237 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. the dream, the hope, the vision, really, is that when they learn English this way, they learn it with the same proficiency as their mother tongue.

      for - investigate - question - Does this other app that allows learning another language with the proficiency of a child exist? - from TED Talk - YouTube - A word game to convey any language - Ajit Narayanan

    1. shi-ne

      for - definition - Shi-ne - Shamatha without object - open awareness - the Tibetan meditation practice of becoming aware of our habitual tendency to reify and essentialize phenomena, experiencing them as having independent, non-relational reality of their own, both for - inner phenomena (thoughts and emotions) - outer phenomena (sensations) - It also goes by two other names - Shamatha without object - open awareess - from Medium article - Heart Sutra and the nyams of Dzogchen - Aleander Vezhnevets - 2022, Sept 7 - adjacency - Tibetan shi-ne meditation - insight into our habit of reifying reality into objects - object permanence in child psychology - feral children and role of language enculturation in our constructed reality - Deep Humanity BEing journeys to give insight into deeper layer of phenomenological experience

      adjacency - between - Tibetan shi-ne meditation - insight into our habit of reifying reality into objects - object permanence in child psychology - Dr. Oliver Sacks medical case histories - feral children and absence of enculturation on human experience of reality - potential Deep Humanity BEing journeys to penetrate early deep conceptual layer - new relationship - question - Is shi-ne, in one sense attempting to get us to penetrate our deep conditioning of object permanence in our early child development years? - Before we mastered object permanence, we essentially experienced really as an undivided whole, a gestalt - To understand how non-trivial construction of object permanence is, we can read the late Dr. Oliver Sacks writing on his medical case studies of patients whose medical conditions caused them to experience reality in the danger way ordinary people do - The study of feral children also provides important insights into linguistic conditioning's role in our construction of reality - This area can inspire many important Deep Humanity BEing journeys relating - our habitual propensity to reify - object permanence - Shi-ne meditation and to offer us a way to penetrate our early deep conditioning of object permanence - Doing so allows us to get in touch with a pure, unconditioned, more primordial experience of reality free from layers of deep conceptualisation

    1. I have a great passion for the fetal brain research is that if we can really help now um how a parent is feeling it can really influence the neurod development of a child

      for - fetal brain research - help with how a parent is feeling influences neural development of a child later on - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White

    1. Michael Lewis (1981-pages 403-405, 1987-pages 429-432) has developed a model for conceptualizing the progression of self-other differentiation and the concomitant development of self-recognition

      for - Michael Lewis - child psychology - stages of self / other differentiation and self recognition

  2. Nov 2024
  3. Jun 2024
    1. like when it's time to go to school and it's okay let's put your boots on it's time to go to school no no 00:43:09 I don't want to

      for - podcast - Entangled Worlds - interviewer comment - dealing with complexity - everyday example - mother encouraging child to go to school

  4. Apr 2024
    1. Children's needs are increasingly recognized in the UI/UX design industry. Important sectors – education, gaming, and healthcare – are now seeking designers specializing in creating interactive solutions for children.

      THIS IS DRAGONS DEN GOLD - if I can make a good application I can get more work which I need because I am not rich and want lego.

    2. What are some top UX design principles when designing for kids?Some important UX design principles when designing for kids are as follows. Simplicity and clarity Interactive and engaging elements Age-appropriate content Safety and privacy Consistent feedback and rewards

      There's 5 in this list and there was 4 in the other - I think Safety and Privacy is the one additional but it's also in my proposal because I am concerned about it too.

    3. What are the unique UX needs of children?Four critical areas must be considered when designing products and services for children. Cognitive abilities Motor skills Attention span Emotional responses

      Oh awesome can I CITE this? It an online Blog okay because this is great.

    4. What is child-centric design in UI/UX?Child-centric design in UI/UX focuses on understanding and meeting the needs of children as the target audience. This approach prioritizes the needs of children, treating them as expert users and targeting their specific concerns as they interact with a product or service.

