- Jan 2022
www.noemamag.com www.noemamag.com
Only certain kinds of self-organizing complex systems enable collectively beneficial results.
Which? How?
Is there a way to (easily) evolve these into political or economic contexts?
Both involve “invisible hand” magic — intricate, unplanned, “self-organizing” systems.
repositories.lib.utexas.edu repositories.lib.utexas.edu
I have devised a lifestreaming system that encourages users to gain more control over personal advancement and deliberate decision-making.
Precisely what i was thinking about: having AI tell us if we are reasonable, advise us in relationships, digital emotional stewardship
- Dec 2021
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
But Wanberg sees no contradiction in fighting gadgets with gadgets. “Can you sit down for three hours and just think about one thing deeply?” he asked me. “Because I can’t. And this device helps me.”
This feels like it relates to the ideas of extending self-consciousness in dialogue and dialectic from the other day: https://hyp.is/bBIVHmFPEeyvFMtzXQYYWA/docdrop.org/video/EvUzdJSK4x8/
Is being in dialogue with oneself via their writing or notes an innovation that has moved humanity forward.
the really insidious part about it is not the idea of the noble savage actually there is no noble savage in Russo's 00:54:51 discourse because his state of nature involves creatures which are like humans but actually lack any sort of philosophy at all because what they call do is project their own lives into the 00:55:05 future and imagine themselves in other states they're constantly inventing things and chasing their own tails or rushing headlong for their own chains as he puts it they invent agriculture but 00:55:18 they can't see the consequences they invent cities but they can't see the consequences so we're talking about no imagination
Rousseau was perfectly describing the intelligence and politics of Donald J. Trump when he described creatures which are like humans, but are "rushing headlong for their own chains". Trump was able to govern, but completely lacked the ability to imagine the consequences of any of his actions.
Not sure what name Rousseau gave these creatures. Which book was this in? Discourse on the Origin and Basis of Inequality Among Men?
there's an exception ah yes indeed there is an exception to that which is largely 00:08:28 when you're talking to someone else so in conversation and in dialogue you're actually can maintain consciousness for very long periods of time well which is why you need to imagine you're talking 00:08:41 to someone else to really be able to think out a problem
Humans in general have a seven second window of self-consciousness. (What is the reference for this? Double check it.) The exception is when one is in conversation with someone else, and then people have much longer spans of self-consciousness.
I'm left to wonder if this is a useful fact for writing in the margins in books or into one's notebook, commonplace book, or zettelkasten? By having a conversation with yourself, or more specifically with the imaginary author you're annotating or if you prefer to frame it as a conversation with your zettelkasten, one expands their self-consciousness for much longer periods of time? What benefit does this have for the individual? What benefit for humanity in aggregate?
Is it this fact or just coincidence that much early philosophy was done as dialectic?
From an orality perspective, this makes it much more useful to talk to one's surroundings or objects like rocks. Did mnemonic techniques help give rise to our ability to be more self-conscious as a species? Is it like a muscle that we've been slowly and evolutionarily exercising for 250,000 years?
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Waterschoot, J., Morbée, S., Vermote, B., Brenning, K., Flamant, N., Vansteenkiste, M., & Soenens, B. (2021). Emotion Regulation in Times of COVID-19: A Person-Centered Approach Based on Self-Determination Theory. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/n6hw7
isha.sadhguru.org isha.sadhguru.org
It is time to shed some old nonsense and come up fresh and alive
Time for a new year
In § 3, I explain that to have a life of its own, a card index must be provid-ed with self-referential closure.
In order to become a free-standing tool, the card index needed to have self-referential closure.
This may have been one of the necessary steps for the early ideas behind computers. In addition to the idea of a clockwork universe, the index card may have been a step towards early efforts at creating the modern computer.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Drążkowski, D., Trepanowski, R., & Fointiat, V. (2021). Vaccinating to protect others: The role of self-persuasion and empathy among young adults. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/wh4cs
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Ober, T., Cheng, Y., Carter, M., & Liu, C. (2021). Disruptiveness of COVID-19: Differences in Course Engagement, Self-appraisal, and Learning. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/b2pxd
- Nov 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Walther, A., Eggenberger, L., Grub, J., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Seidler, Z. E., Rice, S., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J. L., & Ehlert, U. (2021). Examining the role of traditional masculinity and depression in men’s risk for contracting COVID-19. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/6rp8u
Local file Local file
We report the first neural recording during ecstatic meditations called jhanas and test whether a brain reward system plays a rolein the joy reported. Jhanas are Altered States of Consciousness (ASC) that imply major brain changes based on subjective reports:(1) external awareness dims, (2) internal verbalizations fade, (3) the sense of personal boundaries is altered, (4) attention is highlyfocused on the object of meditation, and (5) joy increases to high levels. The fMRI and EEG results from an experienced meditatorshow changes in brain activity in 11 regions shown to be associated with the subjective reports, and these changes occur promptlyafter jhana is entered. In particular, the extreme joy is associated not only with activation of cortical processes but also with activationof the nucleus accumbens (NAc) in the dopamine/opioid reward system. We test three mechanisms by which the subject mightstimulate his own reward system by external means and reject all three. Taken together, these results demonstrate an apparentlynovel method of self-stimulating a brain reward system using only internal mental processes in a highly trained subject.
I can find no other research on this particular matter. It would be helpful to have other studies to validate or invalidate this one. This method of reward requires a highly-trained participant and involves no external means.
jvns.ca jvns.ca
Until last week, I found this completely mystifying – I had no idea what import was doing and I didn’t understand how to use libraries in that way.
The build tools are irrelevant (or rather, a red herring).
JS has
statements. The build tools are (or at least should be) approximating what you get without the build tools interposing themselves into the development process, but doing it in a way that reinforces The Iron Law of Bureaucracy.
self-discipline is required by students in onlinecourses, compare to traditional classroom education
self dsicipline
drive.google.com drive.google.com
ome students had benefitted from EDT and showed higher attendancethan befo
some students had benefitted from EDT and showed higher attendance than before. The
factors student self-management
difference between humanities and STEM disciplines, whereas latter requires more efforts. asking for help: #backchanneling
self-regulating skills students
students benefiting : self-directed 8.
Each new layer of Life is the result of what scientists call a major evolutionary transition? What was the cause of these transitions the answer is? Cooperation a Major Transition starts when free living creatures team up to form a cooperative group in the early stages of cooperation Participants are free to come and go as they [please] [if] a group sticks together long enough however 00:04:51 Division of labor will often evolve different participants begin specializing in different tasks as time goes on Individuals may become so specialized that they can no longer survive on their own [if] the entire group becomes locked into cooperation Depending fully on one another to survive and reproduce a new super organism has been forged and they made your evolutionary transition is complete 00:05:16 From this point on the entire group will evolve together as one Models describing natural situations that might promote the evolution of major transitions have been put forth by scientists such as John Maynard Smith [fior] Sonck Mary stuart West and w d hamilton using these models Researchers have been able to Mimic natural scenarios in the lab Allowing us to directly witness the beginnings of major transitions [evolved]
This is the key to Major Evolutionary Transition - a population of free living individual creatures discover that in teaming up, there is a greater resultant evolutionary fitness, mutualism symbiotic relationship emerges. It becomes so strong over time that the many become a self-replicating one.
The biological self is always defined by a boundary between inner and outer, but in this act of mutualism, the many biological selves join to form a new higher order biological self.
