251 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. überhaupt kein "frauenthema". "vater staat" will schwache, dumme, kranke sklaven,<br /> und diese falsche erziehung betrifft alle lebensbereiche, auch schon vor der geburt.<br /> isolation, vereinzelung, beziehungskontrolle - das ist ein wichtiges machtinstrument.<br /> meine tochter wurde von mir isoliert weil ich angeblich "erziehungsunfähig" bin.

  2. Aug 2024
    1. this localization process enables consciousness to perceive itself as the universe because infinite consciousness cannot perceive its own activity directly because it would have to do so from if infinite consciousness were to perceive the universe directly it would have to do so from every single point of view in the universe it would be the deepest darkest black image you could imagine so in order to perceive an object consciousness must localize itself as an apparently separate subject so this localization of the apparent localization of our self or the dissociation of ourselves as finite minds out of infinite consciousness enables um perception

      for - adjacency - key insight - quote - localization enables (infinite or universal consciousness) to perceive itself - Rupert Spira - discerning single voice at a busy party metaphor - existential isolation - umwelt

      adjacency - between - key insight - quote - localization enables (infinite or universal consciousness) to perceive itself - Rupert Spira - discerning single voice at a busy party metaphor - existential isolation - adjacency relationship - quote - localization enables (infinite or universal consciousness) to perceive itself - Rupert Spira - This localization process enables (infinite) consciousness to perceive itself as the universe because - infinite consciousness cannot perceive its own activity directly - because if infinite consciousness were to perceive the universe directly - it would have to do so from every single point of view in the universe - It would be the deepest, darkest black image you could imagine - So in order to perceive an object - (infinite) consciousness must localize itself as an apparently separate subject so - the apparent localization of our self or - the dissociation of ourselves - as finite minds out of infinite consciousness enables - perception and - thought

      • There is a metaphor that applies here:
        • At a busy dinner party, many people are talking at the same time
        • As the number of people approach infinite, the signal becomes more difficult to detect
        • In the same manner, as the activities of the universe are seemingly unbounded, how could infinite consciousness possibly observe its own infinite entirety?
        • Existential isolation is deemed depressing because it makes us feel intrinsically separated and disconnected from others, yet
          • it may be very necessary
        • Can you imagine hearing and understanding the voices of every human being, much less every living being?
        • An individual human does not have the capacity to process all that information
        • In the same manner, the body of every living organism is fine tuned for only one specific set of unwelts
        • How would we process the unbound amounts of information if we had an infinite number of different detectors?
  3. Jun 2024
  4. Apr 2024
    1. there’s “me” and a world of “others” existing in an infinite and vastly unknown universe of disparate objects

      for - quote - how things appear - quote - Nic Higham - key insight - duality

      • Because of our narrowed, distorted focus,
        • we’ve become apparently disconnected from our essential Aliveness, which is universal.
      • We are so accustomed to perceiving a dualistic paradigm;
        • there’s “me” and
        • a world of “others”
        • existing in an infinite and vastly unknown universe of disparate objects.

      comment - Nic summarizes the dualistic perspective succinctly

    2. On a deeper level, it’s imagined duality which creates all manner of separateness

      for - quote - imagined duality - unpack - imagined duality

      quote - imagined duality - author - Nic Higham

      • On a deeper level,
      • it’s imagined duality which creates all manner of separateness
        • from the kind I call “dualistic isolation,”
          • the sense that you’re identified with and alone in your body and your mind,
        • to “existential loneliness,”
          • a persistent sense of incompleteness that no amount of social or material connection can resolve.

      unpack - imagined duality and existential isolation - Alone in your body and mind - in my younger days, I had a metaphor for this - Life is a movie theatre for one, yourself - Only you have access to this movie theatre - Nobody else is there to experience the totality of your experiences, except you. - You are the sole inhabitan of your YOUniverse -

    3. Such feelings are rooted in seeing life through the distorting filters of desire and fear

      adjacency - between - existential isolation - desire and fear - adjacency statement -Desire of the other emerges from a sense of lack in the totality of reality - fear of the other emerges from a sense of avoidance of aspects of reality - Biologically , we have an innate desire and fear instinct - We desire to that which helps us survive - We fear that which threatens our survival - The psychological construction of the self takes cues from this biological attraction and aversion - the self-consciousness of the biological self as individual that is a separate entity from the environment - It is interesting to ponder how we could reconcile this difference