      Child-Centric UX Design

  5. Mar 2024
    1. Slavery was thus a logicaloutgrowth of the colonial class system imagined by Hakluyt. It emergedfrom three interrelated phenomena: harsh labor conditions, the treatment ofindentures as commodities, and, most of all, the deliberate choice to breedchildren so that they should become an exploitable pool of workers.

      While there is a strong thread of hierarchical male domination over women and their bodies, is some of the anti-abortion movement in the 21st century an historical appendage or outgrowth of "breeding children" as an exploitable pool of workers for capitalists?

    2. His rescue story perfectly mimicked a popular Scottish ballad ofthe day in which the beautiful daughter of a Turkish prince rescues anEnglish adventurer who is about to lose his head.
    1. What are some critical UX preferences for kids?Some necessary UX preferences for kids are as follows. Need for intuitive design Desire for engaging content Importance of feedback

      I am still trying to figure out my feedback system...

    2. We also list some best practices and design principles to ensure better quality designs for children of different ages.

      The ages thing I needed

    3. child-centric design

      Who came up with this term?

  6. Jan 2024
    1. Tracking dependent relationships between Issues and whether something is blocking another piece of work is important with any project process because it creates a central hub where everyone can communicate what’s needed without relying solely on meetings or comments to uncover important connections.
    1. Our flow is: The reporter reports an issue, and we developers create sub tasks upon that issue... in Redmine, we also had a percentage graph that would reach 100% when all sub-tasks were completed, was a great way about checking 1 item without the need to drill down all subtasks.
  7. Dec 2023
    1. https://werd.io/2023/doing-it-all

      Interesting to see what, in generations past, might have been a gendered (female) striving for "having it all" (entailing time with children, family and a career) has crossed over into the masculine space.

      Sounds like Ben's got some basic priorities set, which is really the only thing necessary. Beyond this, every parent, especially of new babies, in the W.E.I.R.D. culture is tired. By this measurement he's doing it "right". What is missing is an interpersonal culture around him of extended family and immediate community of daily interaction to help normalize his conditions. Missing this he's attempting to replace the lack of experience with this area by reaching out to his online community, which may provide a dramatically different and biased sample.

      Some of the "it takes a village" (to raise a child) still operates on many facets, but dramatically missing is the day-to-day direct care and help that many parents need.

      Our capitalistic culture has again, in this case of parenting in the W.E.I.R.D. world, managed to privatize the profits and socialize the losses. Here the losses in Ben's case are on his physical well-being (tiredness) and his mental state wondering if his case is "normal". A further loss is the erosion of his desire for a family unit and cohesion of community which the system is attempting to sever by playing on his desire to "have it all". Giving in to the pull of work at the expense of family only drives the system closer to collapse.

  8. Nov 2023
  9. Oct 2023
  10. Sep 2023
    1. "Surrendering" by Ocean Vuong

      1. He moved into United State when he was age of five. He first came to United State when he started kindergarten. Seven of them live in the apartment one bedroom and bathroom to share the whole. He learned ABC song and alphabet. He knows the ABC that he forgot the letter is M comes before N.

      2. He went to the library since he was on the recess. He was in the library hiding from the bully. The bully just came in the library doing the slight frame and soft voice in front of the kid where he sit. He left the library, he walked to the middle of the schoolyard started calling him the pansy and fairy. He knows the American flag that he recognize on the microphone against the backdrop.

  11. Aug 2023
    1. Here’s a child node. It could be a comment on the thought -- an aside, a critique, whatever. It could be something which goes under the heading.

      Lone child nodes cry out for siblings.

      When I was in middle school a teacher told me only to put a sub-bullet point in an outline only if it wasn't an orphan (if you had one sub-point it should have at least one sibling, otherwise don't include it). This was miserable advice because it ended trains of thought which might otherwise grow into something.

      On the other hand it could be better framed that if you have only one child, you should brainstorm to come up with others.

    1. The object appears to be to keep the child off the labormarket and to detain him in comparatively sanitary surround-ings until we are ready to have him go to work.




