- Jun 2020
bostonreview.net bostonreview.net
Lipsitch, M. (2020, May 12). Good Science Is Good Science [Text]. Boston Review. http://bostonreview.net/science-nature/marc-lipsitch-good-science-good-science
twitter.com twitter.com
Dean, N. E. PhD (2020, June 09). "A general comment about science communications. Scientists are rarely trained to talk to the public. It's hard to explain complicated concepts simply. It's easier to retreat to our familiar technical language." Twitter. https://twitter.com/nataliexdean/status/1270164164955250690
www.telegraph.co.uk www.telegraph.co.uk
Vallance, P. (2020, May 30). We are learning a lot, including how to do it better next time. The Telegraph. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/05/30/will-have-learned-lot-including-do-better-next-time-science/
featuredcontent.psychonomic.org featuredcontent.psychonomic.org
Lewandowsky, S. (2020, June 1). A tale of two island nations: Lessons for crisis knowledge management. Psychonomic Society Featured Content. https://featuredcontent.psychonomic.org/a-tale-of-two-island-nations-lessons-for-crisis-knowledge-management/
- May 2020
thehardestscience.com thehardestscience.com
github.com github.com
petermr. (2020). Petermr/openVirus [HTML]. https://github.com/petermr/openVirus (Original work published 2020)
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Malik, S. (2020). Knowledge of COVID-19 Symptoms and Prevention among Pakistani Adults: A Cross-sectional Descriptive Study [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/wakmz
Battiston, P., Kashyap, R., & Rotondi, V. (2020, May 11). Trust in science and experts during the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/5tch8
covid.deepset.ai covid.deepset.ai
Corona Scholar: Scientific COVID-19 Knowledge
www.fox32chicago.com www.fox32chicago.com
Fox32Chicago. (2020 May 14). Chicago doctors come together to dispel misinformation, advise officials on pandemic. https://www.fox32chicago.com/video/684221
secrecyresearch.com secrecyresearch.com
Beyer-Hunt, S., Carter, J., Goh, A., Li, N., & Natamanya, S.M. (2020, May 14) COVID-19 and the Politics of Knowledge: An Issue and Media Source Primer. SPIN. https://secrecyresearch.com/2020/05/14/covid19-spin-primer/
ourworldindata.org ourworldindata.orgAbout1
About. (n.d.). Our World in Data. Retrieved May 25, 2020, from https://ourworldindata.org/about
featuredcontent.psychonomic.org featuredcontent.psychonomic.org
Herzog, S. (2020, May 21). Boosting COVID-19 related behavioral science by feeding and consulting an eclectic knowledge base. Psychonomic Society Featured Content. https://featuredcontent.psychonomic.org/boosting-covid-19-related-behavioral-science-by-feeding-and-consulting-an-eclectic-knowledge-base/
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Knowledge work can be differentiated from other forms of work by its emphasis on "non-routine" problem solving that requires a combination of convergent and divergent thinking.[2] But despite the amount of research and literature on knowledge work, there is no succinct definition of the term.
workers, whose line of work requires one to "think for a living"
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
All of the features of NLS were in support of Engelbart's goal of augmenting collective knowledge work and therefore focused on making the user more powerful, not simply on making the system easier to use.
covidtracking.com covidtracking.com
The COVID Tracking Project. https://covidtracking.com/
Hope, T., Borchardt, J., Portenoy, J., Vasan, K., & West, J. (2020, May 6). Exploring the COVID-19 network of scientific research with SciSight. Medium. https://medium.com/ai2-blog/exploring-the-covid-19-network-of-scientific-research-with-scisight-f75373320a8c
www.bps.org.uk www.bps.org.uk
BPS. Coronavirus resources. bps.org.uk/coronavirus-resources
stateup.co stateup.co
Filer, T. & Kaminer, R. How governments can engage digital resources to manage their Covid-19 response. (2020, March 9). StateUp. https://stateup.co/how-governments-can-engage-digital-resources-to-manage-their-covid-19-response/
creativesunite.eu creativesunite.eu
Creatives Unite. https://creativesunite.eu/
www.researchprofessionalnews.com www.researchprofessionalnews.com
Smallman, M. ‘Independent Sage’ group is an oxymoron. (2020, May 5). Research Professional News. https://www.researchprofessionalnews.com/rr-news-political-science-blog-2020-5-independent-sage-group-is-an-oxymoron/
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Lewis, P., & Conn, D. (2020, May 8). UK scientists condemn “Stalinist” attempt to censor Covid-19 advice. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/08/revealed-uk-scientists-fury-over-attempt-to-censor-covid-19-advice
- redaction
- transparency
- UK
- lockdown
- advice
- blanked out
- response
- expert
- COVID-19
- publication
- is:news
- censorship
- behavioral science
- trust
- government
- science
- lang:en
- criticism
- public knowledge
theguardian.com/world/2020/may/08/revealed-uk-scientists-fury-over-attempt-to-censor-covid-19-advice -
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Horton, R. (2020). Offline: Independent science advice for COVID-19—at last. The Lancet, 395(10235), 1472. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31098-9
science-sciencemag-org.ezproxy.redlands.edu science-sciencemag-org.ezproxy.redlands.edu
Aspesi, C., & Brand, A. (2020). In pursuit of open science, open access is not enough. Science, 368(6491), 574–577. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aba3763
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci Post
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Fischer, H., & Said, N. (2020, May 12). Metacognition_ClimateChange_Fischer&Said_Preprint. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/fd6gy
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The goal of the W3C Semantic Web Education and Outreach group's Linking Open Data community project is to extend the Web with a data commons by publishing various open datasets as RDF on the Web and by setting RDF links between data items from different data sources.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Copyleft licenses are institutions which support a knowledge commons of executable software.
