, very fun. So fun that I actually love this game more than Lemmings. And everybody knows just how fun Lemmings game is. Pushover is just... well, it's hard to explain, but it's one of those games, which just “click”. It's one of those games, in which “stars” aligned perfectly. Controls are simple enough, the puzzles are very interesting and tricky (but not too tricky to make you feel bad), the graphics is very cute, the sound has that awesome “Sound Blaster” feeling... Pushover is just one of those games that you can't stop playing. 28 years later? I still can't get enough of it. And it's not just me. Even though the game was ported to quite a lot of systems (there was even SNES version with all Quavers Ads completely removed), there was a fan-made remake released in 2006. Guess, it says something.What we have here is a 100% original (not remade) DOS version (runs through DOSBox), but guess what? No complains here. Even though very often Amiga versions had better music, Pushover was not one of such games (I totally prefer the DOS sound), while all “big three” versions (Amiga, Atari ST and DOS) look almost identical and I'm not a big fan of those “filters” from fan-made remake. I mean... it's pretty cool version and stuff, but... there's nothing like the original.So, yeah. I can't recommend this game enough. Pushover is charming, cute, smart and extremely addicting puzzle game from early nineties. You like games like Lemmings, Bomberman, Wrecking Crew and so on? You should totally check this one out. Like the original Goonies (which also got fan-made remake, by the way), this game is a forgotten gem from the past. It's in my Steam favorites and it'll stay there forever. I love it that much. Dixi.
- Jan 2021
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
Group Rules from the Admins1NO POSTING LINKS INSIDE OF POST - FOR ANY REASONWe've seen way too many groups become a glorified classified ad & members don't like that. We don't want the quality of our group negatively impacted because of endless links everywhere. NO LINKS2NO POST FROM FAN PAGES / ARTICLES / VIDEO LINKSOur mission is to cultivate the highest quality content inside the group. If we allowed videos, fan page shares, & outside websites, our group would turn into spam fest. Original written content only3NO SELF PROMOTION, RECRUITING, OR DM SPAMMINGMembers love our group because it's SAFE. We are very strict on banning members who blatantly self promote their product or services in the group OR secretly private message members to recruit them.4NO POSTING OR UPLOADING VIDEOS OF ANY KINDTo protect the quality of our group & prevent members from being solicited products & services - we don't allow any videos because we can't monitor what's being said word for word. Written post only.
Wow, that's strict.
partner.steamgames.com partner.steamgames.com
github.com github.com0ad/0ad1
augmentedsteam.com augmentedsteam.com
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
Grözinger. N., Irlenbusch ., B., Laske. K., Schröder., M (2020) Innovation and Communication Media in Virtual Teams – An Experimental Study. Institute of Labor Economics. https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13218/
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
Making Long Titles Generate Appeal To Certain Types of AudiencesOr you're making a japanese game.
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
Really the only knock I have against short games is that there’s not more of them to enjoy. I’m not a believer in any arbitrary dollar-to-hour formula, and I prefer compact, complete experiences to meandering, padded-out ones. Games like Tiny Dangerous Dungeons are a great example of the quality you can wring from short romps, in part by limiting the potential for frustration and confusion. It’s a game that’s over as soon as it feels like it’s getting going, but if that’s the worst thing you can say about a game, I’d call that a keeper.
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
It kills me this game didnt end up a classic in the minds of all gamers. People should scoff at new games and say "Dear god, why couldnt you do what a disney game thats demo was given away for free with kids meals at mcdonalds do, why cant you even manage to be as good as "Battle at Procyon"
sourceforge.net sourceforge.net
planche contact animée
ytcutter.com ytcutter.com
sketchfab.com sketchfab.com
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
Please, Don't Touch Anything
Don't get for Switch according to https://www.metacritic.com/game/switch/please-dont-touch-anything because it is a bad port from PC, hard to control precisely with stick.
www.nintendo.com www.nintendo.com
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
github.com github.com
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
To explain further what exactly I’m building, the animated background is a pure code equivalent to the old music video, but runs as long as the full length of the album, though without any event triggers to tie it to the music (the animation runs continuously for the full amount of time that the uninterrupted album lasts, but does not pause or jump to a different location in the animation). It’s also extremely slow animation
- Dec 2020
www.autonome-solidarite.fr www.autonome-solidarite.fr
www.autonome-solidarite.fr www.autonome-solidarite.fr
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Playlist arte portrait d'enfant
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Playlists Arte junior
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
(4) Facebook. (n.d.). Retrieved December 10, 2020, from https://www.facebook.com/harvardpublichealth/videos/881117569360098/
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
On sale for $4.99.