In this way, a multi-cellular species like ours is somewhat like one of those nested Russian dolls.
Indeed, Amanda Robins hypothesizes
that our species has undergone what she and Peter Nonacs calls Major System Transition (MST). The cultural artifact of inscribed language has made possible a superorganism / supraorganism that has spread across the globe.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Adler, J. M., & Wang, K. (2021). Narrative identity among people with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic: The interdependent self. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/6724x
Kwiek, M. (2021). The Globalization of Science: The Increasing Power of Individual Scientists. MetaArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31222/osf.io/gj4aq
absolutelymaybe.plos.org absolutelymaybe.plos.org
The Metascience Movement Needs to be More Self-Critical. (2021, October 31). Absolutely Maybe. https://absolutelymaybe.plos.org/2021/10/31/the-metascience-movement-needs-to-be-more-self-critical/
mailchi.mp mailchi.mp
You can learn about it here, but fundamentally, there is an assumption on the part of the Siksika that rather than attaining what we would call "self-actualization" over time one is, in fact, born with it and this would seem to inform many other aspects of the culture. Childrearing, for example, is very hands-off, which would make sense if you believed your child arrived basically okay and kind of awesome so why would you fuck with that? Furthermore, their views on wealth suggest that the whole point of attaining wealth is that so you can give it away. The one considered the wealthiest is the one who has given the most away. Which ties into why one has difficulty finding poverty in this environment because the second someone is poor, the rest of the community chips and makes them whole (instead of questioning "well do they really *deserve* to be made whole?" because, again, arrived self-actualized).
I'll make further notes on the actual article, which I want to read.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Sample, I., & editor, I. S. S. (2021, November 1). One in four 35- to 54-year-olds in England not complying with Covid self-isolation. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/01/one-in-four-35--to-54-year-olds-in-england-not-complying-with-covid-self-isolation
- compliance
- mental health
- statistics
- behavioral science
- UK
- data
- is:news
- vaccine
- self-isolation
- COVID-19
- England
- lang:en
- Summer
atoms.org atoms.org
Or the PIs who enjoy and excel at raising funds can do so and even re-deploy it to the right scientists, akin to founders who become angel investors and venture capitalists.
Sounds like a Self-Organized Funding Allocation (SOFA): https://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol24/iss3/art29/
- Oct 2021
ndpr.nd.edu ndpr.nd.edu
Its life out of its center enters into a relationship to it; the reflexive character of the centrally represented body is given to itself. Although the living being on this level is also absorbed in the here/now, lives out of the center, it has become conscious of the centrality of its existence. It has itself; it knows of itself; it notices itself -- and this makes it an I. (pp. 269-70)
The "I" is born when the living being has become conscious of the centrality of its existence. It notices itself.
The human sphere is defined by a jump from centric positionality to that further level of detachment that uniquely allows for that purchase upon its center that Plessner calls "excentric positionality." The human "I" which is the unique result of excentric positionality becomes the constant companion of human positional positing. It preserves, and inhabits its centered lived body, while also constituting its excentric detachment from its center by way of its reflexive awareness of its posited center.
Plessner introduces the next level up, the being with excentric positionality, essentially the self-conscious human being.
The closed and centric positionality of the animal is characterized first and foremost by the immanent constitution of a self. While not occupying any definitive space, it is spatial inasmuch as it constitutes the non-relativizable "here" of the organism. Double aspectivity is defined for the animal with respect to a separation, and at the same time non-separation, between its core, its here, its self and its whole body of which the core is part. Thus the living thing whose organization exhibits a closed form is not only a self that 'has', but a special kind of self, a reflexive self or an itself. We may speak of a living thing of this kind as being present to the living thing that it is, as, by virtue of its set-apartness from this living thing, forming (not yet 'having', which is why it is not yet an 'I'!) an unshakeable point in this living thing in relation to which it reflexively lives as one thing. In the irreducible oscillation between being inside and being outside that distinguishes the positionality of the closed organism on the ground of simply being the body itself lies the boundary for the referentiality of the thing back to itself. (pp. 220-21) One can anticipate the movement of Plessner's dialectical logic in setting up the conditions for his anthropology. The animal has a self-presence but not a reflective access to it. The animal has achieved a distance to its own body (one might say a "detachment") but does not have a perspective on having such distance. It enjoys a qualitatively new level of agency in its relationship to its surround but it is still fully absorbed in its here and now. The animal is conscious inasmuch as it has awareness of that which it stands in opposition to and reacts to from out of its center (albeit without being able to thematize that relationship). Plessner refers to this as the animal's "frontality."
Here, Moss helps clarify the word "detachment" as the living organism achieving some kind of distance from its own body, but does not have a perspective of it. Importantly, Plessner holds that the animal is conscious, but not self-conscious. Plessner's term for this type of consciousness is "frontality".
Plessner finds in the dynamics of double aspectivity the constitution of a kind of self. Living entities develop which means they both lead away into something new and yet persist as what they are. It is in their constant becoming Other that they become themselves and constitute and sustain a "form-idea." Plessner's early concept of development, is capacious enough (unlike some more recent formulations that presume multi-cellularity) to characterize even single celled life-forms.
From Plessner's perspective, even a cell has a constitution of a self.
nesslabs.com nesslabs.com
In psychology, self-affirmation theory suggests that reflecting on our personal values, we are less likely to experience distress when confronted with information that threatens our sense of self. Self-affirmation consists in engaging in activities that promote our values, our beliefs, and the roles we consider to our personal identity. These activities help us to establish and assert our concept of self.
I would think that it is more about saying kind things to yourself, but you affirm yourself doing things that align with your purpose and values, that's interesting
www.bbc.co.uk www.bbc.co.uk
Covid: Lateral flow tests more accurate than first thought, study finds—BBC News. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2021, from https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-58899612
www.ons.gov.uk www.ons.gov.uk
Prevalence of ongoing symptoms following coronavirus (COVID-19) infection in the UK - Office for National Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved 10 October 2021, from https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/bulletins/prevalenceofongoingsymptomsfollowingcoronaviruscovid19infectionintheuk/7october2021
www.sjscience.org www.sjscience.org
Factual and procedural knowledge often refer to each other.
Both could conform a self referential system of mutual definition?
Conceptual knowledge has a hierarchical structure, with the definition of every concept referring to more fundamental concepts. This leads to the question of where this recursive process ends, i.e. what the most fundamental concepts are. When considering human knowledge as a whole, this is a non-trivial problem in epistemology.
Also there is a question of self-reference and bootstrapping:
- If/when a knowledge network is defined by the mutual relation between elements on the same level, instead of the ones at the "bottom". And
- once you have reached the level of self-referentiality and mutual definition how can you go up
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Covid: 37% of people have symptoms six months after infection | Coronavirus | The Guardian. (n.d.). Retrieved October 1, 2021, from https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/sep/28/covid-37-of-people-have-symptoms-six-months-after-infection?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
Wong, paul T. P. (2021). You Need CasMac to get Through the COVID-19 Crisis Stronger and Happier. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/psuwq
- Sep 2021
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Reavis, R. D., Ebbs, J. B., Onunkwo, A. K., & Sage, L. M. (2017). A self-affirmation exercise does not improve intentions to vaccinate among parents with negative vaccine attitudes (and may decrease intentions to vaccinate). PLoS ONE, 12(7), e0181368. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0181368
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Ciaunica, A., McEllin, L., Kiverstein, J., Gallese, V., Hohwy, J., & Wozniak, M. (2021). Zoomed out? Depersonalization is Related to Increased Digital Media Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/8jver
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
One site of that erosion, which may help explain ebook reticence, can be found in self-published books. For people predisposed to sneer at the practice, a lack of editing or the absence of publisher endorsement and review might justify self-published works’ second-class status. That matter is debatable. More clear is the consequence of disintermediation: Nobody takes a self-published manuscript and lays it out for printing in a manner that conforms with received standards. And so you often end up with a perfect-bound Word doc instead of a book. That odd feeling of impropriety isn’t necessarily a statement about the trustworthiness of the writer or their ideas, but a sense of dissonance at the book as an object. It’s an eerie gestalt, a foreboding feeling of unbookiness.
