2,471 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2021
    1. We talked, for example, about how stores and governments were adding new rules and social distancing guidelines, often communicated through purely visual means, like stickers on the floor and printed signs. Mr. Johnston acknowledged that it was a tough new time for businesses, but shared that he faces new types of exclusion as a result.

      this just makes me wonder how society in general will cope with this. Companies nay be more sensitive to all these challenges COVID has pushed in fast forward mode.

      This is not only about designers being in the front seat of the business development plan, is about we as users setting-up these expectations!

  2. Dec 2020
    1. estigated L2s and Lis such as English and French. To fully understand the issues concerning the source of the knowledge available to the child L2 learner, further research involving other Lis and L2s is necessary. In addition, we also need to investigate successive L2 acquisition contexts where the L2 and the LI involve different modalities, including, for example, spoken languages versus sign lan- guages.3

      I personally haven't seen the explicit reasoning for using French in several of the French Tl studies I've read, but it is used a lot. In addition, many language studies would benefit from expansion that includes sign-language study.

    1. Inferential statistics are the statistical procedures that are used to reach conclusions aboutassociations between variables. They differ from descriptive statistics in that they are explicitly designed to test hypotheses.

      Descriptive statistics are used specifically to test hypotheses.

    1. For example, norms that overwhelmingly prioritize the publication and dissemination of philosophical research as articles in pay-to-read academic journals, although serving an evaluative purpose within the discipline, also reinforce a strong separation between professional philosophers and the public.

      True for advanced study of any kind. [[complexity]]

  3. Nov 2020
    1. In this context, the objective of thisstudy is to increase knowledge of the motivations and patterns of behaviour of foodstagrammertourists and to contribute new insights about this phenomenon. In the first part of the article,therefore, we establish the framework for the characteristics and motivations of foodstagrammertourists. We then describe the ethnographic methodology employed in this study and presentour detailed fieldwork. Finally, we explain our findings and discuss the phenomenon of foodsta-grammer tourists and their managerial implications.

      The research study, 'An Ethnographic Study of Motivations of Foodstagrammer tourists' highlights how a research question may be portrayed by using a broad research statement to identify their overarching focus of inquiry as opposed to directly stating a research question. In this study, it is found in the goals of the study and could be converted to a question format. Stating the purpose for the inquiry works as effectively as proposing a prompt research question.

    1. Reviewing pre-prints with hypothes.is?

      After conversion using the hypothes.is API tool: https://jonudell.info/h/CopyAnnotations/ , this annotation has been copied to a public annotation (which I subsequently edited).

      Drawback: you can only use it with one user log-in and on a single web domain (so you'd have to run it for every single article someone has reviewed).

      Original annotation (see in group—that one stays there, usefully!)

      This annotation should be private to the group only.

      Tags are permitted, they can be any free text.

    1. Das Analyse-Unternehmen Vico Research & Consulting untersucht seit 2003 regelmäßig, wie in den sozialen Netzwerken über den Klimawandel debattiert wird. Die Ergebnisse der aktuellen Studie vom ersten Halbjahr 2020 basieren auf über eine Million deutschsprachige Social-Media-Beiträgen, die sich mit dem Thema beschäftigten.

      Diese Studie hat offenbar ein ziemliches mediales Echo gefunden. Rein vorn der Berichterstattung her lässt sich vermuten, dass es sich um ein industriefreundliches PR-Produkt handelt.

    1. AI is not analogous to the big science projects of the previous century that brought us the atom bomb and the moon landing. AI is a science that can be conducted by many different groups with a variety of different resources, making it closer to computer design than the space race or nuclear competition. It doesn’t take a massive government-funded lab for AI research, nor the secrecy of the Manhattan Project. The research conducted in the open science literature will trump research done in secret because of the benefits of collaboration and the free exchange of ideas.

      AI research is not analogous to space research or an arms race.

      It can be conducted by different groups with a variety of different resources. Research conducted in the open is likely to do better because of the benefits of collaboration.

  4. Oct 2020
    1. Description: The authors discuss the usage of blogs in political science classrooms at a university level. There are five skills (critical thinking, political awareness, background research, essay writing, and reflection) which are improved through the use of blogging and the article dedicates a segment to each skill. The last section of the article discusses two types of blogging students can attempt: response to news clippings or experiential blogging. The first kind is available to all students and requires learners to find and respond to news articles. The second is more reflective of a current opportunity students might have such as studying abroad or an internship.

      Rating: 7/10

      Reason for the rating: The article gives detailed explanations for the impact blogging has on student achievement. It gives examples of each type of blogging to help the reader fully understand the writers ideas. Yet, the article focuses only on political science students while blogs-- and four out of the five skills mentioned above-- can be applies to the majority of university classes.