Watch for free here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIhLvue17Sd7F6pU2ByRRb0igiI-WKk3D
- Nov 2020
elearning.uab.pt elearning.uab.ptuntitled1
Atualmente a comunicação por vídeo é muito frequente. Há disponibilidade de muitos aplcativos gratuitos como google meet, skype, zoom ou teams. para citar apenas os mais conhecidos. Nestes aplicativos, além da comunicação entre dois indivíduos é comum a comunicação em grupos.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Nous avons été prof de français. Sommés de nous offusquer des fautes d'orthographe, nous avons été pris pour les curés de la langue. Nous avons écrit pour dédramatiser, pour réfléchir ensemble et puis aussi parce qu'on a toujours pensé que l'Académie Française avait un vrai potentiel comique. "Les deux belges qui veulent simplifier la langue française" : tout est faux dans cette phrase. Pas "simplifier" mais bien faire preuve d'esprit critique, se demander si tout se vaut dans notre orthographe. Pas deux belges, mais bien deux curieux qui veulent transmettre le travail des linguistes de toute la francophonie, pas même la "langue française", seulement son orthographe. Car l'orthographe, c'est pas la langue, c'est juste le code graphique qui permet de la retranscrire. Passion pour les uns, chemin de croix pour les autres, elle est sacrée pour tous. Et pourtant, il ne s'agit peut-être que d'un énorme malentendu. Arnaud Hoedt et Jérôme Piron sont linguistes de formation. Ils ont vécu 25 ans sans se connaître, mais c’était moins bien. Ils ont ensuite enseigné pendant 15 ans dans la même école. Quand Arnaud participe à la rédaction des programmes de français en Belgique, Jérôme se spécialise en médiation culturelle. En 2016, ils écrivent et mettent en scène le spectacle « La Convivialité », au Théâtre National de Bruxelles. Ce spectacle conférence qui traite de la question du rapport dogmatique à l’orthographe tourne depuis 3 ans dans toute la francophonie. Dans la foulée, ils publient l’ouvrage « La faute de l’orthographe », aux éditions Textuel. Ils se définissent comme suit : « Linguistes dilet(t)antes. Pédagogues en (robe de) chambre. Tentent de corriger le participe passé. Écrivent des trucs. Vrais-Faux Comédiens. Bouffeurs d’Académicien ». A la question « est-ce que ça se dit ? « , Arnaud et Jérôme répondent invariablement « oui, tu viens de le faire ». This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
www.angelfire.com www.angelfire.com
www.defenseurdesdroits.fr www.defenseurdesdroits.fr
Pour éclairer et alerter sur la situation de l’accès aux droits en France, le Défenseur a publié deux ouvrages aux éditions La documentation française. Cette nouvelle collection intitulée Les enquêtes du Défenseur des droits propose un ouvrage en deux tomes : Inégalités d’accès aux droits et discriminations en France.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.gouvernement.fr www.gouvernement.fr
- Oct 2020
www.channel4.com www.channel4.com
‘Bus drivers didn’t have adequate PPE even though they requested it’ – Edinburgh University’s Dr Gwenetta Curry. (2020, October 19). Channel 4 News. https://www.channel4.com/news/bus-drivers-didnt-have-adequate-ppe-even-though-they-requested-it-edinburgh-universitys-dr-gwenetta-curry
- video
- protective equipment
- COVID-19
- bus driver
- concern
- occupational risk
- request
- is:news
- lang:en
- public health
- safety
- transmission
engineering.appfolio.com engineering.appfolio.com
optcarrot, is a headless NES emulator that the Ruby core team are using as a CPU-intensive optimization target.
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
Was available in $1 tier of https://www.humblebundle.com/games/lets-fight
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
Was available in the
tier of https://www.humblebundle.com/games/one-special-day-2020
eleducation.org eleducation.org
According to The Center for Educational Policy Research at Harvard University (2015), “[The] structural separation, in which teachers develop their skills primarily through individual trial and error rather than through observation and collaboration with others, has been a major barrier to improving instruction.” Video-based coaching serves as a structure to foster personal reflection and growth by allowing teachers the opportunity to see their practice, and share it with others, in a safe, supported way.