Having helped others to self-publish in the past, I definitely do spend a bit of time putting the small sort of bookiness flourishes into their texts.
John Middleton: Is the NHS prepared for the coming winter? (2021, September 9). The BMJ. https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/09/09/john-middleton-is-the-nhs-prepared-for-the-coming-winter/
- wave
- pandemic
- preparation
- variant
- COVID-19
- England
- is:blog
- pressure
- self isolating
- UK
- impact
- concern
- winter
- restriction
- resurgence
- lang:en
- hospital
www.ictworks.org www.ictworks.org
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
Coronavirus vaccines cut risk of long Covid, study finds—BBC News. (n.d.). Retrieved September 2, 2021, from https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-58410354
www.stationers.org www.stationers.org
John Murray's publication, in 1859, of two seminal works: Darwin's The Origin of Species, and the original self-help book, Samuel Smiles's Self-Help, with Illustrations of Character and Conduct. Smiles's book, now somewhat less familiar than Darwin's, tapped into a Victorian trend for self-improvement, and was a best-seller in its day.
- Aug 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
This library on GitHub solves the cross-domain problem, along with making sure the iFrame stays sized to the content when things change. github.com/davidjbradshaw/iframe-resizer
www.frontiersin.org www.frontiersin.org
Kaloeti, D. V. S., Ardhiani, L. N., & Stück, M. (2021). The Consequences of COVID-19 Toward Human Growth: The Role of Traumatic Event and Coping Strategies Among Indonesian Sample. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 685115. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.685115
Commissioner, O. of the. (2021). Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19. FDA. https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/why-you-should-not-use-ivermectin-treat-or-prevent-covid-19
www.ons.gov.uk www.ons.gov.uk
“Prevalence of Ongoing Symptoms Following Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection in the UK - Office for National Statistics.” Accessed August 11, 2021. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/datasets/alldatarelatingtoprevalenceofongoingsymptomsfollowingcoronaviruscovid19infectionintheuk.
- self-report
- symptom
- UK
- prevalence
- Coronavirus
- COVID-19
- infection
- is:dataset
- lang:en
- estimate
- long Covid
360learning.com 360learning.com
Effective self-directed learning requires a careful blend of employee autonomy and manager support. Employees want to learn to be better at their jobs, advance their skills, and further their careers, but they often don’t know where to start. More than half of employees report they would happily spend more time training if their managers offered specific guidance and recommendations. Encourage employees to set their own learning goals under the supervision of their managers.
self-directed learning still needs support, and can be a common mistake for operational managers to think that providing a budget, and a course catalog is enough to get the most out of L&D programs - this is a mistake.
web.archive.org web.archive.org
William Ross Ashby (1903-1972) was a British pioneer in the fields of cybernetics and systems theory. He is best known for proposing the law of requisite variety, the principle of self-organization, intelligence amplification, the good regulator theorem, building the automatically stabilizing Homeostat, and his books Design for a Brain (1952) and An Introduction to Cybernetics (1956).
- Jul 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘I just had cause to revisit the Friston modelling paper from Sept: Https://t.co/QOTC8fXV0n 1/n’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 26 February 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1336277391233208320
edwardsnowden.substack.com edwardsnowden.substack.com
The intimate linking of users' online personas with their offline legal identity was an iniquitous squandering of liberty and technology that has resulted in today's atmosphere of accountability for the citizen and impunity for the state. Gone were the days of self-reinvention, imagination, and flexibility, and a new era emerged — a new eternal era — where our pasts were held against us. Forever.
Even Heraclitus knew that one couldn't stand in the same river twice.
Following are strategies for facilitating SDL. The teacher can help the learner to Conduct a self-assessment of skill levels and needs to determine appropriate learning objectives. Identify the starting point for a learning project. Match appropriate resources (books, articles, content experts) and methods (Internet searches, lectures, electronic discussion groups) to the learning goal. Negotiate a learning contract that sets learning goals, strategies, and evaluation criteria. Acquire strategies for decision-making and self-evaluation of work. Develop positive attitudes and independence relative to self-directed learning. Reflect on what he/she is learning.
SDL can be difficult for adults with low-level literacy skills who may lack independence, confidence, internal motivation, or resources.
there can be reasons why some learners might not prefer the self-directed learning approach, or know how to make the most use of it - instead of dismissing them as 'non-learners', it'd be a good idea to figure out what their expieriences around learning are, what learning looks like to them - and how to support them.
link.aps.org link.aps.org
Gozzi, N., Scudeler, M., Paolotti, D., Baronchelli, A., & Perra, N. (2021). Self-initiated behavioral change and disease resurgence on activity-driven networks. Physical Review E, 104(1), 014307. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.104.014307
Baek, E., Hyon, R., López, K., Porter, M. A., & Parkinson, C. (2021). Lonely individuals process the world in idiosyncratic ways. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/yt872
www.frontiersin.org www.frontiersin.org
Seong, E., Noh, G., Lee, K. H., Lee, J.-S., Kim, S., Seo, D. G., Yoo, J. H., Hwang, H., Choi, C.-H., Han, D. H., Hong, S.-B., & Kim, J.-W. (2021). Relationship of Social and Behavioral Characteristics to Suicidality in Community Adolescents With Self-Harm: Considering Contagion and Connection on Social Media. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 691438. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.691438
360learning.com 360learning.com
2. Give your manager homeworkIf you’ve asked the questions above and your manager cannot give you an answer to those questions yet, give them homework.
- Keep your reminders frequent enough, but not unreasonable.
- Keep your methods of communication unignorable
- Don’t feel awkward or that you’re being annoying
- Jun 2021
blogs.bmj.com blogs.bmj.com
After restriction: Why the public can only fulfill its responsibilities if the government fulfills theirs—The BMJ. (n.d.). Retrieved June 30, 2021, from https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/06/29/after-restriction-why-the-public-can-only-fulfill-its-responsibilities-if-the-government-fulfills-theirs/?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=socialnetwork
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Rosenfeld, D. L., & Tomiyama, A. J. (2021). Jab My Arm, Not My Morality: Perceived Moral Reproach as a Barrier to COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/ycbrd
asaobinoue.blogspot.com asaobinoue.blogspot.com
your goal cannot be to follow orders in order to get a higher grade, instead you are free to listen, consider things, ignore ideas, or ask more honest questions of your readers. You are now free to make your own decisions on your writing.
Labor-based grading in writing allows students to listen and adjust to comments which gives them greater freedom and autonomy in both their learning process as well as their writing.