  12. Jun 2023
    1. superseded in 2015 by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), whichrelaxed directives on regular assessment.
    2. in the USA in 2001 Congress passed a new law—the ‘No ChildLeft Behind’ Act (NCLB)—which sought to increase accountability fromschools through an array of measures, one of which instructed teachers on thekind of ‘scientifically proven’ practices they must adopt in their work.
  13. May 2023
  14. Apr 2023
    1. Samuel Butler had made the phrase ‘Spare the rod and spoil the child’immortal in his satirical poem Hudibras.

      While the original proverb appears in King James Version of the Bible, Book of Proverbs 13:24, the satirical poem Hudibras is the first appearance of the quote and popularized the aphorism "spare the rod and spoil the child".



      syndication link: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hudibras&oldid=1148518740

  15. Mar 2023
    1. However, as a parent, you will always be your child to be self-reliant and at the same time you will also be concerned about their progress and safety in a new country. Call, his article will help you provide a guide on how to prepare your child for USA studies.
    1. And, my kids learned all about the inner workings of the car in areas that are usually hidden. This was an exhilarating accomplishment, and a triumph of a homeschool project. I hope to do more with the kids over the years so that they have practical life skills, and I encourage other parents to work with their children to fix the family car.
  16. Feb 2023
    1. the human being is a rational animal, whose powers of reason are brought to actuality only through education
      • how do we learn about = culture
      • except through = education?

      reference - = feral children - how were denied cultural education - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=feral

    2. education is not a merely contingent addition to the human life-form. Education is reason’s vehicle.
      • education is not just a contingent addition
      • it is the = vehicle for reason
      • the = feral child has no (cultural) education
      • so cannot reason in the way we do
  17. Jan 2023
    1. This seems to have an interesting relation to the tradition of wassailers and "luck visitors" traditions or The Christmas Mummers (1858). The song We Wish You a Merry Christmas (Roud Folk Song Index #230 and #9681) from the English West Country (Cornwall) was popularized by Arthur Warrell (1883-1939) in 1935. It contains lyrics "We won't go until we get some" in relation to figgy pudding and seems very similar in form to Mari Lwyd songs used to gain access to people's homes and hospitality. An 1830's version of the song had a "cellar full of beer" within the lyrics.

      I'm curious if the Roud Folk Song Index includes any Welsh songs or translations that have similar links? Perhaps other folk song indices (Child Ballads?) may provide clues as well?

  18. Dec 2022
    1. Children, who in our post-agricultural age are otherwise pretty useless economically, can actually be usefully employed at this stage. They love cutting things with scissors, and precision is not crucial.

      a nod to having "cards of equal size", but that precision isn't necessarily as crucial as we might suppose.

  19. Nov 2022
    1. Teaching respectful behavior (and correcting disrespectful behavior) takes consistency, calm, and follow-through

      Consistency, calm, follow-through, 太对了

    1. Lewis made it through a just a few tour dates before succumbing to the press and public's censure, and retreated back to the U.S. That doesn't mean that he was ever publicly regretful. His marriage to Myra lasted a decade
  20. Oct 2022
    1. It will doubtless be objected that to encourage young persons at the Pert Ageto browbeat, correct, and argue with their elders will render them perfectlyintolerable. My answer is that children of that age are intolerable anyhow;and that their natural argumentativeness may just as well be canalised togood purpose as allowed to run away into the sands.


    2. Trivium adapts itself with a singularappropriateness to these three ages: Grammar to the Poll-parrot, Dialectic tothe Pert, and Rhetoric to the Poetic Age.
  21. Sep 2022
    1. The cost of child poverty is not just borne by the poor. When the expenses related tolost productivity, crime, and poor health are added up, it is estimated that child povertycosts the nation between $800 billion and $1.1 trillion per year. This is vastly higherthan the estimated $90 to $111 billion per year it would take to implement a programpackage that would lift half of children out of poverty.

      The savings indicated here is almost a factor of 10! How can we not be doing this?

      Compare with statistics and descriptions from Why Fewer American Children Are Living in Poverty (New York Times, The Daily, 2022-09-26)

  22. Aug 2022
  23. Jul 2022
    1. Even though human existence in such a bare state may seem inconceivable, it is therenevertheless: every time a baby is born, a new, not yet programmed, prepersonal human is lookinginto somebody’s eyes ([27 ]: p. 133). This undeniable prepersonal presence we already call human leadsus to logically infer that humans do happen to exist prior to their personware [ 20 ,25 ,28 ]. It is thereforeour fundamental point of departure that humans are marvellous, intelligent, living cognitive agents inthemselves that can be said to exist prior to and independently of any particularly determined socialpersona. The point of acknowledging a prior prepersonal platform is not made towards arguing that ahuman can exist without any personware.