    4. relate authentically to our own nature

      for - insight - existential isolation - quote - existential isolation

      • Because we’re unable to
        • experience life genuinely, or
        • relate authentically to our own nature and to others,
      • we often suffer from a “dread of nothingness.”
      • Loneliness, Moustakas says,
        • is part and parcel of being, of existing, which,
        • if embraced, can lead us to “
          • deeper perception,
          • greater Awareness and sensitivity, and
          • insights into one’s own being”.
    5. But this other kind of anxiety was more like a quiet, unintelligible terror, a distant alarm bell, an uncaused danger

      existential isolation - evocative description - See David Loy's description of the same thing as the fear of our own inherent emptiness

      quote - existential isolation - Nic Higham

      • .But this other kind of anxiety was more like
        • a quiet, unintelligible terror,
        • a distant alarm bell,
        • an uncaused danger.
      • It seemed more real and fundamental than any passing concern.
      • Apparently arising from my innermost core,
        • existential anxiety was a lurking, menacing mythical figure.
      • It hid in the shadows of my very Being,
        • coming at me from
          • everywhere and
          • nowhere.
      • It wasn’t an entity but an inescapable mood
        • that cunningly evaded -reason and
          • remedy.
      • It was
        • a constant undercurrent,
        • an impending nothingness and hollowness,
        • a strange intimacy with an enticing void,
      • the cost of having a thumping heart and a free spirit.

      reference - Ernest Becker - Denial of Death - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=denial+of+death - The Birth and Death of Meaning - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=the+birth+and+death+of+meaning - David Loy - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=david%2Bloy

  5. Jan 2024
    1. I'm not sure that isolating design is something I'd prefer. I'd rather have an issue tagged (labeled) as such, and then attach design artifacts. I start a design in the same way I start frontend, with a list of requirements and acceptance criteria in mind, the design is just an artifact, a deliverable, an asset.
    2. Discussions tied to the design itself is solved today with design manager, which allows those design discussions to occur within the context of a bigger issue. Bringing design manager into other work item types, like epics, would help, as would surfacing discussions from designs into the main discussion space. That behavior should be consistent for any work item type with design management enabled, rather than just for a design type.

      don't want: isolation

    3. Why should this conversation be separate from other conversations about the work to be done? Design is one consideration alongside frontend and backend considerations, which often all intersect and require the same participants. Shifting this discussion to a separate work item can result in disjointed conversations and difficulty finding where a decision was made.
  6. Jul 2023
    1. The third great separation was the industrial agricultural revolution.
      • Third great separation

        • industrial agricultural revolution

          • Farming was a community affair, by necessity.
          • Nearly everyone in the United States lived on a farm, had lived on a farm, or knew someone who lived on a farm.
          • There was still a sense of connectedness to the land, the earth, through food and farming.
          • But ​“times changed” in rural America.
          • The industrialization of agriculture removed the necessity for community-based farming.

          • Farmers eventually lost their sense of connectedness to

            • their land,
            • to each other and
            • to their communities.
          • Consumers no longer know
            • who produces their food,
            • where it was produced, or
            • how it was produced.
          • What happens to food between the earth and the eater has become largely a mystery.
          • Food for family gatherings and religious holidays are of economic importance to the food industry,
            • but have little social or spiritual significance beyond following cultural traditions.
          • The dependence of humanity on the Earth for food is no less than during the early times of hunting and gathering,
            • but the sense of connectedness between the eater and the Earth has been lost.
      • quote

        • Farming was a community affair, by necessity
        • What happens to food between the earth and the eater has become largely a mystery.
  7. Sep 2022
  8. Aug 2022
  9. Jul 2022
  10. Apr 2022
    1. Allyson Pollock [@AllysonPollock]. (2022, January 4). The health care crisis is of governments making over three decades. Closing half general and acute beds, closing acute hospitals and community services,eviscerating public health, no service planning. Plus unevidenced policies on testing and self isolation of contacts. @dthroat [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/AllysonPollock/status/1478326352516460544

    1. Prof. Christina Pagel 🇺🇦. (2022, March 8). What could be causing it? Likely combo of: 1—Dominant BA.2 causing more infections (we await ONS!) 2—Reduction in masks, self-isolation & testing enabling more infections 3—Waning boosters in older people esp I worry that we will be stuck at high levels for long time. 2/2 https://t.co/xZ2SLFNVkS [Tweet]. @chrischirp. https://twitter.com/chrischirp/status/1501250081693048838

  11. Mar 2022
  12. Feb 2022
    1. Ana Mardoll. (2022, February 12). I used to be a history major, with a focus on social history. And I remember reading about WW2 in a very fascinating book about the evolution of courtship and dating dynamics in America. (I’m going somewhere with this, bear with me.) [Tweet]. @AnaMardoll. https://twitter.com/AnaMardoll/status/1492398681303261184

  13. Jan 2022
  14. Dec 2021
    1. Kim Willsher. (2021, December 16). Let’s try again...new “drastic” regulations for anyone planning to come to France from UK. There must be a “compelling” reason. This does not include tourism or business French nationals/residents can return but must have a negative Covid test within 24hrs before departure. 1/2 [Tweet]. @kimwillsher1. https://twitter.com/kimwillsher1/status/1471401803828764682