Ideally, in a system like this, a shorter feedback loop of commentary and readjustment may also help to more carefully hone their skills versus potentially hitting a plateau after which it's more difficult to improve.
www.medrxiv.org www.medrxiv.org
Michaelsen, Thomas Y., Marc Bennedbæk, Lasse E. Christiansen, Mia S. F. Jørgensen, Camilla H. Møller, Emil A. Sørensen, Simon Knutsson, et al. “Introduction and Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.7 in Denmark.” MedRxiv, June 7, 2021, 2021.06.04.21258333. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.06.04.21258333.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I've seen (and fixed) Ruby code that needed to be refactored for the client objects to use the accessor rather than the underlying mechanism, even though instance variables aren't directly visible. The underlying mechanism isn't always an instance variable - it can be delegations to or manipulations of a class you're hiding behind a facade, or a session store with a particular format, or all kinds. And it can change. 'Self-encapsulation' can help if you need to swap a technology, a library, an object specification, etc.
a principle I use is: If you have an accessor, use the accessor rather than the raw variable or mechanism it's hiding. The raw variable is the implementation, the accessor is the interface. Should I ignore the interface because I'm internal to the instance? I wouldn't if it was an attr_accessor.
But sure, go ahead and enforce self-encapsulation if you like; it makes it easier to do memoization or whatever later on.
- accessors
- making it easy for later refactoring
- self-enforced
- good idea
- good point
- good explanation
- best practices
- public vs. private interface
- making it easy for later
- encapsulation
- good policy/practice/procedure
- I agree
- go through accessor instead of using instance variable directly
nakamotoinstitute.org nakamotoinstitute.org
Personal Property Has Not and Should Not Depend On TTPs For most of human history the dominant form of property has been personal property. The functionality of personal property has not under normal conditions ever depended on trusted third parties. Security properties of simple goods could be verified at sale or first use, and there was no need for continued interaction with the manufacturer or other third parties (other than on occasion repair personel after exceptional use and on a voluntary and temporary basis). Property rights for many kinds of chattel (portable property) were only minimally dependent on third parties – the only problem where TTPs were neededwas to defend against the depredations of other third parties. The main security property of personal chattel was often not other TTPs as protectors but rather its portability and intimacy. Here are some examples of the ubiquity of personal property in which there was a reality or at least a strong desire on the part of owners to be free of dependence on TTPs for functionality or security: Jewelry (far more often used for money in traditional cultures than coins, e.g. Northern Europe up to 1000 AD, and worn on the body for better property protection as well as decoration) Automobiles operated by and house doors opened by personal keys. Personal computers – in the original visions of many personal computing pioneers (e.g. many members of the Homebrew Computer Club), the PC was intended as personal property – the owner would have total control (and understanding) of the software running on the PC, including the ability to copy bits on the PC at will. Software complexity, Internet connectivity, and unresolved incentive mismatches between software publishers and users (PC owners) have substantially eroded the reality of the personal computer as personal property. This desire is instinctive and remains today. It manifests in consumer resistance when they discover unexpected dependence on and vulnerability to third parties in the devices they use. Suggestions that the functionality of personal property be dependent on third parties, even agreed to ones under strict conditions such as creditors until a chattel loan is paid off (a smart lien) are met with strong resistance. Making personal property functionality dependent on trusted third parties (i.e. trusted rather than forced by the protocol to keep to the agreement governing the security protocol and property) is in most cases quite unacceptable.
Personal property did not depend on trusted third parties
For most of human history personal property did not depend on Trusted Third Parties (TTP). To the extent that TTPs were needed, was to defend property from depredataions of other third parties.
Jewelry, automobile keys, house keys — these all show that humans had a preference for having sovereign access to their property, without relying on third parties.
This preference remains with us today and you can see it manifest itself in people's anger when they discover that part of their product is not owned by them.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
PsyArXiv Preprints | A Global Experiment on Motivating Social Distancing during the COVID-19 Pandemic. (n.d.). Retrieved 2 June 2021, from https://psyarxiv.com/n3dyf/
- May 2021
www.bbc.co.uk www.bbc.co.uk
Covid: Parts of England to trial self-isolation support. (2021, May 24). BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-57221740
gutenberg.net.au gutenberg.net.au
In Oceania the prevailing philosophy is called Ingsoc, in Eurasia it is called Neo-Bolshevism, and in Eastasia it is called by a Chinese name usually translated as Death-Worship, but perhaps better rendered as Obliteration of the Self.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Westgate, Erin, Nick Buttrick, Yijun Lin, and Gaelle Milad El Helou. ‘Pandemic Boredom: Predicting Boredom and Its Consequences during Self-Isolation and Quarantine’. PsyArXiv, 11 May 2021. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/78kma.
twitter.com twitter.com
Sam Bowman. (2021, January 25). If the govt can’t keep a few thousand people fed in hotel quarantine, how exactly was it supposed to provide for fifteen million pensioners self-isolating in Great Barrington-style ‘focused protection’ while the virus was spreading across the rest of the population? [Tweet]. @s8mb. https://twitter.com/s8mb/status/1353666214883684352
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Endocrinology, T. L. D. &. (2020). COVID-19 and Racism—A double edged dagger. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S2213-8587(20)30243-6
www.ayradvertiser.com www.ayradvertiser.com
“Super spreader” went to house parties with coronavirus. (n.d.). Glasgow Times. Retrieved September 2, 2020, from https://www.glasgowtimes.co.uk/news/18688989.ayrshire-super-spreader-went-house-parties-coronavirus/
www.newscientist.com www.newscientist.com
Liverpool, C. Q.-H. and L. (n.d.). Covid-19 death rates twice as high in England’s most deprived areas. New Scientist. Retrieved June 15, 2020, from https://www.newscientist.com/article/2237475-covid-19-death-rates-twice-as-high-in-englands-most-deprived-areas/
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
correspondent, J. G. H. affairs. (2020, June 4). Coronavirus lockdown halts surge in UK slavery. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/04/coronavirus-lockdown-halts-surge-in-uk-slavery
osf.io osf.io
Gabriel, H. T. L., & Ho, C. M. C. (2020). Effects of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic on Social Behaviours: From a Social Dilemma Perspective. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/8duvx
twitter.com twitter.com
Ira, still wearing a mask, Hyman. (2020, November 26). @SciBeh @Quayle @STWorg @jayvanbavel @UlliEcker @philipplenz6 @AnaSKozyreva @johnfocook Some might argue the moral dilemma is between choosing what is seen as good for society (limiting spread of disinformation that harms people) and allowing people freedom of choice to say and see what they want. I’m on the side of making good for society decisions. [Tweet]. @ira_hyman. https://twitter.com/ira_hyman/status/1331992594130235393
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Using margin is better ! If you use position:relative position:absolute You need understand correlative with div outside
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Disabato, D., Aurora, P., Sidney, P. G., Taber, J. M., Thompson, C. A., & Coifman, K. (2021). Taking care with self-care during COVID-19: Affect-behavior associations during early stages of the pandemic. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/eycmj
- Apr 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Ahuvia, I., Sung, J., Dobias, M., Nelson, B., Richmond, L., London, B., & Schleider, J. L. (2021, April 25). College student interest in teletherapy and self-guided mental health supports during the COVID-19 pandemic. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/8unfx
scrumguides.org scrumguides.org
Self-Managing over Self-Organizing
Consider reading this article from Steven Denning and see how different states of a team contribute to performance. Self-managing is topped by Self-Organising, where teams organise their own context, including team members (self-selection).
