659 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2021
    1. Then recently I was shopping at the John Lewis website, and they brought up the Verified By Visa page in an iframe - wonderful! I'm still looking at the John Lewis site, and all that's happening is I'm being asked for my Verified By Visa password - no problem. Although as a web developer I know that there's no technical difference between that and a plain old redirect-there-redirect-back, the user experience is so much better!
  2. Jan 2021
    1. From morn to night

      We started the poem at the beginning of the day and now end at night. Not only does this show the "circle motif" in this poem - what I mean is how "all things come to a close" and then restart anew - but it also parallels the journey of the youth, from being naive and blissful to being to falling victim to that naivety and becoming unaware of their fictitious bliss in the unknown; the journey leads to isolation from reality.

    2. folly=inescapable

      Blake shows how youth can be unaware that they have been corrupted. When they are brought down a path of ignorance, they become trapped in the dark, unless a light appears to guide them. Youth have few doubts, and when that is fed into, they continue without doubts, content with not having opposing views and nuance - stuck in their own folly.

    3. Doubt is fled=stuck to their opinions

      Doubt is fled seems very much like a point on the youths lack of internal questioning. They do not think there is room for doubt, as they must be right - a point made from their lack of understanding the nuance of truth and reality.

    4. delight=bliss in not understanding?

      Does this mean that there is delight in not understanding truth? It is the youths who are delighted, relating to their lack of experience.

      p.s This poem is taken from Selected Poetry and Prose of Blake (section Songs of Experience)

    1. We talked, for example, about how stores and governments were adding new rules and social distancing guidelines, often communicated through purely visual means, like stickers on the floor and printed signs. Mr. Johnston acknowledged that it was a tough new time for businesses, but shared that he faces new types of exclusion as a result.

      this just makes me wonder how society in general will cope with this. Companies nay be more sensitive to all these challenges COVID has pushed in fast forward mode.

      This is not only about designers being in the front seat of the business development plan, is about we as users setting-up these expectations!

  3. Dec 2020
    1. It took faaaaaaaaaaaaar too long to signup at this site to reply to you. This site rejected the real address I use for amazon, username.place@cocaine.ninja so I created an email address that I'll never check again just to signup here. I have zero tolerance for spam.
    2. no post edit, eh?Fine.
    1. YouTube recommendation algorithms pushing alt-right conspiracy theories, deepfake videos going viral . . .

      My personal experience is the youtube always recommand me to watch some video wich doubt is the Apolo 11 real? And some other conspiracy theories, after that, I found that I like this kind of video.

  4. Nov 2020
    1. Include the ability to dismiss or decline the promotion. Remember the user's preference if they do this and only re-prompt if there's a change in the user's relationship with your content such as if they signed in or completed a purchase.
    2. Keep promotions outside of the flow of your user journeys. For example, in a PWA login page, put the call to action below the login form and submit button. Disruptive use of promotional patterns reduces the usability of your PWA and negatively impacts your engagement metrics.
    1. because we still remember the quality of service that the restaurant gave us.

      This is pretty much what Service Design, (Digital) Product Design and User Experience Design professionals are (or at least should be) concerned about.

    2. From the restaurant’s perspective, the service-boundaries in time were quite short

      This reminded me of the marketing concept "Moments of truth" by A.G. Lafley (P&G), name ZMOT-FMOT-SMOT-TMOT - In my conference talk "Real, mental, virtual - Maps and reference points in the stores" that I gave back in 2012 at New Media Conference I briefly touched this subject.

      Moment of truth (marketing)) Zero moment of truth (ZMOT) decision-making moment - Think with Google

    1. When you’re implementing a bad plan yourself, instead of having a mentor bail you out by fixing it, a few really useful things happen:You learn many more details about why it was a bad idea. If someone else tells you your plan is bad, they’ll probably list the top two or three reasons. By actually following through, you’ll also get to learn reasons 4–1,217.You spend about 100x more time thinking about how you’ll avoid ever making that type of mistake again, i.e., digesting what you’ve learned and integrating it into your overall decision-making.By watching my mistakes and successes play out well or badly over the course of months, I was able to build much more detailed, precise models about what does and doesn’t matter for long-term codebase health. Eventually, that let me make architectural decisions with much more conviction.

      There's a benefit to embarking on a challenge without a more experienced authority to bail you out.

      • You learn many more details about why it's a bad idea.
      • The lessons you learn in terms of how to avoid the mistakes you made stick with you longer

      (I would add that the experience is more visceral, it activates more modalities in your brain, and you remember it much more clearly.)

      These types of experiences result in what the author calls more "detailed, precise models". For me they result in a sort of intuition.

  5. Oct 2020
    1. We know children don’t get sick just during office hours. At our evening and weekend Urgent Care Clinic in Bellevue, your child’s minor illness or injury will be treated by our team of pediatric experts
    1. but they should be engaging, because this leads to students beingmore motivated to learn and succeed.The possibilities of how students interact with content and with each other are greatly expanded in a hybrid course; just having themread articles online and then meet to discuss themin-class, for example, takes no real advantage of a class format that can otherwise be a transformative experience.