  15. Nov 2021
    1. That's not how flatpack works; the executable is hidden in a container and you need to set up the whole environment to be able to call it. Delivering a well-isolated, not-to-be-run-from-outside environment is the whole point.
  16. Oct 2021
  17. Sep 2021
  18. Aug 2021
    1. Isolation ensures that concurrent execution of transactions leaves the database in the same state that would have been obtained if the transactions were executed sequentially
  19. Jul 2021
  20. Jun 2021
    1. Isabel: What did you have to learn? What was picking up the different cultural experiences like?Angelo: The main thing was learning how to interact with others, because it was very hard. I feel like an outsider so I wouldn't really go up to people, I wouldn't go up to any other races. So it was very hard, I would really stay to myself and to that just one friend. Even sports, I couldn't do sports because I didn't feel like I fit in. I never felt like I fitted it in. And throughout all my school experiences, I never felt like that belong to me because there was many times where I had opportunities for my academics to get awards or be presented with some stuff, but I was always told "No, you're not American so you can’t do that. And there's no way that you're going to go to another state they're going deport you on the way there, we're going to get pulled over.” And so, I really didn't see a future there for me.Isabel: Where was that message coming from? Is it just your day to day interaction with people—like the way you felt othered—or did people explicitly say, “You have no opportunity here?”Angelo: Mainly it was my parents. My parents wanted us to keep to ourselves. My parents just raised us with that mentality that we're here, we're your family, there's nobody else. So you go to school you come home and that's it. So, any other projects, and the after-school activities, didn't even come to mind because I didn't see it for myself. I couldn't seem to picture myself having fun in after-school activities. It was just that mindset that, "Okay, I got to go home because we're not from here and something bad might happen."

      Time in the US, School, Fitting in/belonging, Struggling, Feelings, Disorientation

    1. I told my dad, "Dad, remember the last time you told me that it was this," he started laughing like in my face, like, "Oh, what are you talking about?"

      Returning to Mexico - being reliant on his father - being alone- untrusting of father

    2. Mike: I remember this is the first time that he played me too and I was like, "Oh I got to watch out for this guy." So they charged me 200 pesos to do a whole bag of laundry, right? Well I hadn't remembered that when I first moved in, I had a smaller bag of laundry and my dad gave me the receipt and it was like 600 pesos, right?Mike: A couple of months later I had gone to the laundry place and I had an even bigger bag, because I had bought more clothes. So I know I had more clothes than before. So they gave me the receipt, and it's written 200 pesos. I told my dad, "Dad, remember the last time you told me that it was this," he started laughing like in my face, like, "Oh, what are you talking about?"Mike: And that's when I knew I was like, "Damn, I got to watch out for this guy." You know what I mean? Because they love you, that's your family, but they feel like you got it—because you're from there, or you came from there, or your family's going to support you. So he'd always try to get as much as he could. That's why I felt like I got to kind of stay away from him. Those are the people you've got to love, but keep your distance from.

      Return to Mexico, Family relationships, Those who stayed in Mexico

    3. So I was with my two little brothers and my little sister was born by that time. She was like three, four. We stayed a whole month with nobody just by ourselves in the house.

      Time in the US, Homelife, Being Alone; Time in the US, Homelife, Siblings, Caring for them

    4. And it took a whole month for the cops to come to my house. So I was with my two little brothers and my little sister was born by that time. She was like three, four. We stayed a whole month with nobody just by ourselves in the house. And I remember this—

      fear from the violence inflicted on them by father caring for younger siblings escaping the violence and being alone

  21. May 2021
    1. Sam Bowman. (2021, January 25). If the govt can’t keep a few thousand people fed in hotel quarantine, how exactly was it supposed to provide for fifteen million pensioners self-isolating in Great Barrington-style ‘focused protection’ while the virus was spreading across the rest of the population? [Tweet]. @s8mb. https://twitter.com/s8mb/status/1353666214883684352

  22. Apr 2021
    1. Nissim Mannathukkaren നിസ്സിം മണ്ണത്തൂക്കാരൻ. (2021, April 8). ‘The hand of God’—Nurses trying to comfort isolated patients in a Brazilian Covid isolation ward. Two disposable gloves tied, full of hot water, simulating impossible human contact. Salute to the front liners and a stark reminder of the grim situation our world is in!@sadiquiz https://t.co/eldzkT4JHa [Tweet]. @nmannathukkaren. https://twitter.com/nmannathukkaren/status/1380129214259720202

  23. Mar 2021
    1. Prof. Devi Sridhar. (2020, March 25). We will be stuck in an endless cycle of lockdown/release for next 18 months, if we do not start mass testing, tracing, & isolating those who are carriers of the virus while pursuing rapid research for antiviral treatment or vaccine. This is the message the public needs to hear. [Tweet]. @devisridhar. https://twitter.com/devisridhar/status/1242743618986745861