Scrum is built upon by the collective intelligence of the people using it. Rather than provide people with detailed instructions, the rules of Scrum guide their relationships and interactions.
constitution.congress.gov constitution.congress.gov
cept as
Angrily, I begin annotating in the thing called "written word" this second attempt at noting the significance of the words "13a" and the end of slavery with this day, 4/22/2021.
It's 40 years after the "Novus Ordo Seclorum" speech heralding a "new order of the ages" and 60 years after the Kennedy speech about a ruthless monolithic conspiracy; all relating to what apparently is Latin for "Unicorn" and my own interpretation of these words:
Legatus, Semper Fi, Babylon the Great, Medusa
Specifically a "fusion of law and land" that actually marks this place and this document as something like a connection between "living" and plain old ink on paper.
Legislature, Legislation, Legacy of Novus Ordo ... and "at us" Legatus--something like the Monolithic "thing of ten" that also today God noted was "a funny thing to shun" in connection to the word "Phoenecian" which also links another silly bird and "CIA" to something Earthene
A legatus (anglicised as legate) was a high-ranking Roman military officer in the Roman Army, equivalent to a modern high-ranking general officer. Initially used to delegate power, the term became formalised under Augustus as the officer in command of a legion.
From the times of the Roman Republic, legates received large shares of the military's rewards at the end of a successful campaign. This made the position a lucrative one, so it could often attract even distinguished consuls or other high-ranking political figures within Roman politics (e.g., the consul Lucius Julius Caesar volunteered late in the Gallic Wars as a legate under his first cousin once removed, Gaius Julius Caesar).
... amd I recall a time before C3P0 had a silver leg and gold was a thing of "carbonite steel ethereality"
english.stackexchange.com english.stackexchange.com
That said, you couldn't know what you didn't know, but now you know.
linusakesson.net linusakesson.net
This is hard because Apple does not want you to and a failed installation might render the ipad useless.
Opening "xterm" in "iSH" is like starting a new virtual terminal from a virtual terminal you are already in ("iSH").
as you may have guessed, things get even more complicated when you start running pseudo terminals inside pseudo terminals, à la screen(1) or ssh(1).
meta.stackexchange.com meta.stackexchange.com
With Stack Overflow for Teams being a flexible platform, we’ve seen customers use it for a wide variety of use cases: A platform to help onboard new employees A self-serve help center to reduce support tickets Collaboration and documentation to drive innersource initiatives Breaking down silos and driving org wide transformation like cloud migration efforts A direct customer support platform Enable people who are working towards a common goal, whether a startup or a side project, to develop a collective knowledge base
- Mar 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
In fact categories can themselves be viewed as type theories of a certain kind
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The autoepistemic logic is a formal logic for the representation and reasoning of knowledge about knowledge.
www.today.com www.today.com
Can self-nudging help you make better choices? (n.d.). TODAY.Com. Retrieved June 20, 2020, from https://www.today.com/health/what-self-nudging-simple-trick-make-healthier-choices-t184571
link.springer.com link.springer.com
Stout, M. E., Christy, S. M., Winger, J. G., Vadaparampil, S. T., & Mosher, C. E. (2020). Self-efficacy and HPV Vaccine Attitudes Mediate the Relationship Between Social Norms and Intentions to Receive the HPV Vaccine Among College Students. Journal of Community Health, 45(6), 1187–1195. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10900-020-00837-5
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Wright, Liam, Andrew Steptoe, and Daisy Fancourt. ‘Predictors of Self-Reported Adherence to COVID-19 Guidelines. A Longitudinal Observational Study of 51,600 UK Adults’. The Lancet Regional Health - Europe 4 (1 May 2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lanepe.2021.100061.
‘How Slovakia Tested 3.6 Million People for COVID-19 in a Single Weekend’. Accessed 26 February 2021. https://www.bi.team/blogs/how-slovakia-tested-3-6-million-people-for-covid-19-in-a-single-weekend/.
Ramamurti, R. (2020, October 27). Global Crowdsourcing Can Help the U.S. Beat the Pandemic. Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2020/10/global-crowdsourcing-can-help-the-u-s-beat-the-pandemic
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Maddock, J. (2020, October 23). Sick of COVID-19? Here’s why you might have pandemic fatigue. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/sick-of-covid-19-heres-why-you-might-have-pandemic-fatigue-148294?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=bylinetwitterbutton
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
“As humans we resist change,” says Twitter and Square’s Dorsey. “It’s scary and something we can’t necessarily control. You hear that Twitter is important or Facebook is important or HTML5 is important, but how do you actually begin? There’s no easy way. It’s not fun to be self-reflective or self-aware. “In many cases it means we have to do more work,” he adds. “So we have to do more work.”
medium.com medium.com
After all, that’s why it’s in one repository to begin with right?
www.chevtek.io www.chevtek.io
Write modules for publication, even if you only use them privately. You will appreciate documentation in the future.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.orgPyPy2
Thus the recursive logo of PyPy is a snake swallowing itself since the RPython is translated by a Python interpreter.
PyPy was conceived to be an implementation of Python written in a programming language that is similar to Python.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The question, 'What is library and information science?' does not elicit responses of the same internal conceptual coherence as similar inquiries as to the nature of other fields, e.g., 'What is chemistry?', 'What is economics?', 'What is medicine?' Each of those fields, though broad in scope, has clear ties to basic concerns of their field. [...] Neither LIS theory nor practice is perceived to be monolithic nor unified by a common literature or set of professional skills. Occasionally, LIS scholars (many of whom do not self-identify as members of an interreading LIS community, or prefer names other than LIS), attempt, but are unable, to find core concepts in common
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
Starting the Game is a game about a non-experienced gamer who is trying to download, crack and play a game.
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Cohen, A.-L. (n.d.). Perspective | ‘Mental time travel’ is one of many imaginative ways we can cope with the pandemic. Washington Post. Retrieved March 8, 2021, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/covid-cope-imagine-mental-transport/2021/03/05/a5fc6dde-7b85-11eb-a976-c028a4215c78_story.html
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
Meta gaming at its finest.
Make It Indie! is an indie game about making an indie game.
‘Fact Check: Claim about Neil Ferguson’s Covid-19 Predictions’. Accessed 5 March 2021. https://theferret.scot/fact-check-neil-ferguson-covid-19-predictions/.
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
Originally designed to “only” implement railways for CRUD logic, we now use activities in many parts of Trailblazer itself
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Baal, S. van, Walasek, L., & Hohwy, J. (2021). Staying home so you can keep going out: A multiplayer self-isolation game modelling pandemic behaviour. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/mh69r
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
The absence of a method name here is per design: this object does only one thing, and hence what it does is reflected in the class name.
- Feb 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Krpan, Dario. ‘To Sit Quietly in a Room Alone: The Psychology of Social, Material, and Sensation Seeking Input’. PsyArXiv, 24 February 2021. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/zpf6b.