      This article, published by the College of DuPage, gives an introduction to hybrid learning environments. The authors outline the benefits of hybrid learning, how to utilize time wisely, the student experience (both in person and online), and how to structure and plan hybrid courses.

      Rating: 6/10

  6. Sep 2020
    1. la capacité de concentration des élèves de maternelle variait selon leur milieu social. Ces recherches ont débouché sur un programme d'exercices spécifiques, destiné aux écoles de l'État accueillant des enfants défavorisés.

      à 7.56 expérience américaine "créer des connexions"


    1. The functionality gap between all of the bundlers has been narrowing over the years, and these days, it’s not so much functionality that matters, but rather the developer experience.
    1. Several interviews and workshops have been conducted to investigate integrated information technology support for crisis response management in the SoKNOS project(SoKNOS 2009)

      Similar to the "expert interviews" approach to understand the design space and required resources from an expert PoV (used in PCS design).

    1. In general, my focus has shifted from optimization to DX. Partly because Svelte does a lot of the heavy lifting. For things that can be optimized on a need-to basis, I would rarely sacrifice DX.
    1. Thus, Confucius meditated upon water; and the Confucian Xunzi later attempted to systematize the relationship between water’s various forms and people’s moral qualities. This assumption of a correspondence between the principles which inform both water and human conduct was not limited to the Confucians; it was generally assumed in all early philosophical texts. Nor was the imagery the provenance of any particular school. For example, water which moves forward without force, giving life to everything, is described in Xunzi as ‘wuwei’ (without action) or (doing nothing) a term that is particularly associated with Daoism.

      CONTEXT: Shuen-fu Lin addresses "the sage", the person with the highest spiritual attainment who was first emulated and thought of in the Wei-Jin movement, following the Han Dynasty. The sage allows the innate tendencies and has all five of the human emotions addressed in the passage, but "...does not act, complies, and does not implement. He eliminates what leads things astray and gets rid of what confuses them." The sage is addressed as exhibiting qualities of both the Daoist way of life and the Confucianist way. The sage is like the image of water that is an unattainable, sage-like, presence and moral conduct, desired by both Daoist and Confucianist beliefs. "Gentlemen" look at water in awe, gazing upon the perfection of its inaction and lack of effort in attaining its intellect, beauty, and respect. The water has of "ziran", or perhaps, is "ziran" that humans are able to express communion with nature and nonpurposive action. This word is also described as spontaneously existing and being "so oneself" -nothing acting behind them. Water does not decide or dwell for too long, it just exists in movement and in detachment which I think human beings desire greatly.

      Cai, Zongqi. Chinese Aesthetics: The Ordering of Literature, the Arts, and the Universe in the Six Dynasties. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2004.

      RELATE: In 'The Experience of Nature' by Rachel and Stephen Kaplan, human action and thought is addressed as influenced by our setting/environment whether the setting require immediate responsive action or the response take place in a slower, observational method varies. The authors write, "People are particularly aware of information that is visual, that concerns what they see. That does not mean that people interpret the information in visual terms exclusively; rather, visual stimuli are effective in conjuring associated information. The sight of water provides information about potential opportunities which may or may not be visual in themselves" (Kaplan, 4). Reverie from observation that allows self reflection, thought free from distraction, and intuitive action is typically included in our broader categorization of landscape qualities when we discuss as landscape architects. Human reaction to landscape is so much bigger than the texture, color, or even kinesthetic feeling within the place and can be thought of as artwork in addition- prompting development of thought even subconsciously within the the one experiencing.

      Kaplan, Rachel, and Stephen Kaplan. The Experience of Nature: A Psychological Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989.

    1. the caregiver and the quality of the relationship (33), functioning as a mediator of attachment experiences (34). These representations tend to be extended into adulthood (17). In certain cases, parents are not able to provide a safe haven for their children, offering them frightening or unpredictable caregiving (27). As a consequence, experiences of interpersonal trauma can be detrimental to the core conceptual system (35) and can become permanently imprinted in an individual’s internal working model (31), including ensuing long-lasting effects on attachment and interpersonal relationships in later life

      Abuse can start as early as infancy and continue to affect the child into adulthood.

      I was correct when I said that I think the lack of nurture as a child and the lack of parents affect my confidence and the way that I view relationships.

      Childhood is where you begin to develop confidence... think self soothing. When they don't fear things continuously they feel same and they feel secure.

  7. Aug 2020
  8. Jul 2020
    1. It also makes going to sleep hard because my anxiety likes to attack me when I’m laying in the darkness with nothing but my thoughts.

      Wow this is not a consequence I anticipated - can they still dream?

    2. it’s like an impression of a creative thought.

      Interesting psych theory - is imagination more linked to thought that visualization???

    3. I’m confused because although I can’t see things I am incredibly creative and imaginative.

      Can you 'imagine' without a mind's eye?