Pinto, S. F., & Ferreira, R. S. (2020). Analyzing course programmes using complex networks. ArXiv:2005.00906 [Physics]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2005.00906
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Ballew, M. T., Bergquist, P., Goldberg, M., Gustafson, A., Kotcher, J., Marlon, J. R., … Leiserowitz, A. (2020, April 20). American Public Responses to COVID-19, April 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/qud5t
www.blizzard.com www.blizzard.com
Peer must maintain a staffed 24x7 operational center, with knowledge or direct escalation privileges to knowledgable personal to resolve any issues efficiently
featuredcontent.psychonomic.org featuredcontent.psychonomic.org
Mickes, L. (2020, March 31). COVID-19: What can we do now? Psychonomic Society Featured Content. https://featuredcontent.psychonomic.org/covid-19-what-can-we-do-now/
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
r/BehSciMeta—Establishing an augmented online eco-system to foster the decentralized consolidation of behavioral science knowledge on COVID-19. (n.d.). Reddit. Retrieved April 16, 2020, from https://www.reddit.com/r/BehSciMeta/comments/fooqao/establishing_an_augmented_online_ecosystem_to/
Du, H., Yang, J., King, R. B., Yang, L., & Chi, P. (2020). COVID-19 Increases Online Emotional and Health-Related Searches [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/5gskw
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Fenton, N., Hitman, G. A., Neil, M., Osman, M., & McLachlan, S. (2020). Causal explanations, error rates, and human judgment biases missing from the COVID-19 narrative and statistics [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/p39a4
AMELICA/REDALYC EPIDEMICS-RELATED CONTENT – AmeliCA. (n.d.). Retrieved May 5, 2020, from http://amelica.org/epidemics/
- Apr 2020
scibeh.org scibeh.org
SciBeh. (n.d.). SciBeh. Retrieved April 27, 2020, from https://scibeh.org/
Hahn, U., Lagnado, D., Lewandowsky, S., & Chater, N. (2020). Crisis knowledge management: Reconfiguring the behavioural science community for rapid responding in the Covid-19 crisis [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/hsxdk
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Rosenfeld, D. L., Rothgerber, H., & Wilson, T. (2020, April 22). Politicizing the COVID-19 Pandemic: Ideological Differences in Adherence to Social Distancing. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/k23cv
www.picturinghealth.org www.picturinghealth.org
Picturing Health. Films about coronavirus (COVID-19). picturinghealth.org/coronavirus-films/
behavioralscientist.org behavioralscientist.org
Epistemic Humility—Knowing Your Limits in a Pandemic—By Erik Angner. (2020, April 13). Behavioral Scientist. https://behavioralscientist.org/epistemic-humility-coronavirus-knowing-your-limits-in-a-pandemic/
www.pnas.org www.pnas.org
Bles, A. M. van der, Linden, S. van der, Freeman, A. L. J., & Spiegelhalter, D. J. (2020). The effects of communicating uncertainty on public trust in facts and numbers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(14), 7672–7683. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1913678117
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Olapegba, P. O., Ayandele, O., Kolawole, S. O., Oguntayo, R., Gandi, J. C., Dangiwa, A. L., … Iorfa, S. K. (2020, April 12). COVID-19 Knowledge and Perceptions in Nigeria. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/j356x
- symptom
- lockdown
- behavior
- information
- health information
- general public
- descriptive statistics
- transmission
- COVID-19
- knowledge
- news
- perception
- data collection
- misconception
- is:preprint
- misinformation
- Nigeria
- infection
- media
- prevention
- China
- public health
- lang:en
- questionnaire
- precaution
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Erceg, N., Ružojčić, M., & Galic, Z. (2020, April 10). Misbehaving in the Corona Crisis: The Role of Anxiety and Unfounded Beliefs. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/cgjw8
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Abu-Akel, A., Spitz, A., & West, R. (2020, April 9). Who is listening? Spokesperson Effect on Communicating Social and Physical Distancing Measures During the COVID-19 Pandemic. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/bmzve
sciencebusiness.net sciencebusiness.net
Nowotny, H. (2020 April 02). Viewpoint: It's time to coordinate the global COVID-19 research effort. Science Business. https://sciencebusiness.net/viewpoint/viewpoint-its-time-coordinate-global-covid-19-research-effort.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Stadler, M., Niepel, C., Botes, E., Dörendahl, J., Krieger, F., & Greiff, S. (2020). Individual Psychological Responses to the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: Different Clusters and Their Relation to Risk-Reducing Behavior [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/k8unc
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Sailer, M., Stadler, M., Botes, E., Fischer, F., & Greiff, S. (2020, April 9). Science knowledge and trust in medicine affect individuals’ behavior in pandemic crises. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/tmu8f
github.com github.com
Petermr/openVirus. (n.d.). GitHub. Retrieved April 8, 2020, from https://github.com/petermr/openVirus
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Hahn, U., Lagnado, D., Lewandowsky, S., & Chater, N. (2020). Crisis knowledge management: Reconfiguring the behavioural science community for rapid responding in the Covid-19 crisis [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/hsxdk
www.fwf.ac.at www.fwf.ac.atDetail1
Detail. (n.d.). Retrieved April 9, 2020, from https://www.fwf.ac.at/en/news-and-media-relations/news/detail/nid/20200326-2500/
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Niet, A. de, Waanders, B. L., & Walraven, I. (n.d.). The role of children in the transmission of mild SARS-CoV-2 infection. Acta Paediatrica, n/a(n/a). https://doi.org/10.1111/apa.15310
hapgood.us hapgood.us
Everybody wants to play in the Stream, but no one wants to build the Garden.
web.archive.org web.archive.org
the theory that if you make a gift out of something people feel better disposed towards it.
www.csdl.tamu.edu www.csdl.tamu.edu
Isthere any way of using these annotations (cryptic jottings,emphasis symbols, underlining and highlighting) in theDocuverse?
For example, I think one could sum the highlight in each specific section. If many people highlighted a passage, then the highlight color is higher. That way one would be able to discover passages that many people found important/interesting. Although, it may also bias others to do the same. As usual.
- Mar 2020
epress.library.okstate.edu epress.library.okstate.edu
Research in Educational Technology
This textbook, published by the Oklahoma State University Library ePress, contains a chapter which summarizes the main views of knowledge in educational technology research, including postpositivism, constructivism, advocacy, and pragmatism, as well as each view's research traditions. The chapter suggests an approach to evaluating research articles through the lenses of a consistent learning theory coupled, methodologies that support that learning theory, and the conclusions that are drawn by the researchers supported through their methodologies. This chapter would help educators evaluate how and why they might include technology into their course curriculum. Rating: 7/10
blog.wikimedia.org blog.wikimedia.org
samiz-dat.github.io samiz-dat.github.io
archipel.hashbase.io archipel.hashbase.io
- Feb 2020
tjcx.me tjcx.me
Wisdom Knowledge
Wisdom vs Knowledge: Easily understood Difficult to learn Widely applicable Narrowly useful Hard to implement Easy to implement Self-help Textbooks
But what if you wanted wisdom, not knowledge? Are there books that contain wisdom? In other words, are there books that give you general-purpose, one-size-fits-all advice for navigating life? Of course there is! It’s called self-help.
Self-help books are there to make you wise, not knowledgable
“a wise person knows what to do in most situations, while a [knowledgeable]1 person knows what to do in situations where few others could.” In other words, wise people are moderately successful in many domains, while knowledgeable people are very successful in a few.
~ Paul Graham
paulgraham.com paulgraham.com
there are two sources of feeling like a noob: being stupid, and doing something novel. Our dislike of feeling like a noob is our brain telling us "Come on, come on, figure this out."
Two sources of being a noob
the more of a noob you are locally, the less of a noob you are globally.For example, if you stay in your home country, you'll feel less of a noob than if you move to Farawavia, where everything works differently. And yet you'll know more if you move. So the feeling of being a noob is inversely correlated with actual ignorance.
Being a noob
- Jan 2020
www.mkdocs.org www.mkdocs.orgMkDocs1
MkDocs is a fast, simple and downright gorgeous static site generator that's geared towards building project documentation. Documentation source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML configuration file.
Static site - no server needed
Search: autocomplete via in-browser lunr
Summary: Simple and easy to get started. Uses Python-Markdown, which does not support fenced code blocks in lists at this time of writing.
We tend to treat our knowledge as personal property to be protected and defended. It is an ornament that allows us to rise in the pecking order.