    1. The data indicate that teachers in this study place tremendous value on research skills, with most reporting assigning a research paper to their students in the 2011-2012 academic year and spending class time teaching various research skills to their students. These lessons are aimed at addressing deficits they see in today’s students. Most notable among these is the inability to judge the quality of information, a skill the vast majority of teachers deem “essential” for their students’ future success.

      AP and National Writing Project teachers emphasize the importance of students' learning research skills, and discuss how they do so. They are most concerned with students learning to judge the quality of information found, but also in coaching students through the process, and dealing with online use restrictions at many schools. Aimed at Middle/ High School students. 8/10

    1. It is essential to help students develop research abilities in the classroom and through faceted assignments.  What are faceted assignments?  After providing guidance in class, the professor assigns each aspect of a research assignment – development of a research problem statement, location of relevant resources, evaluation of resources, and so on – as its own mini-assignment, which is graded promptly, with sufficient comments to enable students to revise and resubmit.  By the time the final research assignment is complete, it carries the benefit of a significant amount professorial mentoring.

      Research skills involve complex, higher order tasks, and they take long-term efforts to learn well. Adult students are better able to do research than younger students do. They need to learn how to understand the different sources available, formulate good questions, learn more advanced database searching skills, and hone their critical thinking skills. Instead of assigning a research paper, instructors should assign each step of the paper so that they can help students properly master the whole process. 8/10

    1. Many of the professors who assign research papers would disagree that they are encouraging students to think conventionally, and point out that the essay has its own limitations. If research papers -- or dissertations, for that matter -- were to become a thing of the past, what would we lose in our pursuit of knowledge? Is there a better way to assess knowledge?

      This is the introduction to short pieces written by two professors, an editor, a librarian, and a Harvard student, 4 of whom support research papers, and the fifth grudgingly accepts its inevitability. It contains links to the contrary opinions against continuing to assign research papers. 7/10

    1. As an English teacher and school librarian, I am passionate about teaching students how to access information, how to evaluate their information and how to correctly source their information when researching.  Here are five of my top tips for helping students write a research paper or complete a research project.

      This has good suggestions about 5 steps in writing a research paper: choosing a research question, brainstorming, finding sources, note taking, and citations. The tips are aimed at children, but are still good. She skipped the step of actually writing the paper, though. 8/10.

    1. Accordingly, our results strongly suggest thatonlineinstructionin keyintroductorycollege-level courses, at least as currently practiced, maynot be aseffectiveasface-to-faceinstructionat2-yearcommunitycolleges.

      According to a study done across all Virginia Community Colleges, students who signed up for gatekeeper courses (basic English and Math) online did less well in those courses than did their peers who took the same classes in person. There was a higher attrition rate in the online classes as well. Students who came in with good GPAs tended to do well in online courses, but those who were struggling with academics did worse than they probably would have in person. Many statistics are included. 9/10

    1. In an interview, he described how these emerging support systems engage students and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, even when they’re not in the classroom. The systems are not an online course, but rather an online tutor, driven by artificial intelligence, that can assess a student’s strengths and weaknesses and deliver personalized individual instruction.

      An interview with Zachary Pardos, a professor at UC Berkeley who is creating adaptive tutoring software. He describes how he thinks technology and the pandemic will change education over the next several years. He expects greater accessibility to wireless provided like school buses, greater use and development of adaptive tutoring software, and more online learning. I'd need more information on how the system deals with students who don't get it - do they have multiple explanations for math, or just one? 5/10

    1. Online learning environments have a promising future for researchers, practitioners, and learners. However designing and developing more effective and efficient online learning environments is possible with ongoing research and development. This paper offers four research goals and matches four existing methodologies to improve student outcomes in online learning environments defined as learner achievement, engagement, and retention.

      The authors outline four general research goals, and then go into detail on some of the questions that should be researched within those areas. They then suggest four methodologies to use in designing students to research those questions: formative, developmental, and experimental research and activity theory. All of these could help include online learning in terms of learner achievement, engagement, and retention. 9/10

    1. DEVELOPMENT ARTICLEA systems-based approach to technology integrationusing mentoring and communities of practice

      This article presents a model of technology integration at the system level formed around mentoring. It focuses on effective methods of teacher professional development in the area of technology integration and discusses overcoming various obstacle teachers face during adult learning/ education. 6/10, very narrow focus of adult learners.