    1. In fact, developers often tend to forget a simple, almost elementary fact: if users want to close the application or leave a site, they will — doesn’t matter which obstacles are placed on their path to the exit-button. The more obstacles there are the more negative the user experience will be.
    2. Users also don’t like to deal with dozens of opened tabs and some visitors tend to become quickly angry with the disabled back button. Furthermore, some visitors may not even realize that a new window was opened and hit the back-button mercilessly — without any result. That’s not user-friendly, and that’s not a good user experience we, web designers, strive for.
    1. Matamala-Gomez. M., Brivio E., Chirico. A., Malighetti. C., Realdon. O., Serino. S., Dakanalis. A., Corno. G., Polli. N., Cacciatore. C., Riva. Giuseppe., Mantovani. F (2020) User Experience and usability of a new virtual reality set-up to treat eating disorders: a pilot study. PsyArXiv Preprints. Retrieved from: https://psyarxiv.com/b38ym/

  9. Jun 2020
    1. Prefactoring is the application of experience to the creation of new software systems. Its relationship to its namesake refactoring is that lessons learned from refactoring are part of that experience.
    1. Barry, D., Buchanan, L., Cargill, C., Daniel, A., Delaquérière, A., Gamio, L., Gianordoli, G., Harris, R., Harvey, B., Haskins, J., Huang, J., Landon, S., Love, J., Maalouf, G., Matthews, A., Mohamed, F., Moity, S., Royal, D.-C., Ruby, M., & Weingart, E. (2020, May 27). Remembering the 100,000 Lives Lost to Coronavirus in America. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/05/24/us/us-coronavirus-deaths-100000.html

  10. May 2020
  11. Apr 2020
    1. There will be those within organisations that won't be too keen on the approaches above due to the friction it presents to some users.
    2. This is one possible path to take in that you simply reject the registration and ask the user to create another password. Per NIST's guidance though, do explain why the password has been rejected:
    3. I suggest being very clear that there has not been a security incident on the site they're logging into and that the password was exposed via a totally unrelated site

      (also the above image)

    1. By rendering important parts of the application with the real data on the server-side, an isomorphic application can show a meaningful initial page. On the other hand, client rendering application can’t show any meaningful information until it fetches all external data it needs. In the meantime, the only thing a user will see is a loading indicator.
    1. One of the drawbacks of waiting until someone signs in again to check their password is that a user may simply stay signed in for a long time without signing out. I suppose that could be an argument in favor of limiting the maximum duration of a session or remember-me token, but as far as user experience, I always find it annoying when I was signed in and a website arbitrarily signs me out without telling me why.
  12. Mar 2020
    1. It won't let me go beyond this page. I'm sure I've answered the CAPTCHA correctly at least some of the 10+ times I've tried. What's going on?

      I can't even access their static website to find contact information for how to contact them about this problem!

    1. Robots are currently suffering extreme discrimination due to a few false assumptions, mainly that they’re distinctly separate actors from humans. My point of view is that robots and humans often need to behave in the same way, so it’s a fruitless and pointless endeavour to try distinguishing them.
    1. For years, the most used solution was to add an ugly captcha to the form, with some hard to read letters, numbers etc on an image. The user had to type these in an input field. The spambots have a hard time reading these images: problem solved!But this solution is not very user-friendly: it’s ugly, and annoys users so much you might lose conversions.
  13. Feb 2020
    1. How to Serve Customers Better in 2020? 4.6 Thank you for your rating! Why not leave a message? Any additional feedback or questions are welcome below. Your Name Your Email Address Phone Number Message the Author Cancel By Shiv | Contact Author 3 minutes ago Serving customers is the primary motive of a business but, providing better customer service makes a real difference, here, the guide to serve customers better Serving customers is the primary motive for any business but, providing a better and improving customer service is what makes a real difference. Don’t you think? What comes to your mind when I say “E-commerce”? 99.99% of the time it’s “Amazon”, it's not because it is famous although it is an important factor, the customer service provided by Amazon is exceptional. This is the quote by Jeff Bezos, the founder of the e-commerce giant and the world’s richest man- “If there’s one reason we have done better than of our peers in the Internet space over the last six years, it is because we have focused like a laser on customer experience, and that really does matter, I think, in any business. It certainly matters online, where word-of-mouth is so very, very powerful.”                                                                                      -Jeff Bezos He also encourages businesses to optimize businesses to become more customer-oriented. The key to the success of small business ideas into a very successful enterprise is the products and services being customer-centric. In this article, we have curated 5 best tips to better serve your customers better in 2020- Create an Amazing Customer Journey Process The customer journey process is the process that your customer has to follow in order to finally use your product. Creating an effective customer journey process is essential for every business and this is the point where every business lacks. By mapping the customer journey process you can get an idea of what, where and how your customer thinks, feels and solves their problems. When you work on this process, you can enhance your customer experience and get insight into your audience. After you have mapped the customer’s journey process, it’s time to optimize it. Optimizing this process regularly helps the customers in buying your product without any problem or issue. That’s our goal! Build Your Brand Image Customer service and brand image both are directly proportional to each other meaning when you increase or decrease one the factor in this equation the other is going to change. Having a reputable brand image in your niche attracts natural leads and valuable customers towards your brand. There are a lot of ways of increasing your brand image in the market, You would want your brand image to be appealing and attractive for your clients. One of the best ways to build your brand image is by using elements of the visual branding in your business. There are multiple layers of branding your business and developing a reputable business image, therefore, you should be improving your reputation via reputation management. Use Promotional Tools for Marketing Marketing is essential if you want your business to grow. There are different types of marketing that you would want to implement in your business and it totally depends on your business which type of marketing you want to implement. When speaking broadly, there are two types of marketing- online and offline which can be further bifurcated into precise categories, but the concept of online and offline remains the same among its sub-categories only the medium varies. For offline marketing, you can use a business card to attract customers, flyers, posters, etc. and for online marketing, you can use social media, website, SEO, etc. Solve Your Customer’s Pain Points The customer’s pain points are the specific areas where your customer is experiencing issues. When you work on these issues you tend to move your business more towards the customer-oriented business. Your customer can be experiencing problems in different areas like during sales, after-sale, beginning, etc. It’s your job to solve these issues in order to wake your business to the next level. Engage your Customer on Multiple Platforms Social media is a great platform to engage with your customers and communicate with customers directly. There are different platforms that you can use to engage your customers like your website, social media, customer rating sites, etc. Conclusion You can use all these methods to improve the customer experience that EveryDesigns uses to serve them better. The implementation of these tips is what’s going to make a change in your business growth. This is where planning and strategizing become very important. You should always plan your moves and execution strategy. Tags Serve Customers / customer service management