Video Based Coaching is a high-leverage learning practice used by instructors to engage conversation. Observation and collaboration is a structure to scaffold personal reflection into personal growth and shared understanding. Used as a component of a professional development plan, VBC enhances participant exchange during coaching and feedback sessions. Rating 8/10
cepr.harvard.edu cepr.harvard.edu
1. The Omniscience Flaw:Reflection in practice requires teachers to effectively address whatever provokes them in the moment, yet sometimes the challenges that require action are not the ones teachers see or hear. For example, while working with a small group or helping an individual student, teachers may miss off-task students in other corners of the classroom. To maximize reflection in practice, teachers need extraordinary, all-knowing powers. While many teachers have superhero-like qualities, omniscience is not one of them.2. The Symptom-Treatment Flaw:Another inadequacy of situational thinking is that it does not provide time for the consideration of root causes. Because teachers must react in the moment, the critical pause required to conduct an “act of search or investigation” is not possible (Dewey, 1910).3. The Recollection Flaw:Reflection on practice relies on the accuracy of memory. Educators must recall the details of prior lessons to maximize their diagnosis, but those details often fade in memory. Reflection is best when specific, yet memory can only deliver an adumbrated version of what happened in any given hour.
Structured self-reflection play an important role in self reflection. The three common flaws in self-reflection allow instructors to analyze specific challenges. Using this method of analysis offers teachers the opportunity for self-reflection and correction. Rating: 8/10
The flipped meeting — pioneered by innovative companies like Amazon and LinkedIn, and built on the model of the flipped classroom that has been rolled out in universities across the country and around the world. Flipping your meetings can help you win back time wasted in meetings, ensure that every meeting you attend is productive, and empower your teams to collaboratively make smarter, timelier decisions. See how, in our complete guide to flipping your meetings.
www.panopto.com www.panopto.com
But there is an alternative. The “flipped meeting” approach is revolutionary in its simplicity: Share the informational presentation before the meeting so participants are fully informed up front Focus the meeting on making decisions, opening discussion, and getting work done in the meeting, not afterwards This handbook includes a guide to developing a flipped meeting culture in your organization, including: Pre-meeting communication and information sharing needs In-meeting group management and best practices Ideas for using video to make flipped meetings more efficient Flipping your meetings can help you win back time wasted in meetings, ensure that every meeting you attend is productive, and empower your teams to collaboratively make smarter, timelier decisions.
Flipped meeting solves for the unengaging long lecture.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.france.tv www.france.tv
centre-alain-savary.ens-lyon.fr centre-alain-savary.ens-lyon.fr
www.fun-mooc.fr www.fun-mooc.fr
Si depuis sa conception même, des visions divergentes de la laïcité s’affrontent, nous devons nous en tenir ici à la laïcité telle qu’elle est définie par les textes juridiques et telle qu’elle est reprise par notre Constitution. Une laïcité qui n’a pas besoin d’être «adjectivée»
Témoignage de Laïcité JL Bianco - Observatoire de la laïcité MOOC CNFPT
www.fun-mooc.fr www.fun-mooc.fr
MOOC «Les clés de la laïcité –Le rôle des collectivités territoriales LES NOUVEAUX DÉFIS DE LA LAÏCITÉ (1946-2015
www.fun-mooc.fr www.fun-mooc.fr
www.fun-mooc.fr www.fun-mooc.fr
MOOC « Les clés de la laïcité – Le rôle des collectivités territoriales En conclusion : ce qu'il faut retenir
- Neutralité
- liberté
- Egalité/ respect du pluralisme
www.fun-mooc.fr www.fun-mooc.fr
MOOC « Les clés de la laïcité – Le rôle des collectivités territoriales Cas pratique "Ecole publique : port de signes religieux" Décryptage video
www.fun-mooc.fr www.fun-mooc.fr
Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale1
MOOC «Les clés de la laïcité
–Le rôle des collectivités territoriales
L'espace administratif -L'école vidéo
www.fun-mooc.fr www.fun-mooc.fr
Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale1MOOC «Les clés de la laïcité –Le rôle des collectivités territoriales
L'espace administratif -Les bâtiments et emplacements publics vidéo
www.fun-mooc.fr www.fun-mooc.fr
MOOC «Les clés de la laïcité –Le rôle des collectivités territoriales
Définition des différents espaces de vie et application du principe de laïcité vidéo
- L'espace privé
- L'espace administratif
- L'espace social
- L'espace partagé
www.fun-mooc.fr www.fun-mooc.fr
Idées reçues
Avant tout des principes et non des valeurs ou opinion
www.fun-mooc.fr www.fun-mooc.fr
www.bloomberg.com www.bloomberg.com
YouTube doesn’t give an exact recipe for virality. But in the race to one billion hours, a formula emerged: Outrage equals attention.