      This article details the methods and results of a research experiment done to determine whether/ how physiological measurement technologies can be used with educational research methods to investigate subjective learning experiences. Describes research methods and data collected. 8/10, very interesting article and a very interesting and well done study but very specific to this one topic. e

    1. Useful mass transportation doesn’t suddenly appear. It is carefully nurtured from a tiny seedling of a good idea to a fully-formed organism that breathes life into a city. It is a process that takes time and effort and patience as well as money.

      Could sub out mass transportation with open scholarly infrastructure! ... "Useful mass transportation doesn’t suddenly appear. It is carefully nurtured from a tiny seedling of a good idea to a fully-formed organism that breathes life into a city. It is a process that takes time and effort and patience as well as money."

    1. The Instapaper highlights go to my Evernote inbox, then I copy them from Evernote into Roam (annoying, I know, hopefully the Roam API will be set up soon!) 

      Getting data into any of these note taking tools quickly always seems to be the most difficult part of the process.

    1. But thirdly, and most valuably, the template gives you a big space at the bottom to write sentences that summarise the page.  That is, you start writing your critical response on the notes themselves.

      I do much this same thing, however, I'm typically doing it using Hypothes.is to annotate and highlight. These pieces go back to my own website where I can keep, categorize, and even later search them. If I like, I'll often do these sorts of summaries on related posts themselves (usually before I post them publicly if that's something I'm planning on doing for a particular piece.)

    1. Storyspace has an always-visible Toolbar and Menu to aid students. The Toolbar (Figure 2) provides, top-left to right and down: a Writing Space tool (to create writing areas), the Arrow tool (already familiar to Macintosh users) for routine selecting and clicking, the Note tool (the star) for attaching notes to text, and the Navigation tool (double-headed arrow) for creating and following text links. The Magnify tool (three windows) decreases or enlarges the size of windows. The Linking tool (boxes connected by line) enables linking of one text to other text areas. The Tunnel tool (box within a box) permits linking over widely separated writing spaces. The Compass (four directional arrows) is used to move quickly through levels of the chart, outline, or windows.

      The design of this, which predates that of the wiki, also seems eerily familiar as a digital version of a zettelkasten or the design which seems to underlie Roam Research's product.

    1. People are rewarded for being productive rather than being right, for building ever upward instead of checking the foundations. These incentives allow weak studies to be published. And once enough have amassed, they create a collective perception of strength that can be hard to pierce.

      We desperately need to fix these foundations of science to focus on solid foundations and reproducibility...

    2. When geneticists finally gained the power to cost-efficiently analyze entire genomes, they realized that most disorders and diseases are influenced by thousands of genes, each of which has a tiny effect. To reliably detect these miniscule effects, you need to compare hundreds of thousands of volunteers. By contrast, the candidate-gene studies of the 2000s looked at an average of 345 people!

      I'm hoping that more researchers are contemplating this as they stroll merrily along their way this week.

  5. www.projectinfolit.org www.projectinfolit.org
    1. Major Findings (2:35 minutes)

      I'm quite taken with the variety of means this study is using to communicate its findings. There are blogposts, tweets/social posts, a website, executive summaries, the full paper, and even a short video! I wish more studies went to these lengths.

    1. Because I’m old, I still have my students set up Feedly accounts and plug in the RSS feeds of their classmates and hopefully add other blogs to their feeds as well. And like blogging, I realize only a handful will continue but I want to expose them to the power of sharing their own research/learning via blogging and how to find others who do as well via Feedly.
    1. Schools can ensure their curriculum are up to date and training students for the areas of science with the most potential for advancement

      This completely flies in the face of the need for more basic science research which is far more likely to create vast potential advancement rather than focusing on smaller edge cases.

    1. Almost every major technological advance of the last two hundred years has taken place with the aid of large amounts of public money and under a good deal of government influence. The technologies of the computer and the Net were invented with the aid of massive state subsidies.

      examples of government (public) funding for research and it's effects

    1. Öffnet für mich nach der ersten Lektüre einen ganz neuen Zugang zur Verbindung von Theorie und Design Praxis. Man kann sich von hierher einen Rahmen für eine "Content strategy for degrowth" als eine nicht anthropozentrische Designpraxis vorstellen. Sehr viele Verweise.