Mansfield, K. E., Mathur, R., Tazare, J., Henderson, A. D., Mulick, A., Carreira, H., Matthews, A. A., Bidulka, P., Gayle, A., Forbes, H., Cook, S., Wong, A. Y., Strongman, H., Wing, K., Warren-Gash, C., Cadogan, S. L., Smeeth, L., Hayes, J. F., Quint, J. K., … Langan, S. M. (2020). COVID-19 collateral: Indirect acute effects of the pandemic on physical and mental health in the UK. MedRxiv, 2020.10.29.20222174. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.10.29.20222174
Jans-Beken, L. (2020, November 25). A Perspective on Mature Gratitude as a Way of Coping with COVID-19. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.632911
www.newstatesman.com www.newstatesman.com
“The Eight Biggest Covid-Sceptic Myths – and Why They’re Wrong.” Accessed February 24, 2021. https://www.newstatesman.com/science-tech/coronavirus/2021/01/eight-biggest-covid-sceptic-myths-and-why-they-re-wrong.
www.schneems.com www.schneems.com
The link name is not very helpful, it doesn’t explain what it does very well.
www.metacritic.com www.metacritic.comWarsaw1
Difficult enough to prove a worthy challenge, with an over-complexity that might have benefitted from a little self-restraint.
overly complex = unnecessarily complicated
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
’ve had Paula Rizzo’s book, Listful Thinking: Using Lists to be More Productive, Highly Successful and Less Stressed, on my to-read list (see what I did there?)
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Self-referential statements are sometimes paradoxical, and can also be considered recursive.
english.stackexchange.com english.stackexchange.com
a documentary is a meta movie, no question about it
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Aknin, L., Neve, J.-E. D., Dunn, E., Fancourt, D., Goldberg, E., Helliwell, J., Jones, S. P., Karam, E., Layard, R., Lyubomirsky, S., Rzepa, A., Saxena, S., Thornton, E., VanderWeele, T., Whillans, A., Zaki, J., Caman, O. K., & Amour, Y. B. (2021). A Review and Response to the Early Mental Health and Neurological Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/zw93g
crystalprisonzone.blogspot.com crystalprisonzone.blogspot.com
Joe. (2021, January 26). Crystal Prison Zone: I tried to report scientific misconduct. How did it go? Crystal Prison Zone. http://crystalprisonzone.blogspot.com/2021/01/i-tried-to-report-scientific-misconduct.html
- result
- statistic
- test
- correction
- forge
- is:blog
- table
- science
- unreliable
- data
- outcome
- significant
- scientific
- misconduct
- self-correction
- value
- lang:en
- non-signficant
- false
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Horton, Richard. ‘Offline: Science and Politics in the Era of COVID-19’. The Lancet 396, no. 10259 (24 October 2020): 1319. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)32221-2.
blogs.bmj.com blogs.bmj.com
Chris Ham: The United Kingdom’s poor record on covid-19 is a failure of policy learning. (2021, January 26). The BMJ. https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/01/26/chris-ham-the-united-kingdoms-poor-record-on-covid-19-is-a-failure-of-policy-learning/
github.com github.com
Please buy my book to support the development and learn everything about Reform
we get the benefit of isolating request specific logic without cramming it into a ActiveRecord model that will be used in multiple controllers/actions
request-specific logic
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Kubo, T., Masuyama, A., Shinkawa, H., & Sugawara, D. (2020). Impact of a Single School-Based Intervention for COVID-19 on Improving Mental Health. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/eb6yz
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Etilé, F., & Geoffard, P. (2020, November 10). ANXIETY INCREASES THE WILLINGNESS TO BE EXPOSED TO COVID-19 RISK AMONG YOUNG ADULTS IN FRANCE. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/5ntzc
senryu.pub senryu.pub
You'll have to forgive me the dusty desk, I currently don't have a carpet in my office so it's almost entirely pointless dusting as it's back to this state within 2 days.
Its easy to see flaws in yourself, but when you point that out, everyone who did not see it so far, can see it too.
Stokel-Walker, C. (2021). Covid-19: Why test and trace will fail without support for self-isolation. BMJ, 372, n327. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n327
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Don't just wishlist me. I'm not that expensive... also, look at those reviews!
medium.com medium.com
it might be killing three times the number of cyclists over a million rides than another model
Fair enough. But then we should also make the counter-argument...how many motorists did the self-driving car save in the same period?
I know that this is a tricky ethical scenario and I'm not trivialising it, but these arguments are overly simplistic and one-sided.
educationinnovation.pressbooks.com educationinnovation.pressbooks.com
A part of one’s learning journey, then, is learning that comes by way of critical self-reflection.
Highlight: Question your own authority or self-governance through self-reflection what a great thought. Many of us never question oursleves or own motivations and this is needed as part of the design journey.
- Jan 2021
ubuntu.com ubuntu.com
Snaps each pick a ‘base’, for example, Ubuntu18 (corresponding to the set of minimal debs in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS). Nevertheless, the choice of base does not impact on your ability to use a snap on any of the supported Linux distributions or versions — it’s a choice of the publisher and should be invisible to you as a user or developer.
Snaps sound a lot like container images in this respect.
archive.org archive.org
But if the breakdown of our civilization was timed by the failure of world economy, it was certainly not caused by it. Its origins lay more than a hundred years back in that social and technological up- heaval from which the idea of a self-regulating market sprang in Western Europe. The end of this venture has come in our time ; it closes a distinct stage in the history of industrial civilization.
Polanyis Hauptwerk ist hier vollständig und annotierbar (in der Text-Version, mit nicht funktioniender Verlinkung) online zugänglich.
developingchild.harvard.edu developingchild.harvard.edu
Executive Function & Self-Regulation
article on executive function and self-reg
hbr.org hbr.org
Anyone can apply these same methods on the job. Say you have someone in your company who is a masterly communicator, and you learn that he is going to give a talk to a unit that will be laying off workers. Sit down and write your own speech, and then compare his actual speech with what you wrote. Observe the reactions to his talk and imagine what the reactions would be to yours. Each time you can generate by yourself decisions, interactions, or speeches that match those of people who excel, you move one step closer to reaching the level of an expert performer.• • •
Many everyday events present an opportunity to learn, but only if they are reframed into an "action-feedback" perspective. Learn to recognize these opportunities and reconstruct the frame so that you can learn to judge the quality of an action by the response it produces. Critique it against your own thought process and improve iteratively.
Nuijten, M. B. (2020). Efficient Scientific Self-Correction in Times of Crisis. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/9hc8z
www.editage.com www.editage.com
Researchers and Their Stories (2020) WEBINAR: Managing your mental health is an ongoing journey – Let's embrace the process!. Retrieved from https://www.editage.com/insights/managing-your-mental-health-is-an-ongoing-journey-lets-embrace-the-process
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
Briscese. G., Lacetera. N., Macis. M., Tonin. M., (2020) Compliance with COVID-19 Social-Distancing Measures in Italy: The Role of Expectations and Duration. Retrieved from: https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13092/
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci [@SciBeh] (2020, August) can I ask, though: schooling was mandatory- were you still meant to go to school when there was an infected household member? or were you specifically barred from going to school or work if there was an infected household member? sources would be much appreciated! Twitter. Retrieved from: https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1295692557884825602
-upvote if this helped!
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Get a small home server (e.g. ASRock Beebox), get a domain and run Cloudron, then enable Nextcloud (and any other app they provide).Provides local and off-site backup (e.g. on S3).
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
There is a dimension of personal preference to it. I don't like to expose more than strictly necessary to external consumers, because it makes it harder to track usages. If you find a bind:prop in a consumer, you know prop is used (which you already kind of knew since the prop is part of the "public" API of the component). Done. If you find a bind:this, you now need to track all usages of this this.