Talk radio has had this formula for years and they've almost had to use it to drive any listenership as people left radio for television and other media.
I can still remember the different "loudness" level of talk between Bill O'Reilly's primetime show on Fox News and the louder level on his radio show.
numinous.productions numinous.productions
The net result is that in gaming, clever new interface ideas can be distinguishing features which become a game’s primary advantage in the marketplace.
Innovation in the video game industry helps it solve the public goods problem. Tweaking the economics helps the high upfront development cost be recouped.
twitter.com twitter.com
Chris Reid on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved October 9, 2020, from https://twitter.com/ChrisReidDesign/status/1313540343908970496
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
10 useful rules for having better conversations.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Génération écrans, génération malade ? | ARTE
Omniprésents dans le quotidien, les écrans représentent un défi inédit pour le cerveau, surtout chez les enfants et les adolescents. Faut-il en avoir peur ? Tour d’horizon des dernières découvertes scientifiques en la matière, avec le témoignages de spécialistes en neurosciences et addictologie, de médecins psychiatres comme Serge Tisseron, mais aussi de jeunes ados "gamers".
Avant d’avoir l’âge d’entrer à l’école, en Chine comme en Occident, un enfant passerait jusqu'à six heures par jour devant un écran. En consultation, les pédiatres remarquent chez les tout-petits exposés à la télévision, au smartphone ou encore à la tablette des troubles du comportement et de l’apprentissage tels une intolérance à la frustration et un rejet des limites, mais aussi un retard de langage. À l’adolescence, période clé pour le développement du cerveau, les pratiques numériques se multiplient avec l’utilisation massive des réseaux sociaux et des jeux vidéo. Outre la mécanique des applis qui stimulent notre circuit de la récompense pour nous rendre dépendants, les médecins dénoncent aussi l’augmentation de l’addiction aux jeux vidéo, une maladie reconnue depuis 2018 par l’Organisation mondiale de la santé. En Chine, un des pays les plus touchés par le phénomène, les parents sont nombreux à envoyer leurs enfants dans des centres de désintoxication spécialisés qui "soignent" à coups d’entraînements militaires et de séances de méditation cette "pathologie" assimilée à une déviance.
Génération écrans, génération malade ? Documentaire de Raphaël Hitier (France, 2020, 53mn)
ARTE #Cerveau #Dopamine
www.pscp.tv www.pscp.tv
Inc, T. (n.d.). Independent SAGE @IndependentSage. Periscope. Retrieved October 2, 2020, from https://www.pscp.tv/IndependentSage/1PlKQNNlVDyGE
- Sep 2020
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
5G santé et environnement
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
à 29.58 respect d'autrui, empathie,
Du bon usage du cerveau | Demain, l'école (1/2) | ARTE
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Les innovations dans le monde | Demain, l'école (2/2) | ARTE
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Intuitive EPI - Channel introduction. (n.d.). Retrieved September 23, 2020, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMO2-Hf2-EY
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Webinar series DAY 1 - Insights into COVID-19 modelling & evidence-based policy making. Retrieved from on 21/09/2020 from https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNzrUckV9eSJAybOPMPxPulI0bciy8HXf
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Webinar series DAY 2 - Insights into COVID-19 modelling & evidence-based policy making. Retrieved on 21/09/2020 from https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNzrUckV9eSJIF41YCUaUWHOg_CTxmc99
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
ACTUAL DOCTOR WATCHES COVID PSEUDOSCIENCE VIDEO. (2020, September 15). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUDg5ossirU&feature=youtu.be
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
JNOLive | Multiplicity of Randomized Clinical Trials for Coronavirus Disease 2019. (2020, July 14). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-MWPqgLUvA&feature=youtu.be
www.newscientist.com www.newscientist.com
Lu, D. (n.d.). AI can edit video in real time to sync new audio to people’s lips. New Scientist. Retrieved September 14, 2020, from https://www.newscientist.com/article/2254326-ai-can-edit-video-in-real-time-to-sync-new-audio-to-peoples-lips/
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Susan Athey, July 22, 2020. (2020, August 2). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqTOPrUxDzM
www.itv.com www.itv.com
Peston, R. (2020, September 7). SAGE scientist warns coronavirus cases “increasing exponentially.” ITV News. https://www.itv.com/news/2020-09-07/exclusive-sage-scientist-tells-peston-coronavirus-cases-increasing-exponentially