      Serving customers is the primary motive of a business but, providing better customer service makes a real difference, here, the guide to serve customers better in 2020.

  14. Dec 2019
  15. Nov 2019
    1. In Philadelphia, a small group of transit riders sat down to talk about what sucks about the bus. “What is it about the bus?” the interviewer said, and they were off.“They got to stop at every corner,” one rider said. “That’s going to be an inconvenience if you are trying to get someplace fast.”“They don’t come,” said another. “Like, you will just wait at the corner and they don’t come. And sometimes the bus will come but it will just go right by you, so you have to wait for the next one. It happens way too much for me.”

      in person experiences with bad transit

  16. Oct 2019
    1. For the uninitiated, Granny Smith was Maria Ann Smith, a resident of the area who in 1868 "accidentally" grew the first batch of green apples that now bear her name.

      Yes, good thinking. Throw in a truthful fact or two. Impressive!

    2. Labor councillors are suspicious about Mr Booth's pageant. In 2014, then councillor George Simon - now assistant general secretary of NSW Labor - called for the "archaic" event to be killed off.

      This is a great example of the risks involved in using background paragraphs from incomplete coverage. George Simon will no doubt be over the moon that you've given him a plug, along with his courageous but failed efforts to kill off the event.

      It's likely you found your re-used paragraph in the story previewing George Simon's courageous failure. Unfortunately, The Hasbeen was MIA when the motion was shot down in flames.

      But your competitor - and also TWT competitor - News Ltd's (NDT) report on failed attempt to ban Queen Questl was there at the meeting in which the motion suffered a humiliating defeat.

      Even a niche womens issues publication, Womens Agenda, noted George Simon was branded a wanker for his bungled efforts..

      Nevermind, you're not expected to get everything right as a work experience student, but you'll be relieved to know someone in the former Fairfax - now Nine - publishing empire did.

      Watch and learn how the pros like Peter Munro do it. In his 'Six Degrees' column he mentioned Simon was chastised for his fruitless cruisade by Yellow Wiggle Emma Watkins.

      That was a report, of course, before Simon ended up with egg on his face, as was the earlier one selectively regurgitated.

      But surely you could have also regurgitated these John Booth pearlers from the same story:

      Mr Booth said contestants were judged on responses to questions about local knowledge, ambition and involvement in the community: "Beauty doesn't come into it - but we don't penalise them for being beautiful either.

      "They're trying to make it out as disparaging to women but it's politically correct rubbish. There's no swimsuit competition and most judges are women," Mr Booth said. "Two women's libbers [councillors] tried to [cut support for the contest] a few years ago but they got voted down 10-2."

      And on Simon's spectacular failure - one of many:

      "That nitwit?" Mr Booth said. "I'm thinking about mocking him up in a dress and Orphan Annie wig in our next edition. I haven't decided yet".

    3. At first blush

      Work experience student from The Shrinking Morbid Hasbeen (SMH) kicks off with a crusty cliche. Journalists back at the office he's been supporting with coffee runs impressed they've been matched for mediocrity.

    1. He is five feet four and he hardly ever weighs more than a hundred pounds.

      From the common experience, this is the substandard for most American males. The average adult American male is 5 feet 9 inches tall and 195.7 pounds.