The antidote to this overconfidence boils down to our relationship with knowledge. The anti-scholar, as Taleb refers to it, is “someone who focuses on the unread books, and makes an attempt not to treat his knowledge as a treasure, or even a possession, or even a self-esteem enhancement device — a skeptical empiricist.
Because we underestimate the value of what we don’t know and overvalue what we do know, we fundamentally misunderstand the likelihood of surprises.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
activist groups are more likely to tap into unconscious values and emotions — like using the term “Frankenfoods” to describe G.M.O.s
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Katie Bouman
El caso de Katie Bouman en la categoría de Articles for Deletion y mi análisis de los comentarios bajo la categoría inicial de not relevant
Any relevant material can be mentioned there
of WP:1E
Wikipedia: Notability (people). Notable
Someone who isn't even an assistant professor is certainly not notable as a scientist.
Notable as a scientist
Wikipedia:Notability is not inherited.
The Event Horizon Telescope project is notable in itself, and has its own article, but anyone who are in some way (remotely) associated with it are not inherently notable.
xtools.wmflabs.org xtools.wmflabs.org
Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Katie Bouman • en.wikipedia.org
Estadísticas sobre el Article for Deletion de Katie Bouman
- Dec 2019
github.com github.com
edn supports a rich set of built-in elements, and the definition of extension elements in terms of the others. Users of data formats without such facilities must rely on either convention or context to convey elements not included in the base set. This greatly complicates application logic, betraying the apparent simplicity of the format. edn is simple, yet powerful enough to meet the demands of applications without convention or complex context-sensitive logic.
remove context or convention needs
twitter.com twitter.com
My suspicion is, a good KPI for a knowledge tool is minimum threshold of time required to make a negentropic update to it, with every halving of the threshold increasing its capacity to hold positive-interest-rate knowledge repos by an order of magnitude.
some adhoc loss func
This btw is the maker time/manager time problem pg wrote about. Making needs 4 hour chunks because anything less tends to increase entropy rather than decrease it in any non-trivial knowledge work project. So anything that lowers that lower limit is a big win.
<4h intense focus increases entropy (more stuff, less structure) in your brain
frankensteinvariorum.github.io frankensteinvariorum.github.io
Of what a strange nature is knowledge
The Creature's story emphasizes the complex question of knowledge--how "strange" and contradictory it is to have, how "sorrow only increased with knowledge"--in ways that suggest it is drastically reductive to see in this novel only a warning against science.
bakkah.net.sa bakkah.net.sa
Bakkah Inc.Bakkah is a national consulting and training company formed by multinational professionals that have a wide experience in management consulting and professional training.We develop solutions tailored to our customers needs. Based on our knowledge, experience and best practices of several industries, we help organizations reach the best decisions to ensure accountability for project success, cost reduction and profit uplifts.Our experts with their sufficient skills enables us to provide solutions ranging from business strategy to the most functional and operative areas.
Bakkah is a Saudi management consulting and education company that offers a wide range of products and services. We develop solutions tailored to our customer’s needs. Our team of highly experienced, certified professionals helps you reach the best decisions that ensure you realize optimum business profits by delivering projects on time, cost, and quality. We pride ourselves in having the skills and knowledge based on best industry practices that enable us to provide a myriad of solutions for business strategy to the most functional and operative areas.
nextnowcollab.wordpress.com nextnowcollab.wordpress.com
“NextNow Collaboratory is an interesting example of a new kind of collective intelligence: an Internet-enabled, portable social network, easily transferable from one social cause to another.”
Sense Collective's TotemSDK brings together tools, protocols, platform integrations and best practices for extending collective intelligence beyond our current capabilities. A number of cryptographic primitives have emerged which support the amazing work of projects like the NextNow Collaboratory in exciting ways that help to upgrade the general purpose social computing substrate which make tools like hypothes.is so valuable.
- Nov 2019
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
Show HN: Deskulu – Opensource knowledgebase and ticketing system
Built on Drupal
Targetted as a helpdesk and ticketing system, although it says knowledge base
docs.raneto.com docs.raneto.com
A knowledge base
Stack: node
Search: form-based. No autocomplete. String-based. Not NLP (accepting questions)
Adding: create a new file.
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.amazonaws.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.amazonaws.com35871501
This study researches the development of clinical trainers and their learners. Also, the article discussed how to create effective training. Key Words knowledge translation, training transfer, continuing professional education, instructional design
- Oct 2019
www.plough.com www.plough.com
is a political philosophy and anarchist school of thought which advocates the abolition of the state, capitalism, wage labour and private property (while retaining respect for personal property, along with collectively-owned items, goods and services) in favor of common ownership of the means of production, direct democracy, and a horizontal network of workers' councils with production and consumption based on the guiding principle: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs".[
- Sep 2019
arthurperret.fr arthurperret.fr
Otlet viewed knowledge as something related to humanity and which could extend it.
knowledge ↔ humanity
web.archive.org web.archive.org
The problem with the annotation notion is that it's the first time that we consider a piece of data which is not merely a projection of data already present in the message store: it is out-of-band data that needs to be stored somewhere.
could be same, schemaless datastore?
many of the searches we want to do could be accomplished with a database that was nothing but a glorified set of hash tables
Hello sql and cloure.set ns! ;P
There are objects, sets of objects, and presentation tools. There is a presentation tool for each kind of object; and one for each kind of object set.
very clojure-y mood, makes me think of clojure REBL (browser) which in turn is inspired by the smalltalk browser and was taken out of datomic (which is inspired by RDF, mentioned above!)
- Aug 2019
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
After the success of MORE, he went on to develop a scripting language whose syntax (for both code and data) was an outline. Kind of like Lisp with open/close triangles instead of parens! It had one of the most comprehensive implementation of Apple Events client and server support of any Mac application, and was really useful for automating other Mac apps, earlier and in many ways better than AppleScript.
Yes, lisp!
This is my thinking as well i.e. if you could (a) keep parentheses but render them differently. But not going over board in basic view so it's still editable like text. AND also have a more graphical view.
After the success of MORE, he went on to develop a scripting language whose syntax (for both code and data) was an outline.
Lisp! ;P
More was great because it had a well designed user interface and feature set with fluid "fahrvergnügen" that made it really easy to use with the keyboard as well as the mouse. It could also render your outlines as all kinds of nicely formatted and stylized charts and presentations. And it had a lot of powerful features you usually don't see in today's generic outliners.
fahrvergnügen German for "driving-pleasure. Yes! ALSO This is kind of central, in two ways.
A. you need to have good story for mouse only and keyboard only B. you need to have multi-modal rendering
Engelbart also showed how to embed lists and outlines in maps:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJDv-zdhzMY&t=15m39s
Now this is interesting. Instead of normal map here they've had to use this simple sketch/graph. Just arrows etc. BUT There maybe an actual value in that kind of simplicity!