www.publicsenat.fr www.publicsenat.fr
www.publicsenat.fr www.publicsenat.fr
Ondes électromagnétiques, pour le meilleur et pour le pire ? Terra Terre Émission diffusée le 12 mai 2020
cyber.harvard.edu cyber.harvard.edu
[Virtual] The Pandemic As a Portal | Berkman Klein Center. (2020, June 24). https://cyber.harvard.edu/events/virtual-pandemic-portal
www.publicsenat.fr www.publicsenat.fr
Dieu à l'école de la République Documentaires ÉMISSION DIFFUSÉE LE 18 JAN 2020
www.publicsenat.fr www.publicsenat.fr
www.publicsenat.fr www.publicsenat.fr
metascience.com metascience.com
Steven Goodman: Statistical methods as social technologies versus analytic tools: Implications for metascience and research reform (Video). (n.d.). Metascience.com. Retrieved 2 September 2020, from https://metascience.com/events/metascience-2019-symposium/steven-goodman-statistical-methods-versus-analytic-tools/
James Evans: The social limits of scientific certainty (Video). (n.d.). Metascience.com. Retrieved September 1, 2020, from https://metascience.com/events/metascience-2019-symposium/james-evans-social-limits-of-scientific-certainty/
- video
- advancement
- flocking
- cross-discipline
- lang:en
- social limit
- webinar
- certainty
- collaboration
- metascience
- talk
- discovery
- scientific practice
- truth value
- is:webpage
- empirical demonstration
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Do you want to interact with your audience live, as well as record the interaction, and also broadcast it on social media altogether? Well, this is possible with Live Streaming.
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you could imagine my extreme disappointment after i came back after a year and a half to find that the entire exploration map was about 80% smaller, every different island was within clear view of your starting island completely decimating any sense of adventure or exploration you could have had.Almost all materials could be collected and all items built within four and a half hours. Islands are literally numbered one to five to display they're level of danger.not only that but you were practically spoon fed each advancement in the game, it feels like it was taken from a greatly ambitious open world, exploration survival game that would take months to finish and achieve everything in. To now being an arcade style iphone app game catered to ten year olds that would foolishly enter their parents card details in order to buy 10,000 roblox coins.
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Les produits gratuits le sont-ils vraiment ?86 621 vues86 k vues•19 nov. 2018 2,9 k J'aime ce contenu 53 Je n'aime pas ce contenu Partager Partager Enregistrer 2 948 / 53 Le Monde Le Monde Validé 864 k abonnés S'abonner Pour fidéliser leurs clients ou en attirer de nouveaux, les entreprises distribuent parfois gratuitement leurs produits. Par exemple Facebook, Wikipédia ou encore les journaux gratuits semblent ne rien coûter. Et pourtant, ils ne sont pas tout à fait gratuits. A y regarder de plus près, il y a forcément quelqu’un qui paie pour le bien ou le service. Le client ? La publicité ? Les subventions ? D’autres acheteurs ? Dessine-moi l’éco fait le point sur les modèles qui donnent parfois l’illusion qu’un produit peut être gratuit.
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Est-ce que ça sert à quelque chose de faire des études ?
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Oh, and of course, there’s the fact that “sit on the ground” is mapped to the same control as “strangle the nearest person”, which can apparently lead to some pretty robust brainstorming sessions.
I love this!
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Guide to shooting 360° video
Think 360 drama
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La famille n'a plus internet en plein confinement
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LCP LE MAG Ma cité confinée Diffusée le 02/05/2020 Ahmed Tazir, journaliste à LCP-AN, habite dans la cité Pablo Picasso, à Nanterre ; un quartier reconnaissable de loin à ses tours "nuages", construites dans les années 70 aux portes de Paris. Comment cette cité, dont le taux de pauvreté est l'un des plus élevés de France, vit-elle le confinement ?
Devant la caméra d'Ahmed Tazir , se croisent des familles monoparentales, un épicier, des associatifs et un sans-papier. Ils racontent l'école difficile à la maison, la nourriture trop chère…
Ici plus qu'ailleurs, le confinement est une épreuve, même si la solidarité cimente l'esprit de quartier.
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à 00:03:51 témoignage du maire de Mouans Sartoux passage au 100% bio en 4 ans. Création d'une régie agricole communale. 1200 repas jour
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