  17. Sep 2019
    1. How to Use Psychology in Web Design – A Complete Guide

      With years of experience in the web designing industry, we’ve delivered hundreds of projects for our clients that have significantly increased the business conversion rates for them, using our web design psychology.

  18. Aug 2019
    1. "But in moving towards flat design we are losing much of the wisdom that was embedded in the old 3D style of UI, for example: a user must be able to glance at a screen and know what is an interactive element (e.g., a button or link) and what is not (e.g., a label or motto); a user must be able to tell at a glance what an interactive element does (does it initiate a process, link to another page, download a document, etc.?); the UI should be explorable, discoverable and self-explanatory. But many apps and websites, in the interest of a clean, spartan visual appearance, leave important UI controls hidden until the mouse hovers over just the right area or the app is in just the right state. This leaves the user in the dark, often frustrated and disempowered."
    1. that they are often technology-driven without the involvement of the end user

      O desafio é envolver o usuário. Usar o design centrado no usuário (human centered design.

    2. starts with understanding and influencing the experience of patients for the best possible outcome.

      Papel inicial do design é entender a experiência do paciente.

    1. When researchers at Johns Hopkins gave psilocybin to healthy participants with no history of hallucinogen use, nearly eighty percent reported that their experiences "increased their current sense of personal well-being or life satisfaction 'moderately' or 'very much'"—effects that persisted for more than a year.‌
  19. Jul 2019
    1. Unfortunately, misguided views about usability still cause significant damage in today's world. In the 2000 U.S. elections, poor ballot design led thousands of voters in Palm Beach, Florida to vote for the wrong candidate, thus turning the tide of the entire presidential election. At the time, some observers made the ignorant claim that voters who could not understand the Palm Beach butterfly ballot were not bright enough to vote. I wonder if people who made such claims have never made the frustrating "mistake" of trying to pull open a door that requires pushing. Usability experts see this kind of problem as an error in the design of the door, rather than a problem with the person trying to leave the room.
    2. The web, in yet another example of its leveling effect, allows nearly everyone to see nearly every interface. Thus designers can learn rapidly from what others have done, and users can see if one web site's experience is substandard compared to others.
  20. Jun 2019
    1. In 1953 I realized that the straight line leads to the downfall of mankind. But the straight line has become an absolute tyranny. The straight line is something cowardly drawn with a rule, without thought or feeling; it is the line which does not exist in nature. And that line is the rotten foundation of our doomed civilization. Even if there are places where it is recognized that this line is rapidly leading to perdition, its course continues to be plotted. ..Any design undertaken with the straight line will be stillborn. Today we are witnessing the triumph of rationalist know-how and yet, at the same time, we find ourselves confronted with emptiness. An aesthetic void, dessert of uniformity, criminal sterility, loss of creative power. Even creativity is prefabricated. We are no longer able to create. That is our real illiteracy.   Friedensreich Hundertwasser
  21. May 2019
  22. Feb 2019
    1. !..�P'�r\0CA \= e,;4 ��'-"-'

      Could empirical data made up of experiences present in the form of an ethnography? Or autoethnography? I'm not sure if this is what you were getting at here, but it is a thought that came to mind!

    2. hari-

      There's a strong call for the primacy of experience here, likely stemming from Hume's emphasis on an epistemology generated through sensory input. In this instance, the concept of charity is only realized through acts of charity, not simply the symbolic gesture of the word through vocalization.

  23. Jan 2019
  24. www.at-the-intersection.com www.at-the-intersection.com
    1. factors. Number one is like where, where the trader is at in their life. For me, this is what I'm doing full time. I don't have like a real income stream coming in, so I'm living off my savings.
    2. I'm trading these who has these like how to videos, video tutorials and they really go in to the nitty gritty. I think they also have like a Wiki fac or like a wiki tutorial that is just like a whole encyclopedia of trading view and have every indicator you want, you click it and it expands and you can read about everything
    3. on me. At first it seemed clunky and slow, but now I understand like it's just very like logical, uh, from like a Ux perspective.
    4. I would say intermediate.
    5. ould be beginner, novice, intermediate, some other type of intermediate higher, and then maybe maybe advanced.
    6. Yes. Experience is so much people, I talk to people now, people at varying skill levels with various experience and crypto and they, a lot of them are just saying like, they're just losing interest at these prices and this is exactly what was happening when I went through in 2011, 2014.
    7. I don't. Um, I would like to get to that point. I would argue that I'm still too much of a novice at this point to do that.
    8. Coinagy I actually still usually prefer to use to buy on Bittrex because I'm usually signed into Coinagy for the simpllicity. And if I have money in multiple areas, I can do it all from one platform. And because I just, I hate Bittrex. They redid their entire platform. I think they dropped the ball
    1. That’s true not just within the classroom environment, but in the web of interactions students experience

      Subtle call for more cross-campus collaborations between faculty and administration. A productive form of shared governance.

    1. No technique, no professional skill can be acquired without exercise; nor can the art of living, the technê tou biou, be learned without askesis that should be understood as a training of the self by oneself.