Question worth asking here is why we have to see all the detail on the map always? Google may have different incentives than just showing you only essential data.
www.sanalabs.com www.sanalabs.com
formalized: knowledge retention
- Jul 2019
open.semanticscholar.org open.semanticscholar.orgOAS1
another body working on scholarly comms infrastructure - but for AI
non-duality.rupertspira.com non-duality.rupertspira.com
The realization of this truth dissolves the beliefs in distance, separation and otherness. The common name we give to this absence of distance, separation and otherness is love and beauty. It is that for which everyone longs – not just those of us that are interested in non-duality but all seven billion of us. In this realization true knowledge and love are revealed to be one and the same – the experiential realization that the true nature of the apparently inside self and the apparently outside world are one single reality made out of the transparent light of Awareness, that is, made out of the intimacy of our own being.
www.narst.org www.narst.org
It is critical to understand that within systems, there is no isolation from the context, though we often view context as the invisible elephant in the room. When context is not addressed explicitly, equity issues are overlooked, and conversations about diversity in the science curriculum become only necessary for the poor, or students of color, or bilingual students. Issues of equity and context must be integrated in a wider systemic approach for the implementation of the NGSS to be deemed useful. We have to allow for boundary crossing and interdisciplinary connections into domains that make context and students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, girls, students of cultural and linguistic diversity, and students in urban, suburban, and rural areas want to engage in science and see themselves in science. We believe that a culturally responsive approach to the implementation of the NGSS will achieve this goal.
It would be amazing to re-conceptualize the problem/s identified here using Popper's/Bereiter's 3-world ontology, specifically the affordances provided by World-3. W3 is 'inhabited by' abstract knowledge objects (aka cultural artifacts) created, worked-on, ignored, fought-over and rejected...or transformed/improved. The standards conceptualized like this and then engaging communities to develop relationships with these objects, apply and 'improve' them in their own worlds, as innovators, as professionals... This is a way to frame addressing the problem of 'implementation' of standards because, "...within systems, there is no isolation from the context..." This idea/description might need further development.
Within the vignette and the experiences of the four teachers, there is a fundamental equity and diversity issue that is shared among them: whose responsibility is it to address equity and diversity? How do we address it in science and within our particular contexts, and with our particular student populations? What supports must be present to allow us to promote equity and diversity in our teaching, learning, and curriculum? What supports are present in the NGSS to assist all teachers to teach in culturally responsive ways so that teachers meet the educational science needs of all students? Our position and the ways in which we address these questions center on implementation of the NGSS with equity and diversity as theoretical and pedagogical foundations to science teaching. In this way, equity and diversity becomes a vision and goal for implementation.
and my position is, how can we instantiate classrooms (ie communities of students) such that they have the agency and abilities to self-organize and tackle deep, "wicked problems" of such fundamental importance as this. In solving this science/equity problem, let's aim 1 level higher/deeper/further and also focus on transforming education to prepare children to care about and have the abilities to 'solve' problems such as this as they grow.
www.loper-os.org www.loper-os.org
The Lisp Machine (which could just as easily have been, say, a Smalltalk machine) was a computing environment with a coherent, logical design, where the “turtles go all the way down.” An environment which enabled stopping, examining the state of, editing, and resuming a running program, including the kernel. An environment which could actually be fully understood by an experienced developer. One where nearly all source code was not only available but usefully so, at all times, in real time. An environment to which we owe so many of the innovations we take for granted. It is easy for us now to say that such power could not have existed, or is unnecessary. Yet our favorite digital toys (and who knows what other artifacts of civilization) only exist because it was once possible to buy a computer designed specifically for exploring complex ideas. Certainly no such beast exists today – but that is not what saddens me most. Rather, it is the fact that so few are aware that anything has been lost.
teachonline.ca teachonline.ca
I also strongly support the public annotation, archiving and active curation of artifacts (papers, reports, student projects, annotated list of resources, slideshows etc.) that are produced within the COI so as to provide resources for other and subsequent COIs located around the globe (Tibbo, 2015; Ungerer, 2016).
This is a call to annotate! What better way to support this notion that to create public annotations with Hypothesis :) Leaving this here in the hopes that future annotators of this article will find this and help annotate this important update to a seminal model.
- Jun 2019
knowledgeinfrastructure reading list
- May 2019
legaltechies.es legaltechies.es
La idea es que Vincent, gracias a los algoritmos de inteligencia artificial, “entiende” el documento que se le proporciona y su contexto, de esa forma es capaz de sugerir los documentos, sentencias y otra información jurídica relevante para el caso concreto.
minimizar el tiempo y el esfuerzo necesario
cuando el usuario sube un documento a Vicent, vLex no se queda el documento. Únicamente lo procesa el algoritmo, pero la búsqueda que se construye sí queda en el historial del usuario. El objetivo es que el usuario puede recuperar los resultados de una búsqueda Vicent, aunque no tenga a mano el documento que lo originó
dougengelbart.org dougengelbart.org
The individual does not use this information and this processing to grapple directly with the sort of complex situation in which we seek to give him help. He uses his innate capabilities in a rather more indirect fashion, since the situation is generally too complex to yield directly to his motor actions, and always too complex to yield comprehensions and solutions from direct sensory inspection and use of basic cognitive capabilities.
The mention here of "innate capabilities" and the importance to yielding motor actions toward complex challenges, is noted. A question arises, regarding "basic cognitive capabilities" and their role in the process?
wellsky.com wellsky.com
www.goifoundation.org www.goifoundation.org
link.springer.com link.springer.com
definintion of social construction of knowledge
important distinction, information vs knowledge
- Apr 2019
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
While the predominant value of existentialist thought is commonly acknowledged to be freedom, its primary virtue is authenticity.[6] In the view of the existentialist, the individual's starting point is characterized by what has been called "the existential attitude", or a sense of disorientation, confusion, or dread in the face of an apparently meaningless or absurd world.[7] Many existentialists have also regarded traditional systematic or academic philosophies, in both style and content, as too abstract and remote from concrete human experience.[8][9]
wikistrategies.net wikistrategies.net
streetfightmag.com streetfightmag.com
viennaprinciples.org viennaprinciples.org
A Vision for Scholarly Communication Currently, there is a strong push to address the apparent deficits of the scholarly communication system. Open Science has the potential to change the production and dissemination of scholarly knowledge for the better, but there is no commonly shared vision that describes the system that we want to create.
A Vision for Scholarly Communication
pretty great intro to knowledge graphs
journal.code4lib.org journal.code4lib.org
Seized with the desire to improve the visibility of Canadian music in the world, a ragtag band of librarians led by Stacy Allison-Cassin set out to host Wikipedia edit-a-thons in the style of Art+Feminism, but with a focus on addressing Canadian music instead. Along the way, they recognized that Wikidata offered a low-barrier, high-result method of making that data not only visible but reusable as linked open data, and consequently incorporated Wikidata into their edit-a-thons. This is their story.
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.amazonaws.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.amazonaws.com35871501
- Mar 2019
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.amazonaws.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.amazonaws.com35871501
gsi.berkeley.edu gsi.berkeley.edu
Overview of Learning Theories
The Berkeley Graduate Division published an interesting and straightforward table of learning theories. The table compares behaviorism, cognitive constructivism, and social constructivism in four ways: the view of knowledge, view of learning, view of motivation, and implications for teaching. This is an easy-to-read, quick resource for those who would like a side-by-side comparison of common theories. 9/10
www.nwlink.com www.nwlink.com
This is Bloom's taxonomy of cognitive objectives. I selected this page because it explains both the old and new versions of the taxonomy. When writing instructional objectives for adult learning and training, one should identify the level of learning in Blooms that is needed. This is not the most attractive presentation but it is one of the more thorough ones. rating 4/5
dougengelbart.org dougengelbart.org
We'll stick to working with prose text in our examples—most people can grasp easily enough what we are doing there without having to have special backgrounds in mathematics or science as they would to gain equal comprehension for some of the similar sorts of things we do with diagrams and mathematical equations.