      !- for : altricial, feral children, mOTHER as the significant OTHER * The bare state of zero culture, zero social context is what each and every neonate starts with in life * The mOTHER is the most significant OTHER that begins the process of socializing and enculturating the neonate into a social system * Altrciality forces human parent into role of strong socialization * Without culture, the neonate born into the world outside the womb can become a feral child * https://www.zmescience.com/other/feature-post/feral-children/ * The state of human ferality can tell us an enormous amount of the perspective of virtually every modern, encultured person - we have a bias towards a cultural perspective because almost noone has seen from a feral perspective * Language is the gateway into the symbolosphere, where enculturated, modern humans spend a significant portion of their lives immersed in this ubiquitous, constructed, symbolic reality

  24. May 2022
    1. For example, the idea of “data ownership” is often championed as a solution. But what is the point of owning data that should not exist in the first place? All that does is further institutionalise and legitimate data capture. It’s like negotiating how many hours a day a seven-year-old should be allowed to work, rather than contesting the fundamental legitimacy of child labour. Data ownership also fails to reckon with the realities of behavioural surplus. Surveillance capitalists extract predictive value from the exclamation points in your post, not merely the content of what you write, or from how you walk and not merely where you walk. Users might get “ownership” of the data that they give to surveillance capitalists in the first place, but they will not get ownership of the surplus or the predictions gleaned from it – not without new legal concepts built on an understanding of these operations.
  25. Apr 2022
  26. Mar 2022
    1. The study’s authors suggest that this discrepancy may emerge fromdifferences in boys’ and girls’ experience: boys are more likely to play withspatially oriented toys and video games, they note, and may become morecomfortable making spatial gestures as a result. Another study, this oneconducted with four-year-olds, reported that children who were encouraged togesture got better at rotating mental objects, another task that draws heavily onspatial-thinking skills. Girls in this experiment were especially likely to benefitfrom being prompted to gesture.

      The gender-based disparity of spatial thinking skills between boys and girls may result from the fact that at an early age boys are more likely to play with spatially oriented toys and video games. Encouraging girls to do more spatial gesturing at an earlier age can dramatically close this spatial thinking gap.

    2. Studies show that children whose parents gesture a lot proceed togesture frequently themselves, and eventually to acquire expansive spoken-wordvocabularies.

      Studies show the importance of gesturing in developing children as a precursor to language. Adults who gesture more have children who gesture more as well. There also seems to be a direct correlation to the gestural vocabulary of children at 14 months and their verbal vocabulary at 4 and 1/2 years of age.

    3. Children can typically understand and act on a request to point to theirnose, for example, a full six months before they are able to form the spokenword “nose.”

      Many children are also able to begin using sign language for their needs prior to being able to use spoken language as well.

  27. Feb 2022
  28. Jan 2022
  29. Dec 2021
  30. Nov 2021
    1. SynopsisBackground: Following his conviction, pursuant to guilty plea, of two counts of driving while intoxicated with a child passenger under 15 years of age, for which he was sentenced to ten years on each count, to run concurrently, applicant filed pro se application for writ of habeas corpus alleging that conviction on both counts violated double jeopardy. Application was forwarded from the 369th District Court, Cherokee County, and the Court of Criminal Appeals, 2020 WL 5650834, concluded that applicant alleged facts that, if true, might entitle him to relief, and remanded for findings of fact and conclusions of law as to whether applicant was sentenced to multiple punishments in violation of the Double Jeopardy Clause. On remand, the District Court agreed with applicant and recommended that the second count be vacated. The Court of Criminal Appeals, 2021 WL 476471, filed and set case to determine the appropriate unit of prosecution for offenses under the statute of conviction.Holding: The Court of Criminal Appeals, Keller, P.J., held that proper unit of prosecution for offense is each act of driving, not each child occupant.
    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2021, November 2). interestingly the Singapore Health Minister also mentions “boosting through mild infections”—A concept that is currently generating much furore in the UK in the wake of the release of the JCVI minutes on child vaxx decisions 1/n [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1455445587910922240