- Dec 2020
academyofideas.com academyofideas.com
To help us at these crucial moments we may find it useful to devise a ritual which symbolizes and facilitates our transformation into our second self. Todd Herman, author of the Alter Ego Effect and a peak performance coach, cautions that this technique will only work if the ritualized actions we select are performed exclusively when we need to activate the transition into our second self.
Ritualized action like baseball players.
h.readthedocs.io h.readthedocs.io
Using the Hypothesis API¶
It'd be great if there were a guide for spinning-up a self-hosted version of the API/Backend
Dr. Chu recommends saying to yourself “I can or I get to learn” to see attending school as opportunities and choices that we shouldn’t take for granted.
Change your thinking of a task from an obligation to an opportunity
Sanders explains that often when parents see that a child does not appear to be motivated, they tend to place blame and judge. Instead, she recommends that parents should be curious about what is going on and try to work collaboratively by problem-solving.
Great Parenting.
Try to understand why your kid has problems with motivations, maybe along the self-determination theory route (autonomy, relatedness, and competency).
Try to see if your child has a sense of control of the situation, what skills they have or are lacking to tackle the issue, and if they feel heard and connected.
“Autonomy and relatedness are often missed in household tasks. People say to themselves ‘I have to clean or do laundry’ and this thinking reduces our sense of autonomy,” he said.How to overcome it:Dr. Chu says that we can overcome this lack of motivation for household tasks by enhancing autonomy.“Say to yourself ‘I can or I get to clean’ which changes your thinking of household tasks as opportunities and choices that we shouldn’t take for granted.”
The way we phrase our motivations is a large part in whether we can get it done.
Say we phrase our chores as something we 'have' to do then we lose our sense of autonomy or control over the situation. This leads to us less likely to do the task as it is something we are compelled to finish. If we rephrase it to "I get to do my chores" then the sense of autonomy returns as now chores are an oppurinity that I can take advantage of.
Dr. Chu explains that self-determination theory states that three basic psychological needs — autonomy, competence, and relatedness — need to be satisfied for people to be intrinsically motivated.
Self-Determination Theory says we have 3 psychological needs
1.Autonomy- Having the ability to make your own choices
2.Competence- The feeling that you have the skills needed to succeed
3.Relatedness- Sense of feeling connected with others
“Self-determination theory proposes that the quality, rather than solely the quantity, of motivation influences how people act,” says Dr. Tsz Lun (Alan) Chu, sports psychologist
The Self-determination theory says that the quality and not the quantity of motivation determines how we action
www.greek-myth.com www.greek-myth.com
In its true sense, myth pertains and is limited to the gods while legend applies to humanity, the heroes.
Of Gods and men
felt.dev felt.dev
Felt is a set of tools for building customizable self-governing communities.
www.inkandswitch.com www.inkandswitch.com
Summary This design of the Cambria-Automerge integration has several useful properties: Multi-schema: The document can be read and written in any schema at any time. A document has no single “canonical” schema—just a log of writes from many schemas. Self-evolving: The logic for evolving formats is contained within the document itself. An older client can read newer versions without upgrading its code, since it can retrieve new lenses from the document itself. Future-proof: Edits to the document are resilient to the addition of future lenses. Since no evolution is done on write, old changes can be evolved using lenses that didn’t even exist at the time of the original change. One area for future research is further exploring the interaction between the guarantees provided by lenses and CRDTs. For example, Automerge has different logic for handling concurrent edits on a scalar value and an array. But what happens if the concurrent edits are applied to an array in one schema, and a scalar value in another?
blog.kotlin-academy.com blog.kotlin-academy.com
To stay up-to-date with the new parts, just follow this medium or observe me on Twitter. In case you need some help, remember that I am open for consultation.
If you like it, remember to clap. Note that if you hold the clap button, you can leave more claps.
www.securistore.co.za www.securistore.co.za
Small Unit
Size: 1.3m x 2m
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Graupmann, V., & Pfundmair, M. (2020, December 1). When social exclusion is mandated: COVID-19, social distancing, gender and psychological needs. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/u362n
- Nov 2020
www.mattkaramazov.com www.mattkaramazov.com
“I think of the self-actualizing man not as an ordinary man with something added, but rather as the ordinary man with nothing taken away.”
Interesting way to look at it. We are all capable of greatness and what stops us are things that hold us back, not traits we do not posses.
It is saying that we have all we need to self-actualize
blog.hubspot.com blog.hubspot.com
One last bonus: CSS variables can be written in a way that makes it easier for human programmers to understand. If you just see hex code #93e9be, you won’t know what color it produces, while --brand-green makes clear the purpose of the variable.
github.com github.com
My focus is on make the API as simpler as possible to allows easy integration without even reading the docs but keeping and expand current features.
forge.medium.com forge.medium.com
Psychologists have only seriously begun analyzing self-talk in the last couple of decades, and here’s what we know:1) Positive self-talk improves performance in most sports.2) Questions like “Will I do this?” produce better results than statements like “I will do this.”3) Using “we” in self-talk is better than using “I.”4) Talking about yourself in third person is more effective than talking in first person.5) Both motivational (“I will do this!“) and instructional (“See the target…straighten elbows…lock onto target…“) self-talk seems to be effective in enhancing performance.
How to talk to yourself! Positive Self - talk and motivation are best executed when done this:
1) Positive self-talk improves performance in most sports.
2) Questions like “Will I do this?” produce better results than statements like “I will do this.”
3) Using “we” in self-talk is better than using “I.”
4) Talking about yourself in third person is more effective than talking in first person.
5) Both motivational (“I will do this!“) and instructional (“See the target…straighten elbows…lock onto target…“) self-talk seems to be effective in enhancing performance.
plato.stanford.edu plato.stanford.edu
On the view that experience, like thought, has representational content, this can be understood as the view that experiences, like thoughts, can have content that is first-personal.
Is it implied here that,
(0) Concept is like a box which holds Representational Content (A) Experiences can have First Person Representation Content (B) Thoughts can have First Person Representational Content (C) Thoughts are conceptual. (D) Experiences are non-conceptual (E) Having Conceptual First Person Representational Concept implies the subject is self-conscious
Therefore (F) Having Non-Conceptual First Person Representational Concept implies the subject is self-conscious as well?
After all, self-consciousness is presumably a form of consciousness
Does Self-Consciousness then imply consciousness of ones own thoughts, and consciousness of one's own sensory and non-sensory experiences?
On this account, every belief involves the self-ascription of a property and so, arguably, is an instance of self-consciousness
If you say, "I believe P", it may imply you are conscious that "you believe 'that P'"
But can you believe something that you're not conscious of? Does saying 'I believe P' imply, you're actually conscious of P?
for example, If I say "I believe that "All Cats have 5 legs" could it mean that I am conscious that "All Cats have 5 Legs" or does it mean that I am conscious that I believe "All Cats have 5 Legs". If the later is acceptable, then it is probably valid to say that beliefs, even visibly wrong ones, have self-ascription (self-indicating) property. That is, they indicate I am aware of 'What I believe'.
first-personal thought and language is irreducible to non-first-personal thought and language, and is essential to the explanation of action
Is the author implying that, on a 'Referent' and 'Thought and Language' Grid, 'Referent" ("I" as Subject) as a content of the 'Thought and Language' ("My pants are on fire") calls for action enablement. Whereas 'Referent' ("Smith" as Subject) as content of the 'Thought and Language' ("Smith's pants are on fire") is not self-locating, for being non-first personal thought?