I think this sentence is one of the most overlooked key points. This virtual, and in '68 the live demo was a quantum leap in managing text and locked the attention on that level. However, the essence of this framework is managing symbols and making statements by them directly - not editing texts on pages and navigate around them. For example, seeing and managing the following statements in parallel: 1: there is an idea of "Locatable" represented by an entity. 2: "Locatable" in this environment contains X and Y attributes represented by their respective entity instances. 3: Another entity (be it a mouse pointer, a window or a car on a street) can or must be "Locatable" (among many other possible aspects). 4: "My car" entity is "Locatable" at 40, 20. We need a system that allows managing such statements and allow other systems behave according to them.
plato.stanford.edu plato.stanford.edu
such as scope, simplicity, fruitfulness, accuracy
Theories can be measured according to multiple metrics. The current default appears to be predictive accuracy, but this lists others, such as scope. If theory A predicts better but narrower and theory B predicts worse (in A's domain) but much more broadly, which is a better theory?
Others might be related to simplicity and whatnot. For example, if a theory is numerical but not explanatory (such as scaling laws or the results of statistical fitting) this theory might be useful but not satisfying.
Like in evolution, the process does not change toward some fixed goal according to some fixed rules, methods or standards, but rather it changes away from the pressures exerted by anomalies on the reigning theory (Kuhn 1962, 170–173). The process of scientific change is eliminative and permissive rather than instructive.
This is similar to evolution: not guided, but not random. Does this view contradict the idea of progression?
It also suggests a complex dynamic system that possess path dependence and environmental interaction.
- Feb 2019
dougengelbart.org dougengelbart.org
but you will not yet have been given much of a feel for how a computer-based augmentation system can really help a person
This is rather interesting in that Engelbart is saying not knowing much about the technical details is almost an asset here.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
your Friendships arc not cemented by Intrigues nor spent in vain Diversions, but in the search of Knowledge
Women's rhetorical sphere and a space/place for knowledge/information exchange: women's conversations
Obscurity, verbosity, and pretentiousness are to be avoided; unusual words are to be used only when they aid clarity and prevent the aforementioned faults. For Aslell, women's rheloric should focus on the art of conversation, us both Sutherland and Renaissance scholar Jane Donawerth have argued. This is women's proper rhetorical sphere, different from but in no way inferior to the public sphere in which men use oratory.
My mind immediately went to gossip and how the exchange/passing along of information/knowledge between women has been through this "proper rhetorical sphere" -- (private) conversations.
The way obscurity is used here versus how it's used by Locke is also very interesting and very, very gendered.
If we argue falsly and know not that we do so, we s hall be more pillicd than when we do, but either way disappointed.
Intent matters. Ignorance, though, can not be used as an excuse.
docs not grow a little less concern'd for her Body that she may attenc.J her Mind
Again, Gorgias' "craft" vs. "knack." One need not only direct attention toward surface-level endeavors (cosmetics), but must also pursue those endeavors geared at the pursuit of knowledge (gymnastics).
You know very well 'tii-inlinitcly better lo be good than to .�eem so.�
I'm immediately drawn the notion of a "craft" vs. "knack" in the "Gorgias." Whereas a craft is genuinely good and involves the pursuit of real knowledge, a knack merely imitates a craft as a surface-level endeavor.
ou please your selves.
A phrase that echoes Cavendish, who ponders her inability "Please All" (1), the desire for which kmurphy1 pointed out "hinders the progression of knowledge. Making this realization in the first sentence is remarkably important, for it immediately opens the door to discovery." For Astell and Astell's reader, the focus isn't on pleasing others but the self, and in doing so a woman can see ingeniousness not as an anomaly but as something within her grasp, if she takes the step toward discovery.
Alas, Human Knowledge is al best defective. and always progressive.
I'm struck by how much this statement rejects Locke's idea that simple ideas and concepts were related to universal ideals which all humans understood. Here Astell notes that our knowledge "is at best defective," a move that seems almost fatalistic if not for the additional qualifier of "always progressive." So we'll never know everything (or anything) perfectly (whatever that means), but you can still grow in knowledge.
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
the ability to effectively use content knowledge and skill
Understanding content and how to use it to prove a point, explain a topic, or shed light on an issue
mozilla.github.io mozilla.github.io
What we concluded is that people needed the map to be more approachable, accessible, and applicable for learning and teaching web literacy skills.
Making the information more understandable and relatable will help to spread knowledge about safe internet usage.
They can evaluate web content, and identify what is useful and trustworthy
This should be taught throughout k-12 schooling. Learnng this in college was super helpful but it was taught a little late for me. I know now how to choose sources that present good information but growing up I wouldnt have been able to do that
1) develop more educators, advocates, and community leaders who can leverage and advance the web as an open and public resource, and 2) impact policies and practices to ensure the web remains a healthy open and public resource for all.
Teaching people how to use the internet safely can allow for the internet to continue to be a place that helps someone obtain information, communicate with others, and express their knowledge to others. Providing a safe environmet for people to do these things is important for successful internet usage.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
whether it is possible to know the real es!.ences of' things
sounds very much like Plato's (?) theory of forms where the idea is the essence of something and the physical object is just an imperfect representation of that idea
We have direct sen1-ations. of course, hul we know only the ideas of these sensations; all other ideas arc fom1ed by reflecting upon the primary ideas caused by scn~ory pcrceplion
The only real things are the ideas in our heads, which we then combine with sensory information to project onto the world in order to make sense of it
He that has complex ideas, without particular names for them, would be in no better case than a bookseller, who had in his warehouse volumes that lay there unbound, and without titles, which he could therefore make known to others only by showing the loose sheets, and communicate them only by tale.
Part of demonstrating knowledge has to do with the organization of thoughts. What good does it do if one's thoughts remain undeveloped and in disarray? The goal should be to not only generate knowledge, but to translate this knowledge in an organized and accessible form.
Vico, Sheridan, and Campbell, as well as a number of philosophers, pursued Locke's suggestive but incomplete account of the relation-ship of language and knowledge, though never far enough to link rhetoric explicitly with the process of creating "true" knowledge. T
We stand on the shoulders of academics who have come before us. Although Locke's work may have been "incomplete" or a starting point, his work initiated this pursuit and paved the way for future scholars.
Locke believes that there b a real external world and that knowledge of it is pos!-iblc. hul only ii' we underst:md the processes by which we come lo ~uch knowledge.
Knowledge is the goal, the end, but the process by which knowledge is discovered, the means, is also important to Locke.
and the pre!.umption lhal direcl knowledge is available through revelation or perception.
Because it states knowledge is available through perception, do we all having differing knowledge because individuals have their own perceptions? It seems as though individuals can not have a sense of shared knowledge unless we all have the same perceptions.