    1. The solution to imposter syndrome is to see that you are one. When I first wrote about how useful it is to remember that everyone is totally just winging it, all the time, we hadn’t yet entered the current era of leaderly incompetence (Brexit, Trump, coronavirus). Now, it’s harder to ignore. But the lesson to be drawn isn’t that we’re doomed to chaos. It’s that you – unconfident, self-conscious, all-too-aware-of-your-flaws – potentially have as much to contribute to your field, or the world, as anyone else.
  6. Sep 2020
    1. Table 3. WBGT exposed levels in °C at different work intensities and rest/ work periods for an average worker with light clothing.

      worker productivity relation to the WBGT heat stress levels using work intensity and rest relation

    2. Table 2. Reference values for WBGT (°C) at corresponding work intensity.

      foundational research to base heat stress on productivity analysis: reference values for WBGT to work intensity

    3. 1.1. Physiological response to heat exposure

      divided into sub-sections of each variable that is affected by heat exposure

    1. "The First Amendment and Supreme Court decisions protect the news media in their reporting on matters of public interest, so you really have to show actual malice and disregard for the truth that would be very blatant and very provable," said Gene Policinski, senior vice president of the First Amendment Center.


      Our mission: providing resources to help the public understand how their First Amendment freedoms of speech, press, religion, assembly and petition work, and how they can be protected.

      FIRST AMENDMENT EXPERTS The First Amendment Center’s nationally recognized experts David Hudson, Lata Nott, and Gene Policinski regularly provide the media with information and commentary on First Amendment and free expression issues. Interested in contacting one of our experts? Please email media@newseum.org or call 202/292-6200.

    1. Increase in alcohol-industry funded research is a cause for concern, study suggests
      • Since 2009, alcohol companies have been funding increasingly more research - evidenced by almost 13,500 studies funded by the alcohol industry.
      • There are many legitimate fields for research, however there’s a group of these studies that claim health benefits of alcohol, or that substance abuse is a choice.
      • Another problem is that the alcohol industry funds this research through affiliate organisations, and the funding source is often not shown in those papers.
      • Researchers believe that the alcohol industry is too deeply involved, and certain studies should be conducted by independent academics.
    1. Siemieniuk, R. A., Bartoszko, J. J., Ge, L., Zeraatkar, D., Izcovich, A., Kum, E., Pardo-Hernandez, H., Rochwerg, B., Lamontagne, F., Han, M. A., Liu, Q., Agarwal, A., Agoritsas, T., Chu, D. K., Couban, R., Darzi, A., Devji, T., Fang, B., Fang, C., … Brignardello-Petersen, R. (2020). Drug treatments for covid-19: Living systematic review and network meta-analysis. BMJ, 370. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m2980

    1. a) Spend ahead of your market shareWe should avoid the temptation to rush into developing work until we know what the budget levels are. If businesses are not investing ahead of market share then the chances of growth are significantly diminished, putting an unfair burden on creativity to make up the shortfall.Equally, we should avoid signing up to Performance By Results contracts without knowing what the investment behind our work will be. As Peter Field has reminded us, brand targets cannot be divorced from the communications budget: “A target that is realistic with one budget level can become unrealistic when this is lowered.”b) Treat creativity as essential, not a nice-to-haveCreativity isn’t an indulgence. Aside from optimal investment levels, it’s the biggest lever of growth available to a business. c) Seek fameContent that gets talked about, shared, played with is demonstrably more powerful than content that simply gets viewed. Though people still need to know about it for those effects to take place.

      Inzichten hoe creativiteit en overspenden kunnen zorgen voor meer marktaandeel en meer share of voice. Aan de hand van onderzoeken en awards in creativiteit en effectiviteit.

  7. Aug 2020
    1. Felipe, L. S., Vercruysse, T., Sharma, S., Ma, J., Lemmens, V., Looveren, D. van, Javarappa, M. P. A., Boudewijns, R., Malengier-Devlies, B., Kaptein, S. F., Liesenborghs, L., Keyzer, C. D., Bervoets, L., Rasulova, M., Seldeslachts, L., Jansen, S., Yakass, M. B., Quaye, O., Li, L.-H., … Dallmeier, K. (2020). A single-dose live-attenuated YF17D-vectored SARS-CoV2 vaccine candidate. BioRxiv, 2020.07.08.193045. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.07.08.193045

    1. Kreye, J., Reincke, S. M., Kornau, H.-C., Sánchez-Sendin, E., Corman, V. M., Liu, H., Yuan, M., Wu, N. C., Zhu, X., Lee, C.-C. D., Trimpert, J., Höltje, M., Dietert, K., Stöffler, L., Wardenburg, N. von, Hoof, S. van, Homeyer, M. A., Hoffmann, J., Abdelgawad, A., … Prüss, H. (2020). A SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody protects from lung pathology in a COVID-19 hamster model. BioRxiv, 2020.08.15.252320. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.08.15.252320

    1. The main job of TXO is to take a raw Bitcoin transaction and transform it into a structured format on top of which we can run all kinds of powerful query, processing, and filter.
  8. Jul 2020