4,333 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2020
  2. Sep 2020
    1. This absolute self-dependence is a great virtue in a man. In a woman it has a serious drawback of morally separating her from the mass of her sex, and so exposing her to misconstruction by the general opinion.

      So much of the sexism portrayed by the narrators seems so on the nose, and inverted by the actions of the women in the novel. Rachel is strong, assertive, and segacious. Lady Verinder, kept her agency, and did not bend under the scrutiny of Mr. Cuff, Penelope was right about Rachel's feelings for Franklin, whereas Betteredge was none the wiser. And Rosanna, though tragically, also maintained her agency. I wonder if this was Collins's intent, is he making a critique?

    2. There, again, lay the illuminated manuscript on a table. Mr. Luker’s attention was absorbed, as Mr. Godfrey’s attention had been absorbed, by this beautiful work of Indian art. He too was aroused from his studies by a tawny naked arm round his throat, by a bandage over his eyes, and by a gag in his mouth.

      It's rewarding to see the Indians use the characters own Orientalism as a trap. Especially in the midst of what is possibly the most racist bit of narration yet. I wonder if Collins meant this as a sly critique of Orientalism, I also wonder if the frequent use of 'Christian' in place of kind, or decent (or good, etc.), wasn't so on the nose, as to be satirical. Especially, in a story, which by it's very nature, makes us curious to the true nature of its characters.

    3. Ha, Mr. Betteredge, the day is not far off when the poor will rise against the rich.

      I think this is a remarkable line that exemplifies the class difference between the lower and upper classes in this story. Collins seems to understand the socio-economic issues faced by ordinary people at the time.

    1. This dynamic is playing out during the pandemic among the many people who refuse to wear masks or practice social distancing.

      Many people say they care for each other but when it comes to a pandemic that many think is a hoax, they don't care for the health of others. Even if it is a hoax, wouldn't you still be careful?

    1. This episode represents a pattern in the letters, wherein it is white students who are “woker” than their Black classmates, neatly demonstrating the degree to which this new religion is more about virtue signaling than social justice.

      When I hear stories like these, I definitely think about the broader social injustices we're ignoring in lieu of the virtue signaling. Surely language is a place to start and it certainly matters, but aren't there far worse systematic injustices that we could more directly focus on? In the Pareto principled view, the virtue signaling is part of the 80% we should ignore while we focus on the more important 20% issues.

    1. I’ve been thinking about that a lot, about how we can’t cover sports right now, or ever, as an individual and separate thing because sports are the gift we get for making our society as just and fair as possible. Right now, we’re seeing that multiplied a hundred times, because you have athletes who are feeling the urgency and have the power to come out and say what they believe politically. ESPN was saying just a few years ago that they wouldn’t cover politics at all. Now there’s no choice there. It’s been made really clear by the athletes, the people who play the sports, that they don’t want that distinction there themselves. So, who are we to decide that it must be imposed?

      Or cooking, members of the NYT Cooking Club cough or singing, members of Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choirs ...

    1. Food should be a vehicle for social justice, but oftentimes when we have panel conversations and conferences, nothing comes out of it because there aren't any implementation resources. People have this enlightened conversation, but then they leave. How do we actively combat that?

      Even when we want to do better, we still have to come up with action items and then figure out how to implement them in a sustainable manner.

    1. la capacité de concentration des élèves de maternelle variait selon leur milieu social. Ces recherches ont débouché sur un programme d'exercices spécifiques, destiné aux écoles de l'État accueillant des enfants défavorisés.

      à 7.56 expérience américaine "créer des connexions"


    1. I’ll replace Twitter with something else for a little while, and hopefully that’ll seem different.

      on Mastodon these days, it feels very similar. it's a much weaker carrier of memetic payloads, which has ups and downs. it's much more personal. there's an enormous amount of negativity & fear & loathing here, the walkaways it has attracted are often a rather cantankerous sort perhaps. but there are some very good people & very good happenings too. i don't see a whole lot of big picture or cerebral activity, these experiences i see all seem so near at hand, so local to these people, which is interesting but also often fairly boring.

      i look forward to us continuing to chase social. and it reconfirms my interest regularly in doing a better job of curating & surfacing & raising up the bigger bolder & more notable things, versus letting the big & weighty coexist unremarked amid the floofy or trashy whatever.

      oh and content warning are a surprisingly useful way to create & mark off the spaces where you are going to try to semi-safely produce hot takes & land blows. starting with a warning, setting some scope, is quite effective.

    1. Sometimes we can escape them, by speeding away in a power chair

      This reminds me of Zoom calls and how easy it can be to escape a social interaction through muting and turning off your camera. It almost becomes normal to sit in silence, and I am just as guilty as everyone else, sometimes you just don't want to talk to anyone that day. However, this is still sad to think about.