Knowledge itself is independent of language.
Is this entirely true? Knowlege of things precedes speech about things, as the things themselves precede language to define them, but isn't our knowlege shaped by our language (or languages), making them instrinsically linked? I suppose for a "feral child" knowledge would be entirely independent from language, but that child's brain would develop differently - would they be capable of the same kinds of knowledge as a person with language?
- language
- perception
- Ends
- Process
- Organization
- Thoughts
- Means
- Pursuit of Knowledge
- Knowledge
- knowledge
- Building
- Academics
- Locke
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Lawyer and teen know-it-all jokes aside, I can see real potential that this statement is true. Making an argument requires testing it to see if the argument remains logical and consistent under varying circumstances. The problem must be thought through to its logical conclusion. That is the entire process of law school--thinking through problems and developing legal principles in response to those problems.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
I Know not how to Please All, t
The innate desire to please everyone hinders the progression of knowledge. Making this realization in the first sentence is remarkably important, for it immediately opens the door to discovery.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
each mind perceives a differentbeauty.
I believe this goes back to Locke's idea of knowledge and perception.
}-lume who seeks to understand the operations of mind.
In this sense, the mind is a machine, which operates in order to produce a certain product. What is this product? Knowledge? Can the product differ between people and instances?
- Jan 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
composes a new ontological framework ofbecoming-subjects
posthumanism as knowledge creation
Reminds me of the Gorgias "craft" vs "knack" distinction. A craft continually pursues knowledge, whereas a knack simply imitates a craft and is mere routine.
We know by now that there is no GreenwichMean Time in knowledge production in the posthuman era.
To say it another way (although, why do that, when she just knocked it out of the park?) by borrowing an analogy from economics, knowledge production is a series of floating baskets, all fluctuating together. There is no firm base that everything is built on, the structure persists by virtue of its relations of its coherent parts, one to another.
new subjects of knowledge
Melvil Dewey: "Guess I'll forget the base 10 number system and switch to hexadecimal."
For real, she's proposing developing knowledge that is outside of Dewey's ordering system. It's like 150 years old; it's about time!
programminghistorian.org programminghistorian.org
Interesting resource.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
“It seems like everything used to be something else, yes?”
Everything used to be something else, just like everything that is to come will have been something else first. This is one of the biggest proponents to knowledge being a social act. Every idea you have was sparked by something that you observed outside of yourself.
www.itdl.org www.itdl.orgJan05_011
Pragmatism (similar to cognitivism) states that reality is interpreted, and knowledge is negotiated through experience and thinking.
Thinking about technology as a cognitive tool and this idea of learning together, with one another, social constructivism - we consider knowledge as being constructed through the development of complex thinking and negotiation with others. How can you incorporate this idea into your activity to engage learners in complex or deeper thought using concept maps, video, resources, etc.?
Co-Organizing the Collective Journey of InquiryWith Idea Thread Mapper
This is a thought-provoking webinar in which the authors (Jianwei Zhang & Mei-Hwa Chen) discussed this article with the four panelists - Keith Sawyer, Carol Chan, Chew-Lee Teo, and Kate Bielaczyc. Full video at https://youtu.be/VDajiY9U2lk
drive.google.com drive.google.com
there is no guarantee that the generality signified by a word will convey the same idea to all users of the language
This goes back to my point that there really is no such thing as common knowledge. It's impossible to expect everyone to recall the same things, just like you can't expect words to mean the same thing to everyone.
common knowledge
The term common knowledge has become a slippery slope, especially in situations where socioeconomic backgrounds and country of origin come in to play.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
hese con-ditions are sedimented not solely in cultural narrative, ritual, and practice, but in howthey are made, accumulated, and enacted in (or through) material forms.
I've been writing and researching about the coffee talks that Bosnian/Bosniak women partake in and how our particular coffee came to be, how and when it affected/s our minds/bodies, and how it allowed for the emergence of a women-only space designed to foster the exchange of information+women's experiences and hold together entire communities. Coffee, for Bosnian/Balkan women, worked by stabalizing networks, and ultimately stabilizing Yugoslavia (you know, before the men and the West kinda fucked things up a bit). My research is ethnographic, and Rickert's argument here comes off a little bit like that.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
our hesitation is not unjustified.
I think that hesitation as a response itself to the question "what is rhetoric?" can indicate that the person being asked understands the consequences and complexities surrounding the question and its answer.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
o one, or almost no one, fads to beheve 1n climate chan~Je out of sincere ignorance. Ttiey •choose-to d1sbeheve either for material gain or 1ust to be dicks.
"If people were more aware of x, then they would realize they're wrong about y, and they would do z" is a line that is constantly repeated in my WGST classes, and I always look like an asshole when I argue that that's not how things work.
To doubt Blum was to doubt the traditional edu-cational system and therefore the entire society. Nobody wanted to do it.
This is the politics of ignorance at play. If you acknowledge that there is a problem, you must then address that problem. You must do something about that problem. If you don't want to do something, then you will choose not to acknowledge that there is a problem.
Value-free language and the possibility of a self-contained discipline make possible both modern sci-ence and that mapping of humanistic inquiry onto a scientific model which has created modern social science as well.
And yet, any mapping of humanistic inquiry onto a scientific model would lead to the creation of incomplete maps, of certain lies. One of those lies? If you can't use the scientific method to come to know something, then that something isn't knowledge/true/truth/fact.
foucault.info foucault.info
We must digest it: otherwise it will merely enter the memory and not the reasoning power
How might one go about this process of digestion? I'm particularly intrigued by the word choice of "digest," which seems to suggest energy/knowledge conversion.
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
Experimentation, the third affordance, refers to theuse of technology to encourage participants to try outnovel ideas.
Definition of experimentation.
Describes the use of comment/feedback boxes, ratings, polls, etc. to generate ideas for new coordination workflows, design ideas, workarounds, etc.
Recombinability refers to forms of technology-enabled action where individual contributors build oneach others’ contributions.
Definition of recombinability.
Cites Lessig in describing recombinability "as both a technology design issue and a community governance principle" for reusing/remixing/recombining knowledge
Reviewability refers to the enactment of technology-enabled new forms of working in which participantsare better able to view and manage the content offront and back narratives over time (West and Lakhani2008). By allowing participants to easily and collab-oratively review a range of ideas, technology-affordedreviewability helps the community respond to tensionsin disembodied ideas, because the reviews can provideimportant contextual information for building on others’ideas.
Definition of reviewability.
Faraj et al offer the example of Wikipedia edit log to track changes.
Technology platforms used by OCs can providea number of affordances for knowledge collabora-tion, three of which we mention here: reviewability,recombinability, and experimentation. These affordancesevolve as new participants provide new ways to use thetechnologies, new social norms are developed around thetechnology affordances, and new needs for fresh affor-dances are identified.
Ways that technology affordances can influence/motivate change in social coordination practices.