      Like any other skill, living "well," which differs depending on the person, requires lived experience. It involves navigating life through achievements and failures through which skills are acquired.

    2. As an element of self-training, writing has, to use an expression that one finds in Plutarch, an ethopoietic function: it is an agent of the transformation of truth into ethos.

      This reminds me of Robert Yagelski's Writing as a Way of Being, where writing as the act, the experience, is what's valuable, not so much the product that results. The experience of writing allows a transformation of the writer.

  25. Dec 2018
    1. hard work and exploration are valued over always knowing the right answer.

      The open program does this, to an extent. How can this be improved upon?

  26. Nov 2018
    1. As with other forms of value-based health care, patient-centered care requires a shift in the way provider practices and health systems are designed, managed, and reimbursed. In keeping with the tenets of patient-centeredness, this shift neither happens in a vacuum, it driven by traditional hierarchies in which providers or clinicians are the lone authority. Everyone, from the parking valet and environmental services staff to c-suite members, are engaged in the process, which impacts hiring, training, leadership style, and organizational culture. Patient-centered care also represents a shift in the traditional roles of patients and their families from one of passive “order taker” to one of active “team member.” One of the country’s leading proponents of patient-centered care, Dr. James Rickert, has stated that one of the basic tenets of patient-centered care is that “patients know best how well their health providers are meeting their needs.” To that end, many providers are implementing patient satisfaction surveys, patient and family advisory councils, and focus groups, and using the resulting information to continuously improve the way health care facilities and provider practices are designed, managed, and maintained from both a physical and operational perspective so they become centered more on the individual person than on a checklist of services provided. As the popularity of patient- and family-centered health care increases, it is expected that patients will become more engaged and satisfied with the delivery of their care, and evidence of its clinical efficacy should continue to mount.

      Cultural shift to patient-centered care

    1. Deyo et al. (8) demonstrated a reduction in the adverse impact of inadequate health literacy in the neurosurgical field. The impact of an interactive videodisc program that informs patients of their treatment options for back surgery on patient outcome and surgical choices was evaluated. The program helped facilitate decision making and ensured informed consent. It also reduced surgery rates for patients with herniated disks. The authors of this study also implemented the use of patient-oriented multimedia to augment comprehension and advocated a similar strategy for other clinicians. Further commitment is needed to put health literacy at the forefront of improving health care and reducing health expenditures, especially in neurosurgery.
    1. Adult Graduate Student VoicesGood and Bad Learning Experiences

      This article reviews a longitudinal study of graduate students in a Master's degree program that collected both good and bad learning experiences. The comments collect from the participants resulted in themes that were repeated throughout all three years of comments. The comments were compiled to and reviewed to determine adult student perspectives on the learning process. The authors noted that their is a need to balance suppor of students with challenging students. This is a ground work of student perspective and requires further investigation to implement appropriate changes and then review student perspective after the changes.

      Rating: 7/10

  27. Oct 2018
  28. cloud.degrowth.net cloud.degrowth.net
    1. There are all these different structures. Thirdly, we need to inter-pollinate, and share these experiences. We need the culture of dialogue. We need to learn how to communicate in different ways- to share patterns, dance, paint etc. Finally, I would like to call it a carnival, and not a confluence- including different worlds,
    1. the final call will have to come from the human in the loop.

      Do you agree that AI is incapable of decision-making, and that a human will always have to make the final call? Why or why not? How might this vary in different fields, including the ones you are interested in pursuing?

    1. implicit gender bias

      Have you ever experienced or witnessed implicit gender bias? Share your thoughts with a classmate of a different gender.

    2. Sadly, these patriarchal attitudes prevail today.

      Do you think this is a fair claim? What examples of patriarchal attitudes can you think of in Singapore?

      You may include photos, videos, or hyperlinks.

  29. Sep 2018
    1. implicit gender bias

      Have you ever experienced or witnessed implicit gender bias? Share your thoughts with a classmate of a different gender.

    2. Sadly, these patriarchal attitudes prevail today.

      Do you think this is a fair claim? What examples of patriarchal attitudes can you think of in Singapore?

    1. A bit of a personal connection here, but I participate in activities such as these! I recently started my own fanart blog and the feedback I've received boosted my confidence in my art! It also pushed me to improve my technique and learn new styles!

      There's a huge difference between drawing art for a blog and for education. When you're drawing for your blog, it's up to you to push yourself to learn and whatnot. In a way, it's easier to do because you get to choose what you learn, but it's also a nonlinear type of learning. While a professor will typically push you on a linear path on what skills to learn.

  30. Aug 2018
    1. ut it will also have to come to terms with confronting 'the Other' (Fabian, 1983), with 'the curious asymmetry' still prevailing as a result of advanced industrial societies receiving a mainly endogenous and synchronic analytic treatment, while 'developing' societies are often seen in exogenous, diachronic terms. Study of 'Time and the Other' presupposes, often implicitly, that the Other lives in another time, or at least on a different time-scale. And indeed, when looking at the integrative but also potentially divisive 'timing' facilitated by modern communication and information-processing technology, is it not correct to say that new divisions, on a temporal scale, are being created between those who have access to such devices and those who do not? Is not one part of humanity, despite globalization, in danger of being left behind, in a somewhat anachronistic age?