  31. Oct 2021
    1. Forbes, H., Morton, C. E., Bacon, S., McDonald, H. I., Minassian, C., Brown, J. P., Rentsch, C. T., Mathur, R., Schultze, A., DeVito, N. J., MacKenna, B., Hulme, W. J., Croker, R., Walker, A. J., Williamson, E. J., Bates, C., Mehrkar, A., Curtis, H. J., Evans, D., … Tomlinson, L. A. (2020). Association between living with children and outcomes from COVID-19: An OpenSAFELY cohort study of 12 million adults in England (p. 2020.11.01.20222315). https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.11.01.20222315

  32. Sep 2021
  33. Aug 2021
  34. Jul 2021
    1. This shift is largely due to technology: The average American child is said to spend 4 to 7 minutes a day in unstructured play outdoors, and over 7 hours a day in front of a screen.

      "7 hours" is much longer than the time which my son spent in front of screen.

    1. It is crucial to ensure that your child develops, maintains, and enjoys other, non-screentime activities.

      To have other interests is important for child.

  35. Jun 2021
    1. There is one very important reason for enabling job control to be useful inside scripts: the side-effect it has of placing background processes in their own process groups. This makes it much, much easier to send signels to them and their children with one simple command: kill -<signal> -$pgid. All other ways of dealing with signaling entire trees of processes either involve elaborate (sometimes even recursive) functions, which are often bugnests, or risk killing the parent in the process (no pun intended).
  36. May 2021
  37. Mar 2021
    1. ♿🏳️‍🌈💙Jack Monroe (they/she). ‘I’m Getting Individual Permission from Everyone Sending Me Pics of Their Food Boxes in My DMs to Repost Them Here but without Identifying Information Because I Try to Be Responsible with This Large Platform and There Are ~children~ Involved Here. Disclaimer Done, Now Get Angry.’ Tweet. @BootstrapCook (blog), 12 January 2021. https://twitter.com/BootstrapCook/status/1348917929132367872.

    1. Fibar bi jàngal na taawan bu góor ni ñuy dagge reeni aloom.

      Le guérisseur a appris à son fils aîné comment on coupe les racines du Diospyros.

      fibar -- (fibar bi? the healer? as in feebar / fièvre / fever? -- used as a general term for sickness).

      bi -- the (indicates nearness).

      jàngal v. -- to teach (something to someone), to learn (something from someone) -- compare with jàng (as in janga wolof) and jàngale.

      na -- pr. circ. way, defined, distant. How? 'Or' What. function indicator. As.

      taaw+an (taaw) bi -- first child, eldest. (taawan -- his eldest).

      bu -- the (indicates relativeness).

      góor gi -- man; male.

      ni -- pr. circ. way, defined, distant. How? 'Or' What. function indicator. As.

      ñuy -- they (?).

      dagg+e (dagg) v. -- cut; to cut.

      reen+i (reen) bi -- root, taproot, support.

      aloom gi -- Diospyros mespiliformis, EBENACEA (tree).


  38. Feb 2021
    1. If the researches completed and proposed make a contribution, I shall be grateful; but I have also given full thought to possible practical applications. The socioeconomic demands of the present and the threatened socioeconomic demands of the future have led the American woman to displace, or threaten to displace, the American man in science and industry. If this process continues, the problem of proper child-rearing practices faces us with startling clarity. It is cheering in view of this trend to realize that the American male is physically endowed with all the really essential equipment to compete with the American female on equal terms in one essential activity: the rearing of infants. We now know that women in the working classes are not needed in the home because of their primary mammalian capabilities; and it is possible that in the foreseeable future neonatal nursing will not be regarded as a necessity, but as a luxury ---to use Veblen's term -- a form of conspicuous consumption limited perhaps to the upper classes. But whatever course history may take, it is comforting to know that we are now in contact with the nature of love.