Given the fluid nature of OCsand their rapidly evolving technology platforms, and inline with calls to avoid dualistic thinking about tech-nology (Leonardi and Barley 2008, Markus and Silver2008, Orlikowski and Scott 2008), we suggest technol-ogy affordance as a generative response, one that viewstechnology, action, and roles as emergent, inseparable,and coevolving. Technology affordances offer a relationalperspective on human action, where neither the technol-ogy nor the actor is dominant in the sense that the tech-nology does not define what is possible for the actor todo, nor is the actor free from the limitations of the tech-nological environment. Instead, possibilities for actionemerge from the reciprocal interaction between actor andartifact (Gibson 1979, Zammuto et al. 2007). Thus, anaffordance perspective focuses on the organizing actionsthat are afforded by technology artifacts.
Interesting perspective on how technology affordances are a generative response to coordination tensions.
third response to manage tensions is to promoteknowledge collaboration by enacting dynamic bound-aries. In social sciences, although boundaries divide anddisintegrate collectives, they also coordinate and inte-grate social action (Bowker and Star 1999, Lamont andMolnár 2002). Fluidity brings the need for flexible andpermeable boundaries, but it is not only the propertiesof the boundaries but also their dynamicity that helpmanage tensions.
Cites Bowker and Star
Good examples of how boundaries co-evolve and take on new meanings follow this paragraph.
We have observed in OCs that no single narrative isable to keep participants informed about the current stateof the OC with respect to each tension. These commu-nities seem to develop two different types of narratives.Borrowing from Goffman (1959), we label the two nar-ratives the “front” and the “back” narratives.
Cites Goffman and the performative vs invisible aspects of social coordination work.
Based on our collective research on to date, we haveidentified that as tensions ebb and flow, OCs use (or,more precisely, participants engage in) any of the fourtypes of responses that seem to help the OC be gen-erative. The first generative response is labeledEngen-dering Roles in the Moment. In this response, membersenact specific roles that help turn the potentially negativeconsequences of a tension into positive consequences.The second generative response is labeledChannelingParticipation. In this response, members create a nar-rative that helps keep fluid participants informed ofthe state of the knowledge, with this narrative havinga necessary duality between a front narrative for gen-eral public consumption and a back narrative to airthe differences and emotions created by the tensions.The third generative response is labeledDynamicallyChanging Boundaries. In this response, OCs changetheir boundaries in ways that discourage or encouragecertain resources into and out of the communities at cer-tain times, depending on the nature of the tension. Thefourth generative response is labeledEvolving Technol-ogy Affordances. In this response, OCs iteratively evolvetheir technologies in use in ways that are embedded by,and become embedded into, iteratively enhanced socialnorms. These iterations help the OC to socially and tech-nically automate responses to tensions so that the com-munity does not unravel.
Productive responses to experienced tensions.
Evokes boundary objects (dynamically changing boundaries) and design affordances/heuristics (evolving technology affordances)
Tension 5: Positive and Negative Consequences ofTemporary ConvergenceThe classic models of knowledge collaboration in groupsgive particular weight to the need for convergence. Con-vergence around a single goal, direction, criterion, pro-cess, or solution helps counterbalance the forces ofdivergence, allowing diverse ideas to be framed, ana-lyzed, and coalesced into a single solution (Couger 1996,Isaksen and Treffinger 1985, Osborn 1953, Woodmanet al. 1993). In fluid OCs, convergence is still likelyto exist during knowledge collaboration, but the conver-gence is likely to be temporary and incomplete, oftenimplicit, and is situated among subsets of actors in thecommunity rather than the entire community.
Positive consequences: The temporary nature can advance creative uses of the knowledge without hewing to structures, norms or histories of online collaboration.
Negative consequences: Lack of P2P feedback may lead to withdrawal from the group. Pace of knowledge building can be slow and frustrating due to temporary, fleeting convergence dynamics of the group.
ension 2: Positive and Negative Consequencesof TimeA second tension is between the positive and negativeconsequences of the time that people spend contribut-ing to the OC. Knowledge collaboration requires thatindividuals spend time contributing to the OC’s virtualworkspace (Fleming and Waguespack 2007, Lakhani andvon Hippel 2003, Rafaeli and Ariel 2008). Time has apositive consequence for knowledge collaboration. Themore time people spend evolving others’ contributedideas and responding to others’ comments on thoseideas, the more the ideas can evolve
Positive consequences: Attention helps to advance the reuse/remix/recombination of knowledge
Negative consequences: "Old-timers" crowd out newcomers
Tension can lead to "unpredictable fluctuations in the collaborative process" such as labor shortages, lack of fresh ideas, in-balance between positive/negative consequences that catalyzes healthy fluidity
Need to consider other possibilities for time/temporal consequences. These examples seem lacking.
We argue that it is the fluidity, the tensions that flu-idity creates, and the dynamics in how the OC respondsto these tensions that make knowledge collaboration inOCs fundamentally different from knowledge collabora-tion in teams or other traditional organization structures.
Faraj et al identify 5 tensions that have received little attention in the literature (doesn't mean these are the only tensions):
passion, time, socially ambiguous identities, social disembodiment of ideas, and temporary convergence.
As fluctuations in resource endowments arise overtime because of the fluidity in the OC, these fluctua-tions in resources create fluctuations in tensions, makingsimple structural tactics for managing tensions such ascross-functional teams or divergent opinions (Sheremata2000) inadequate for fostering knowledge collaboration.As complex as these tension fluctuations are for the com-munity, it is precisely these tensions that provide thecatalyst for knowledge collaboration. Communities thatthen respond to these tensions generatively (rather thanin restrictive ways) will be able to realize this potential.Thus, it is not the simple presence of resources that fos-ter knowledge collaboration, but rather the presence ofongoing dynamic tensions within the OC that spur thecollaboration. We describe these tensions in the follow-ing section
Tension as a catalyst for knowledge work/collaboration
Fluidity requires us to look at the dynamics—i.e., thecontinuous and rapid changes in resources—rather thanthe presence or the structural form of the resources.Resources may flow from outside the OC (e.g., pas-sion) or be internally generated (e.g., convergence), sub-sequently influencing and influenced by action (Feldman2004). Resources come with the baggage of having bothpositive and negative consequences for knowledge col-laboration, creating a tension within the community inhow to manage the positive and negative consequencesin a manner similar to the one faced by ambidextrousorganizations (O’Reilly and Tushman 2004).
Fluidity vs material resources
However, failure to examine the critical roleof even the inactive participants in the functioning of thecommunity is to ignore that passive (and invisible) par-ticipation may be a step toward greater participation, aswhen individuals use passivity as a way to learn aboutthe collective in a form of peripheral legitimate partici-pation (Lave and Wenger 1991, Yeow et al. 2006).
Evokes LPP
Fluidity recognizes the highly flexible or permeableboundaries of OCs, where it is hard to figure out whois in the community and who is outside (Preece et al.2004) at any point in time, let alone over time. Theyare adaptive in that they change as the attention, actions,and interests of the collective of participants change overtime. Many individuals in an OC are at various stagesof exit and entry that change fluidly over time.
Evokes boundary objects and boundary infrastructures.
We argue that fluid-ity is a fundamental characteristic of OCs that makesknowledge collaboration in such settings possible. Assimply depicted in Figure 1, we envision OCs as fluidorganizational objects that are simultaneously morphingand yet retaining a recognizable shape (de Laet and Mol2000, Law 2002, Mol and Law 1994).
