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- information
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- vaccination
- ivermectin
- COVID-19
- news
- misinformation
- vaccine
- treatment
- consultation
- advocate
- is:news
- activist
- anti-vax
- pandemic
- local
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The spleen and liver had a mean Cmax of 86.9 ng/mL
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Proximal lymph nodes had the second highest concentration at 2,120 ng/mL (tmax of 8 hr with a relatively long t1/2 of 25.4 hr)
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- Cyprus
- table
- Comoros
- Sri Lanka
- Czechia
- Kenya
- Guinea
- Cuba
- Zimbabwe
- New Zealand
- Austria
- Haiti
- Samoa
- Solomon Islands
- Saudi Arabia
- Switzerland
- Ireland
- vaccine
- Madagascar
- case
- Congo
- Bahrain
- Burundi
- Ghana
- Paraguay
- Qatar
- Liechtenstein
- Taiwan
- Poland
- Seychelles
- Cote d'ivoire
- Luxembourg
- Antigua
- Angola
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- Fiji
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- Greece
- Niger
- Liberia
- data
- Lebanon
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- Iran
- Panama
- Faeroe Islands
- Barbuda
- Guinea-Bissau
- Slovenia
- Peru
- Senegal
- Croatia
- Equatorial Guinea
- Trinidad
- Cameroon
- case fatality rate
- Guernsey
- Mozambique
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- Pakistan
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- Myanmar
- South Korea
- Mashall Islands
- Tobago
- Jordan
- Gabon
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- France
- Vatican
- Europe
- Benin
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- Germany
- Maldives
- Oman
- Burkina Faso
- Venezuela
- World
- Turks and Caicos Islands
- Hungary
- death
- Greenland
- Australia
- Kuwait
- Malawi
- Nepal
- Serbia
- Indonesia
- Palestine
- Micronesia
- Dominica
- lang:en
- Cayman Islands
- Mauritius
- Bahamas
- North America
- Saint Lucia
- Laos
- Yemen
- is:webpage
- Costa Rica
- Djobouti
- Uruguay
- Rwanda
- graph
- Albania
- Grenada
- Mauritania
- Jamaica
- Algeria
- Japan
- Romania
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- Brazil
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- Iceland
- Oceania
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- Eswatini
- Papua New Guinea
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- test
- Belarus
- Chile
- Europian Union
- Iraq
- Central African Republic
- Jersey
- Mexico
- South America
- Syria
- Thailand
- Netherlands
- Northern Cyprus
- Gibraltar
- mortality
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Andorra
- Finland
- Togo
- Honduras
- Sudan
- Moldova
- Italy
- Suriname
- Ethiopia
- Egypt
- Israel
- Georgia
- Somalia
- Latvia
- Falkland Islands
- Lesotho
- Grenadines
- Spain
- Cape Verde
- Timor
- Uzbekistan
- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- San Marino
- Belize
- Bermuda
- Guatemala
- Tunisia
- Nigeria
- China
- Libya
- Monaco
- Malta
- Saint Helena
- Slovakia
- Mali
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- Morocco
- Canada
- Dominician Republic
- El Salvador
- South Sudan
- Philipines
- Argentina
- India
- Herzegovina
- Africa
- Bolivia
- UK
- North Macedonia
- Afghanistan
- chart
- Chad
- Barbados
- Denmark
- Botswana
- Kosovo
- Nicaragua
- Isle of Man
- Bosnia
- United Arab Emirates
- Sweden
- COVID-19
- Ecuador
- Guyana
- Mongolia
- Bangladesh
- Singapore
- Vietnam
- map
- Anguilla
- Sierra Leone
- Malaysia
- Armenia
- Kazakhstan
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