      Nowotny argues that "the Other" (non-western, developing countries, Global South -- my words, not hers) is presumed to be on a different time scale than industrial societies. Different "cultural variations and how societal experience shapes the construction of time and temporal reference..."

      This has implications for ICT devices.

    2. At present, information and communication technologies con-tinue to reshape temporal experience and collective time consciousness (Nowotny, 1989b)

      Get this paper.

      Nowotny, H. (1989b) 'Mind, Technologies, and Collective Time Consciousness', in J. T. Fraser (ed.) Time and Mind, The Study of Time VI, pp. 197-216. Madison, CT: International Universities Press.

  31. Jul 2018
    1. er. Each of these choices reflect power dynamics and conflicting tensions. Desires for ‘presence’ or singular focus often conflict with obligations to be responsive and integrate ‘work’ and ‘life

      Are these power dynamics/tensions: actor or agent-based? individual or technical? situational or contextual? deliberate or autonomous?

    2. How do we understand such mosaictime in terms of striving for balance? Temporal units are rarely single-purpose and their boundaries and dependencies are often implicit. What sociotemporal values should we be honoring? How can we account for time that fits on neither side of a scale? How might scholarship rethink balance or efficiency with different forms of accounting, with attention to institutions as well as individuals?

      Design implication: What heuristics are involved in the lived experience and conflicts between temporal logic and porous time?

    3. rid. The apparent equivalency of thesetime chunksmask the affective experiences and emotional intensities of lived temporality

      Lived experience spotlights the tension/stress between managing chunkable time vs accepting spectral time.

      How to accommodate unequal units of time? Or units that have different contextual meanings?

    4. What would it look like to more explicitly acknowledge power dynamics in information and communication technologies? In the tradition of critical and reflective design [50], how might CSCW scholarship think about designing technologies that ‘protect’ users from temporal obligations and render messiness and disorganization a possible way of engaging with time?

      Design implication: What if porous time was considered a feature not a bug?

      How to better integrate personal agency/autonomy and values into a temporal experience?

      How could a temporal artifact better support a user flexibly shifting/adapting temporal logic to a lived experience?

  32. Mar 2018
    1. What’s more, the many options offered in “What is DH?” pieces rarely clarify the question

      This is true. When I first heard about digital humanities my instincts led me to Google the term for more information and an explicit definition. What I found was many articles talking about everything BUT the definition of the term.

  33. Jan 2018
    1. They focus on what happens at the time of the trip or stay, eventually taking into account the preparations and ensuing memories. On the other hand, these works do not pay attention to the way in which the instantaneous experience falls within the individual’s life trajectory, or in which way it depends on a previous tourist experience and influences subsequent experiences1.

      This is interesting!

  34. Oct 2017
    1. Table 1. Characteristics of people interviewed for this study.

      The thumbnail preview of the table is irritating in that it suggests there are only three content rows in the table, when there are several times as many.

  35. Sep 2017
  36. Aug 2017
    1. T. Nagel (1974) argues that some facts can only be captured ‘from a subjective perspective’ and uses his famous example of bats to illustrate the point: Even if we knew everything there is to know ‘from an objective perspective’ about a bat's sonar system, certain factual questions concerning bats would remain unanswered. We still would not know ‘what it is like’ to perceive a given object with a bat's sonar system.
    2. the Martian would be lacking completely in the sort of imagery and empathy which depends on familiarity (direct acquaintance) with the kinds of qualia to be imaged or empathized.
    3. advantages of knowledge by acquaintance over knowledge by description
  37. Mar 2017
    1. expressing their inner lives, whether consciously or unconsciously, and she attempts to represent her own inner life in her novels

      Seems as though she believes the most successful novels stem from true experience, I wonder where we have heard that before.

    1. telling the truth about my own experiences as a body

      Woolf is so difficult because of her contradictions.She often seems to advocate that there is some essence in women which they haven't been able to discover; but here she seems to suggest a lower-case "truth," in which truth is confined to individual experience. I wonder if the contradictions of her text are part of her mission for "elasticity."

  38. Feb 2017
    1. Discovery is based on experience (observation, experiment, and tes· timony);

      So true. Our experience dictates what we see, do, and say. It's the same experience we all have with our classes. We need prerequisites in order to take certain classes. Why? So, we discover the "right" aspects of the class.

    1. if lhe principal content of Methodist spiritual discourse comprised accounts of one's own spiritual progress, then training in biblical scholanihip, theology, and rhetoric, all largely unavailable lo women, was not required for such preuching

      This is the first week we've read about speakers who, not only weren't academics, but were actually in positions where academia wasn't valued or even a possible detriment: experience is most valued in Methodist preaching, and Douglass was used to describe the experience of slavery; sometimes his intelligence even hurt his credibility as an actual former slave. I'm curious how/if Methodist spiritual discourse and Douglass challenge Campbell and Hume's takes on experience.