    2. We are severely disabled and completely normal

      I appreciated this sentence because it is very anti-ableism. Ableism is a construct that enforces this idea that if your body doesn't function properly there must be something wrong with you when in reality everyone's bodies work differently. Understanding that should be the norm.

    1. underprepared

      Putting the student into an uncomfortable situation where they do not know how to respond or react can ultimately make the situation worse for the group, and particularly the student sharing.

    2. The risk is that the feeling of having overshared will make students feel less confident in the community that you are trying to build.

      This is definitely true. Many people often think of themselves as annoying because they're feeling like they have talked too much or overshared. When meeting someone new or talking in a new setting, it's hard to understand where the lines are of what is oversharing and what is just sharing.

    1. La apropiación social del cono-cimiento es el fundamento de cual-quier forma de innovación, porque el conocimiento es una construcción compleja, que involucra la interacción de distintos grupos sociales (De Greiffy Maldonado, 2010). La producción de conocimiento no es una construc-ción ajena a la sociedad; se desarrolla dentro de ella, a partir de sus intereses, códigos y sistemas. Por otra parte, la innovación entendida como la efectiva incorporación social del conocimiento en la solución de problemas o en el establecimiento de nuevas relaciones, no es más que la interacción entre grupos, artefactos y culturas sociales de expertos y no expertos. La apropiación no es una recepción pasiva; involucra siempre un ejercicio interpretativo y el desarrollo de unas prácticas reflexivas.
    2. apropiación social del conocimiento es entendida como un proceso de comprensión e intervención de las relaciones entre tecnociencia y socie-dad, construido a partir de la participación activa de los diversos grupos sociales que generan conocimiento.
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    1. All that inflated self importance trying to coddle the bride into a false sense of security, giving her an illusion of power so she’ll willingly undertake a ritual to strip her of power and individuality.

      That sense is accurate, not inflated. Having a white knight defending your right to social dominance within a relationship is female privilege. Her husband will be duly, bitterly, reminded of his subhuman status till the end of his days.

    1. Figures like Kenneth Hagin, his protégé Kenneth Copeland, Oral Roberts, and, of course, Osteen himself built up individual followings: followings that often grew as a result of cross-promotion (something religious historian Kate Bowler points out in her excellent Blessed, a history of the prosperity gospel movement). One preacher might, for example, feature another at his conference, or hawk his cassette tapes.

      Some of this is the leveraging of individual platforms for cross-promotion here, which helped in a pre-social media space and which now happens regularly online, particularly in the "funnel" sales space.

  3. Aug 2020
    1. First, what would it look like for a social media platform to re-establish perspective?

      This was the exact design question I asked recently!

    2. Browsing Twitter the other day, I once again found myself sucked into a far-off event that truly does not matter, and it occurred to me that social media is an orthographic camera.

      How does this relate to Nicholas Carr's article and ideas about category errors in From context collapse to content collapse?

    1. Harper, Craig A., and Darren Rhodes. ‘Ideological Responses to the Breaking of COVID-19 Social Distancing Recommendations’, 19 August 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/dkqj6.

    2. Harper, Craig A., and Darren Rhodes. ‘Ideological Responses to the Breaking of COVID-19 Social Distancing Recommendations’, 19 August 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/dkqj6.

    3. Harper, Craig A., and Darren Rhodes. ‘Ideological Responses to the Breaking of COVID-19 Social Distancing Recommendations’, 19 August 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/dkqj6.

    1. The ad feels so fresh and uncannily cool—it even samples the Nine Inch Nails song used in “Old Town Road”—that some people could barely believe it represents a politician. Slate called it the most “incomprehensibly thrilling ad” of 2020. “Political ad goes viral for actually being inspiring,” Mashable’s headline read. One man tweeted that it made him want to “march into hell to defend ed markey from dynastic usurpers.” Another gushed that the ad makes him so fired up that “it makes me want to run through a brick wall.”

      But they're ADs! Why do people today see authenticity in something so obviously inauthentic? Is it the natural result of "social media"?

    1. “The idea of a ‘blog’ needs to get over itself,” wrote Joel Hooks in a post titled Stop Giving af and Start Writing More. “Everybody is treating writing as a ‘content marketing strategy’ and using it to ‘build a personal brand’ which leads to the fundamental flawed idea that everything you post has to be polished to perfection and ready to be consumed.” It is almost as if he had reached down into my soul and figured out why I no longer had the vigor I once had for sharing on my personal blog. For far too long, I was trying to brand myself. Posts became few and far between. I still shared a short note, aside, once in a while, but much of what I shared was for others rather than myself.

      For many, social media took over their "streams" of thoughts and ideas to the point that they forgot to sit, reflect, and write something longer (polished or not).

      Personal websites used for yourself first is a powerful idea for collecting, thinking, and creating.

      Getting away from "branding" is a great idea. Too many personal sites are used for this dreadful thing. I'd much rather see the edge ideas and what they flower into.