      The entire last sentence seems to be foreshadow a future where men were capable of rearing children while women in the workforce would not work as they had to nurse their children. While nursing mothers still manage to juggle work and nursing, there are some compromises that need to be made. Men are certainly more involved in child-rearing, but women can be a part of the workforce while still providing. How this is related to what love is or how loving and rearing children is not explained as the entire study was used to deal with attachment and attachment disorders. Love is not only gauged on attachment, but is does seem to be the beginning of a broader idea of what love is and how it comes to be.

  39. Jan 2021
  40. Nov 2020
  41. Oct 2020
    1. Mr Dutton will renew his attack on Facebook and other companies for moving to end-to-end encryption, saying it will hinder efforts to tackle online crime including child sexual abuse.This month, Australia joined its "Five-Eyes" intelligence partners – the United States, Britain, New Zealand and Canada – along with India and Japan, in signing a statement calling on tech companies to come up with a solution for law enforcement to access end-to-end encrypted messages.

      Countering child exploitation is an extremely important issue. It's a tough job and encryption makes it harder. But making encryption insecure is counter intuitive and has negative impacts on digital privacy. So poking a hole in encryption, while it can assist with countering child exploitation, can also inadvertently be helping, for example, tech-enabled domestic abuse.

      Hopefully DHA understands this and thus have thrown it back at the tech companies to come up with a solution for law enforcement.

    1. For the sake of best compatibility we convert the className attribute to class for svelte.

      Svelte refuses to standardize on any way to pass a CSS class. I thought className was actually the most common name for this prop though even in Svelte...

    1. Child considered that folk ballads came from a more democratic time in the past when society was not so rigidly segregated into classes, and the "true voice" of the people could therefore be heard. He conceived "the people" as comprising all the classes of society, rich, middle, and poor, and not only those engaged in manual labor as Marxists sometimes use the word.
  42. Sep 2020
    1. Most simple example: <script> import ChildComponent from './Child.svelte'; </script> <style> .class-to-add { background-color: tomato; } </style> <ChildComponent class="class-to-add" /> ...compiles to CSS without the class-to-add declaration, as svelte currently does not recognize the class name as being used. I'd expect class-to-add is bundled with all nested style declarations class-to-add is passed to ChildComponent as class-to-add svelte-HASH This looks like a bug / missing feature to me.
    2. I wrote hundreds of Rect components and what I learned is that Componets should be able to be styled by developer who is using it.
    3. color: red; //doesn't apply this rule, because scoping doesn't extend to children
    4. Say I want to style this javascript routing anchor tag on various pages (some may be buttons, plain links, images) it makes it incredibly difficult. Eg:
    5. Having to wrap everything in a selector :global(child) { } is hacky
    1. feel like there needs to be an easy way to style sub-components without their cooperation
    2. The problem with working around the current limitations of Svelte style (:global, svelte:head, external styles or various wild card selectors) is that the API is uglier, bigger, harder to explain AND it loses one of the best features of Svelte IMO - contextual style encapsulation. I can understand that CSS classes are a bit uncontrollable, but this type of blocking will just push developers to work around it and create worse solutions.
    1. There is a good amount of properties that should mostly be applied from a parent's point of view. We're talking stuff like grid-area in grid layouts, margin and flex in flex layouts. Even properties like position and and the top/right/left/bottom following it in some cases.
    2. Svelte will not offer a generic way to support style customizing via contextual class overrides (as we'd do it in plain HTML). Instead we'll invent something new that is entirely different. If a child component is provided and does not anticipate some contextual usage scenario (style wise) you'd need to copy it or hack around that via :global hacks.
    3. This allows passing classes to child components with svelte-{hash} through the class prop and prevents removing such classes from css.
  43. Aug 2020
    1. Though there were no graduate schools in America at the time, a loan from a benefactor, Jonathan I. Bowditch, to whom the book was dedicated, enabled Child to take a leave of absence from his teaching duties to pursue his studies in Germany. There Child studied English drama and Germanic philology at the University of Göttingen, which conferred on him an honorary doctorate, and at Humboldt University, Berlin, where he heard lectures by the linguists Grimm and was much influenced by them.
    1. Joan Baez sang ten Child ballads distributed among her first five albums, the liner notes of which identified them as such.
    2. Illustration by Arthur Rackham of Child Ballad 26, "The Twa Corbies"
    3. In 1956 four albums (consisting of eight LPs) of 72 Child Ballads sung by Ewan MacColl and A.L. Lloyd were released: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Vols. 1–4.
  44. Jul 2020
  45. Jun 2020
    1. The prevalence of child sexual exploitation and abuse is also a major concern.