    2. decisive emotional experienc

      A very compelling phrase here in terms of rhetoric with its triple emphasis on decision, emotions and experience.

    1. The authorities responded by citing findings from large epidemiologic studies, but much of the press coverage highlighted anecdotal accounts and human-interest stories.

      Campbell argues pretty heavily for testimony as a solid form of evidence (pages 919-20).

    2. But no one had claimed that the steel had melted, only that it had gotten hot enough to weaken and collapse, which it did.

      Campbell: "The like may be said of what is melted, or hardened, or otherwise altered by it. If then, for the first time, I try the influence of fire on any fossil, or other substance, whatever be the effect, I readily conclude that fire will always produce a similar effect on similar bodies. This conclusion is not founded on this single instance, but on this instance compared with a general experience of the regularity of this clement in all its operation" (918).

    1. that there is some foundation for the prelerencc of one man's taste to that of another, or that there is a good and a bad, a right and a wrong in taste, as in other things.

      Perhaps we can link this to Campbell's idea of experience molding us and our ideas?

    1. It is precisely in the same manner, and with the same success, that you might train a dog, or accus-tom a child to expect food on your calling to him in one tone of voice, and to dread your resentment when you use another.

      The comparison of a dog and a child is a very useful way to explain, not only the notion of experience and how we come to adapt to the world, but also in saying that without experiencing human interaction being given to us, we truly are no different than beasts. Feral children and all that jazz.

    1. as the names of colours to a blind man, or sounds to a deaf man, need not here be mentioned.

      Language and its meaning is determined by each individual's unique experience.

  39. Jan 2017
    1. experience;

      This is a key term here, which Hume is very diligently working through. Experience also becomes important to the American pragmatist tradition in the late 19th/early 20th centuries.

  40. Dec 2016
    1. people live in their minds and not in life. This is the source of all of your difficulties. You are more engaged with your ideas than you are with life. Being engaged with life means that you are directly involved and are having a direct experience.
  41. Oct 2016
    1. I speak as one who knows your nature because I understand the fabric of life into which your life is interwoven, and I do not see you as separate or apart from this. I see you as part of a greater tapestry of life, a greater tapestry of life in this time, in this world, in this place, in these circumstances, for the tapestry is changing. Let us not confuse, then, your life within the world withyour life beyond, for they are different. If you think they are the same, you will underestimate your life beyond the world, and you will overestimate your life within the world, and you will make some grave misinterpretations of your abilities and your nature while you are here. You are working in a very limited context. You have physical and mental limitations while you are here. You have experienced these limitations, perhaps painfully, but you need to understand them, and you need to recognize them without self-condemnation, for you have limits. You are working through a limited vehicle in your body and a limited vehicle in your mind. The spirit of you, which we call Knowledge, must exercise its Wisdom and its beneficence and its purpose through these limited vehicles and through the circumstances that you face in everyday life.
      • "we are spirits in the material world"
      • "We are spiritual beings having a human experience"

      or as I jokingly say:

      • 'I am a Pleiadian being having a Human experience.'

      Of course you're in a limited state. Being in a body is a limited state. It's a great nuisance carrying around this hunk-feeding it, housing it, keeping it clean, clothing it, making it beautiful, keeping it comfortable and attending to its many aches and pains. A nuisance, my God! Don't you just want to fly away sometimes? But the body is the garment you wear in being in this world, and it enables you to communicate here. You don't get much attention if you don't have a body and you want to communicate. Then it is hard to get people's attention. And if you do get their attention, you scare the daylights out of them, and they never want to have an experience like that again! So, obviously, our ability to communicate with people in the world seems very limited. We still give them something, but it will arise from within them and they will think it is from themselves.


    1. Sweet Thames, run softly till I end my song

      This repetition in words seems to be a song or chant of some sort. The writer is describing all this trash around him but then jumps to the perspective of others.

  42. Sep 2016
    1. design this class, I found I was seeking an experience of learning

      Just highlighting and annotating the obvious, lest we forget. There is so much of design = pathway to objectives that I want to linger over, signal boost, Mia's fundamental point: design = the learning experience. A crucial distinction.

  43. Aug 2016
    1. In the end, most Symfony developers will be declaring each form field manually in a special class file, for each entity that needs a form. It is a painstaking and repetitive process that is somehow more tedious than writing the entire form in raw HTML.
    2. It became clear that, while Backbone is commonly referred to as a framework, its name tells the real story: it is really just a skeletal add-on to JQuery that provides a few useful features.
  44. Jul 2016
    1. Large lecture classes may go through the content too quickly for the typical student to understand. That's why so many schools follow the practice of breaking the class cohort into smaller sections led by teaching assistants.
  45. Feb 2016
    1. The viewer should be able to obtain a complete understand from various levels and mediums of information. One way to effectively convey information to the patron is through the use of technology

      Multiple senses should be activated in a museum environment