Definition of fluidity: "Fluid OCs are ones where boundaries, norms, participants, artifacts, interactions, and foci continually change over time..."
Faraj et al argue that OCs extend the definition of fluid objects in the existing literature.
a growing consensus on factors that moti-vate people to make contributions to these communities,including motivational factors based on self-interest (e.g.,Lakhani and von Hippel 2003, Lerner and Tirole 2002,von Hippel and von Krogh 2003), identity (Bagozzi andDholakia 2006, Blanchard and Markus 2004, Ma andAgarwal 2007, Ren et al. 2007, Stewart and Gosain2006), social capital (Nambisan and Baron 2010; Waskoand Faraj 2000, 2005; Wasko et al. 2009), and socialexchange (Faraj and Johnson 2011).
Motivations include: self-interest, identity, social capital, and social exchange, per org studies researchers.
Strange that Benkler, Kittur, Kraut and others' work is not cited here.
For instance, knowledge collaboration in OCscan occur without the structural mechanisms tradition-ally associated with knowledge collaboration in orga-nizational teams: stable membership, convergence afterdivergence, repeated people-to-people interactions, goal-sharing, and feelings of interdependence among groupmembers (Boland et al. 1994, Carlile 2002, Dougherty1992, Schrage 1995, Tsoukas 2009).
Differences between offline and online knowledge work
Online communities operate with fewer constraints from "social conventions, ownership, and hierarchies." Further, the ability to remix/reuse/recombine information into new, innovative forms of knowledge are easier to generate through collaborative technologies and ICT.
Knowledge collaboration is defined broadly as thesharing, transfer, accumulation, transformation, andcocreation of knowledge. In an OC, knowledge collab-oration involves individual acts of offering knowledgeto others as well as adding to, recombining, modify-ing, and integrating knowledge that others have con-tributed. Knowledge collaboration is a critical elementof the sustainability of OCs as individuals share andcombine their knowledge in ways that benefit them per-sonally, while contributing to the community’s greaterworth (Blanchard and Markus 2004, Jeppesen andFredericksen 2006, Murray and O’Mahoney 2007, vonHippel and von Krogh 2006, Wasko and Faraj 2000).
Definition of knowledge work
Online communities (OCs) are open collectives of dis-persed individuals with members who are not necessarilyknown or identifiable and who share common inter-ests, and these communities attend to both their indi-vidual and their collective welfare (Sproull and Arriaga2007).
Definition of online communities
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
The situated and emergent nature of coordinationdoes not imply that practices are completely uniqueand novel. On the one hand, they vary accordingto the logic of the situation and the actors present.On the other hand, as seen in our categorizationof dialogic coordination, they follow a recognizablelogic and are only partially improvised. This tensionbetween familiarity and uniqueness of response is atthe core of a practice view of work (Orlikowski 2002).
This is an important and relevant point for SBTF/DHN work. Each activation is situated and emergent but there are similarities -- even though the workflows tend to change for reasons unknown.
Cites Orlikowski
Recently, Brown and Duguid (2001, p. 208) sug-gested that coordination of organizational knowledgeis likely to be more challenging than coordination ofroutine work, principally because the “elements to becoordinated are not just individuals but communitiesand the practices they foster.” As we found in ourinvestigation of coordination at the boundary, signif-icant epistemic differences exist and must be recog-nized. As the dialogic practices enacted in responseto problematic trajectories show, the epistemic dif-ferences reflect different perspectives or prioritiesand cannot be bridged through better knowledge
Need to think more about how subgroups in SBTF (Core Team/Coords, GIS, locals/diaspora, experienced vols, new vols, etc.) act as communities of practice. How does this influence sensemaking, epistemic decisions, synchronization, contention, negotiation around boundaries, etc.?
nature point to the limitations of a structuralist viewof coordination. In the same way that an organi-zational routine may unfold differently each timebecause it cannot be fully specified (Feldman andPentland 2003), coordination will vary each time.Independent of embraced rules and programs, therewill always be an element of bricolage reflecting thenecessity of patching together working solutions withthe knowledge and resources at hand (Weick 1993).Actors and the generative schemes that propel theiractions under pressure make up an important com-ponent of coordination’s modus operandi (Bourdieu1990, Emirbayer and Mische 1998).
Evokes the improvisation of synchronization efforts found in coordination of knowledge work in a pluritemporal setting
These practices are highly situated, emer-gent, and contextualized and thus cannot be prespec-ified the way traditional coordination mechanismscan be. Thus, recent efforts based on an information-processing view to develop typologies of coordina-tion mechanisms (e.g., Malone et al. 1999) may be tooformal to allow organizations to mount an effectiveresponse to events characterized by urgency, novelty,surprise, and different interpretations.
More design challenges
Our findings also point to a broader divide in coor-dination research. Much of the power of traditionalcoordination models resides in their information-processing basis and their focus on the design issuessurrounding work unit differentiation and integra-tion. This design-centric view with its emphasis onrules,structures,andmodalitiesofcoordinationislessuseful for studying knowledge work.
The high-tempo, non-routine, highly situated knowledge work of SBTF definitely falls into this category. Design systems/workarounds is challenging.
Boundarywork requires the ability to see perspectives devel-oped by people immersed in a different commu-nity of knowing (Boland and Tenkasi 1995, Star andGriesemer 1989). Often, particular disciplinary focilead to differences in opinion regarding what stepsto take next in treating the patient.
Differences in boundary work can lead to contentiousness.
The termdialogic—as opposed to monologic—recognizes dif-ferences and emphasizes the existence of epistemicboundaries, different understandings of events, andthe existence of boundary objects (e.g., the diagnosisor the treatment plan). A dialogic approach to coordi-nation is the recognition that action, communication,and cognition are essentially relational and highlysituated. We use the concept of trajectory (Bourdieu1990, Strauss 1993) to recognize that treatment pro-gressions are not always linear or positive.
Cites Star (boundary objects) and Strauss, Bourdieu (trajectory)
A dialogic coordination practice differs from moregeneral expertise coordination processes in that itis highly situated in the specifics of the unfoldingevent, is urgent and high-staked, and occurs at theboundary between communities of practice. Becausecognition is distributed, responsibility is shared, andepistemic differences are present, interactions can becontentious and conflict laden.
Differences between expertise and dialogic coordination processes.
xpertisecoordination refers to processes that manage knowl-edge and skill interdependencies
we describe two categories ofcoordination practices that ensure effective work out-comes. The first category, which we callexpertise coor-dination practices, represents processes that make itpossible to manage knowledge and skill interdepen-dencies. These processes bring about fast response,superior reconfiguration, efficient knowledge shar-ing, and expertise vetting. Second, because of therapidlyunfoldingtempooftreatmentandthestochas-tic nature of the treatment trajectory,dialogic coordina-tion practicesare used as contextually and temporallysituated responses to occasional trajectory deviation,errors, and general threats to the patient. These dia-logic coordination practices are crucial for ensuringeffective coordination but often require contentiousinteractions across communities of practice. Figure 1presents a coordination-focused model of patienttreatment and describes the circumstances underwhich dialogic coordination practices are called for.