== Two Lines of Thinking == (1) Smith's pants are on fire. He should put it out. (2) Smith's pants are on fire. He should put it out. I am Smith. Therefore, my pants are on fire. Therefore, I should put it out.
== unless, I come to believe 'I = Smith', only then it calls for action. Unless and until, 'Smith' becomes first-personal in the mind, it is unable to self-locate.
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You can support my work on this project through my other project, Tunnelgram.
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Quick self-promotion plug (but in the name of altruism)
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Self-Directed Learning: A Core Concept in Adult Education
Svein Loeng. (2020). Self-Directed Learning: A Core Concept in Adult Education. Education Research International, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/3816132
www.technotification.com www.technotification.com
Thanks for posting this helpful, well written article. Learning programming, or any other thing one takes up, requires you to sit at one place have a plan of action for your study.
I was going through my Firefox bookmarks and I found article. I had read this article two years back and had commented that I found it to be useful. I read it back in May 2018. As of now, November 2020, my programming skills are still novice-level. I haven't implemented the ideas or followed suggestions given here.
It has been 2 years and 5 months since I found this article to be relevant and it baffles me that I haven't taken action by making use of the knowledge given in this article. Two long years flew by. I guess reviewing my bookmarks is something that I will do more often.
The article was posted on May 23, 2018 and I had stumbled on it the next day itself, i.e., May 24, 2018. This gets me thinking that we could finds solutions for problems(latest ones in this case) once we identify it, articulate it, hit the search button and just read stuff. I could presume that what happened next was that I misunderstood "finding a solution" to "realizing the solution", and perhaps became complacent or maybe there were more problems that didn't come to my awareness to identify and further find solutions. I'm not quite sure. Should I have identified my problems and googled more so that I could have learned C and C++ sooner?
I wonder what held me back from taking action to accomplish and master something that usually takes not more that 5-6 months maximum.
- Oct 2020
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- The best projects start with goals and plans.
- The subconscious has so much to do with success.
- Our subconscious decides whether to accept something into our awareness based on something called "Hot Goals".
- From this udemy course, I will learn how to set goals with the MOMA subconscious method, by which I convert what's not working for me into a HOT GOAL.
- Achieving hot goals is the means of the subconscious mind to keep you safe even if it isn't necessary.
- If your goals have to become hot goals then, your conscious goals must translate to subconscious goals.
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Rent Strike Bristol on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved October 27, 2020, from https://twitter.com/RentStrikeBris/status/1317073795291729921
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Self-regulation supports learning and performance on specific tasks through the following: Metacognitive knowledge about academic work. Strategies for analyzing tasks. Metacognitive knowledge about task-specific strategies (e.g., for managing work, learning mathematics, comprehending texts, writing paragraphs). Skills for implementing strategies. Strategies for self-monitoring and strategic use of feedback.
Self-regulated Learning supports metacognition.
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emotional intelligence in initiating the process of self-directed learning among the employees of Bhilai Steel Plant.
I am not certain where humanism comes into play here. But I recently read some information about it in another article.
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react-final-form: README.md:1: You build great forms, but do you know HOW users use your forms? Find out with Form Nerd! Professional analytics from the creator of React Final Form.
cepr.harvard.edu cepr.harvard.edu
1. The Omniscience Flaw:Reflection in practice requires teachers to effectively address whatever provokes them in the moment, yet sometimes the challenges that require action are not the ones teachers see or hear. For example, while working with a small group or helping an individual student, teachers may miss off-task students in other corners of the classroom. To maximize reflection in practice, teachers need extraordinary, all-knowing powers. While many teachers have superhero-like qualities, omniscience is not one of them.2. The Symptom-Treatment Flaw:Another inadequacy of situational thinking is that it does not provide time for the consideration of root causes. Because teachers must react in the moment, the critical pause required to conduct an “act of search or investigation” is not possible (Dewey, 1910).3. The Recollection Flaw:Reflection on practice relies on the accuracy of memory. Educators must recall the details of prior lessons to maximize their diagnosis, but those details often fade in memory. Reflection is best when specific, yet memory can only deliver an adumbrated version of what happened in any given hour.
Structured self-reflection play an important role in self reflection. The three common flaws in self-reflection allow instructors to analyze specific challenges. Using this method of analysis offers teachers the opportunity for self-reflection and correction. Rating: 8/10
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Self-concept also differs from self-esteem: self-concept is a cognitive or descriptive component of one's self (e.g. "I am a fast runner"), while self-esteem is evaluative and opinionated (e.g. "I feel good about being a fast runner").
Self-concept is distinguishable from self-awareness, which refers to the extent to which self-knowledge is defined, consistent, and currently applicable to one's attitudes and dispositions.
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Subgroups of the computer underground with different attitudes and motives use different terms to demarcate themselves from each other. These classifications are also used to exclude specific groups with whom they do not agree.
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
Preservice Teacher Experience with Technology Integration: How the Preservice Teacher’s Effica-cy in Technology Integration is Impactedby the Context of the Preservice Teacher Education Pro-gram
This article discusses the need for teacher education to focus just as much on technology knowledge (regardless of grade level taught) as on educational theory and methods. It argues that teachers cannot be effective if they are not trained in not only current technologies, but also taught to be familiar with navigating new technologies as the emerge. 5/10 Very specific to K-12 teacher education.
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Link to https://ponyfill.com in your readme. Example. Add ponyfill to the keywords section in package.json.
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Andragogy and Self-Directed Learning:Pillars of Adult Learning Theory
This chapter defines andragogy and reviews the early foundations of adult learning theory. Previous adult learning research performed with multiple constraints demonstrated that circumstance (education, training, health, speed of response) may have more of an impact in learning than age. Studies also revealed that age impacts the ability to perform some cognitive functions yet has little impact on others. While the characteristics of the adult learner have remained relatively consistent, perspectives in classifying the topic and its principles have varied. In discussion of self-directed learning, the authors address related objectives, ethos, self-directed attributes, and assessment methods. The authors report a decline in literature focused on self-directed learning within adult education and advocate for continued investigation and research. 8/10
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The educator’s role in self-directed learning
Fostering self-directed learning through strategy is discussed by Bailey et al. (2019) in chapter 1 of “Self-Directed Learning for the 21st Century: Implications for Higher Education.” The authors review the changing role of the educator and the learner based on respective self-directed teaching strategies (problem-based learning, cooperative learning, process-oriented learning) and the learner’s propensity for self-directed learning. In addition to providing principles to promote self-directed learning, the Grow and Borich models for implementing said learning were briefly reviewed. 8/10
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
Creativity, Self-Directed Learning and the Architecture of Technology Rich Environments
(Click Download full-text PDF to read). In this article, the authors reflect on the need to cultivate creativity and self-directed learning through transition from conventional course design to a more comprehensive design, which includes technology, problem solving, and collaboration. Moreover, the authors contend that measures of success should not be limited to traditional assessment methods. Barriers to the success of a self-directed design within the typical learning environment are mentioned. Through case study review, the authors demonstrate that strategic course design (educator, setting, technology, expectations) fosters development of the self-directed learner. Dynamics supporting the success of the technology-rich, creative, self-directed design were included. With a methodological approach that incorporates technology, problem-solving, teamwork, and educator support, self-directed behaviors emerge.(8/10)