      The SG has brought child online protection to the forefront by highlighting it in the introduction. To be applauded.

    1. Research tells us that for skills like the ones students need for mathematics short practices that recur frequently are far more effective than the same amount of time packed into one session.
  46. May 2020
  47. Apr 2020
    1. School for many people is a place to get fed, a place to feel safe, a place to get encouraged. It’s a place to be around people who share your desire to learn. Now they are cut off from that, and some of that can’t be duplicated easily online.

      Yes, this is a problem. However... Schools weren't designed to be a safegaurd against poor parenting, but they're treated that way, as if they're a place to escape the idiots they live with.

      Schools shouldn't tolerate this. Instead, they should intervene. They should bring in a third party, someone/an organization specifically designed to help kids who come from broken homes, to help heal how they live when school's not in session. Any measure less than this signals, to me, a school system that's not paying attention to their student's emotional needs, which are, I believe, key to ensuring the child thrives throughout their school years.

  48. Dec 2019
    1. the inv1_045fant Elizabeth, the only child of his deceased siste

      As Victor's cousin, Elizabeth will also play other family roles as "sister," substitute "mother," and finally "wife." In 1831 Mary Shelley changed Elizabeth's role into that of a foundling, unrelated to Victor by blood. Some modern critics believe this 1831 change avoids the possibility of incest in the 1818 novel and makes the later novel more conservative in implication. For the first arguments of this kind, see Ellen Moers, "Female Gothic: The Monster's Mother," The New York Review of Books, 21, no. 4 (March 21, 1974) and "Female Gothic: Monsters, Goblins, and Freaks," The New York Review of Books, 21, no. 5 (April 4, 1974).

  49. Nov 2019
  50. Jun 2019
    1. “He was genuinely afraid that the bully was serious and that it could happen,”

      Amy Simpson shared that her son is genuinely scared of the threats. A child who has already dealt with physical assault from his bully and now scared for his life. I can't even imagine the emotions the parent are going through seeing and hearing the fear from their child. As a mother, I would feel anger, sadness, fear, and even more eager to find justice for the fraction of what my child endured. As parents, we all have that defensive nature to protect our children.

  51. Mar 2019
    1. Phase 3: Student-Centered Learning During Phase 3, students work both individually and in small groups at using strategies and skills from the previous phases to develop lines of inquiry around curricular topics. This type of project requires clear questions, multiple reliable sources, citations, and a final product that communicates that information to others.

      Students should be taught the material but should also be set free in order to collaborate with peers as well as technology to “tinker” and figure out the answer to the problem on their own which promotes a student centered approach to learning

    1. protect the chi!-· dren

      I know we would like to think of the exploitation of child labor as some relic of Dickensian fiction, but the bosses still find ways to exploit. I've had many students over the years who worked jobs under management that forced them to work long hours, always at the expense of school work, etc. The policies today seem more concerned with immigration status than academic success. [https://www.employmentlawhandbook.com/wage-and-hour-laws/minimum-wage/new-laws-and-regulations-for-2019/]

  52. Jan 2019
    1. These tenets are fulfilled when students set up individual learning goals and customize their learning environments to achieve those goals.

      In my opinion this is what education is all about child centered learning

  53. Oct 2018
    1. having children is a privilege that has been historically denied to many nonwhite and nonafflu-ent people.

      The idea of "no future"/ "declining to reproduce the Child" doesn't do anything to help indigenous people because having children is an act that has been regulated for indigenous people. Settler colonialism/white supremacy does not want indigenous people to create future generations so having a child could be seen as a radical act for indigenous people.

  54. Sep 2018