  24. Feb 2021
    1. One of the main reasons to work with components is re-usability and portability, but also a delegation of responsibilities. Adding a component should be as easy as simply adding the component without having to know the inner workings (or markup) of this component. A consumer should only be aware of the properties, methods and events of a component. In order to style a child component one has to be aware of the markup as well, which violates this 'delegation of responsibility'-principle.
    1. Kit Yates. (2021, January 22). Is this lockdown 3.0 as tough as lockdown 1? Here are a few pieces of data from the @IndependentSage briefing which suggest that despite tackling a much more transmissible virus, lockdown is less strict, which might explain why we are only just keeping on top of cases. [Tweet]. @Kit_Yates_Maths. https://twitter.com/Kit_Yates_Maths/status/1352662085356937216

  25. Jan 2021
    1. Some users download the DEB package and install it manually and manage upgrades completely manually. This is useful in situations such as installing Docker on air-gapped systems with no access to the internet.
    1. Why did I put the kdb in the snap file system? Because the app is sandboxed, so I had no choice.
    2. By design, snap apps have no access to /etc. They live in their own little world, but instead of a normal chroot, they are splatted all over the standard Linux filesystem layout. With other bits mounted hither and thither. Its a mess, and subject to change with each release.
    1. The application is executed in an encapsulated, ring-fenced way, so its files can’t interfere with those on your computer. You can even install multiple versions of the same application, and they won’t cross-pollinate or fight amongst themselves.
  26. Oct 2020
    1. All containers without a --network specified, are attached to the default bridge network. This can be a risk, as unrelated stacks/services/containers are then able to communicate.
    2. In terms of Docker, a bridge network uses a software bridge which allows containers connected to the same bridge network to communicate, while providing isolation from containers which are not connected to that bridge network. The Docker bridge driver automatically installs rules in the host machine so that containers on different bridge networks cannot communicate directly with each other.
    1. However, as a developer that uses JSX, I find it too useful/concise to give up in the name of syntax purity, especially when I know that what it translates to is still very isolated and computationally pure.

      What does "isolated" mean in this case? Is it a different sense than how isolated is usually used in programming context?

      What does "computationally pure" mean? Sounds like a bit of a vague weasel word, but this is an honest question of curiosity and wanting to understand/learn.

  27. Sep 2020
    1. As you can see, this would mean that a change in a component is potentially no longer isolated to that component, and the entire codebase should be checked to see if anybody has been overriding the default styles.
    1. Your styles are scoped to the component. No more leakage, no more unpredictable cascade.
    2. It's fashionable to dislike CSS. There are lots of reasons why that's the case, but it boils down to this: CSS is unpredictable. If you've never had the experience of tweaking a style rule and accidentally breaking some layout that you thought was completely unrelated — usually when you're trying to ship — then you're either new at this or you're a much better programmer than the rest of us.
  28. Aug 2020
    1. and underneath the quip was the hope that others might feel less alone in this very strange and anxiety-provoking time

      one of the reasons I have been more vocal about things like anxiety and ADHD - part is,

      • I need to for myself,
      • also been feeling alone
      • hope others feel less alone
      • others have reached out saying they feel less alone
  29. Jul 2020
  30. Jun 2020
    1. Beachum, L., national, closeLateshia B. assignment reporter E. H. closeAlex H. assignment reporter covering, & newsEmailEmailBioBioFollowFollow, breaking. (n.d.). Is social isolation getting to you? Here’s how to know — and what experts say to do. Washington Post. Retrieved April 9, 2020, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/04/04/social-isolation-mental-health-help/

    1. Ferguson, N., Laydon, D., Nedjati Gilani, G., Imai, N., Ainslie, K., Baguelin, M., Bhatia, S., Boonyasiri, A., Cucunuba Perez, Z., Cuomo-Dannenburg, G., Dighe, A., Dorigatti, I., Fu, H., Gaythorpe, K., Green, W., Hamlet, A., Hinsley, W., Okell, L., Van Elsland, S., … Ghani, A. (2020). Report 9: Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID19 mortality and healthcare demand. Imperial College London. https://doi.org/10.25561/77482

    2. Ferguson, N., Laydon, D., Nedjati Gilani, G., Imai, N., Ainslie, K., Baguelin, M., Bhatia, S., Boonyasiri, A., Cucunuba Perez, Z., Cuomo-Dannenburg, G., Dighe, A., Dorigatti, I., Fu, H., Gaythorpe, K., Green, W., Hamlet, A., Hinsley, W., Okell, L., Van Elsland, S., … Ghani, A. (2020). Report 9: Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID19 mortality and healthcare demand. In 20 [Report]. https://doi.org/10.25561/77482

    1. Kucharski, A. J., Klepac, P., Conlan, A. J. K., Kissler, S. M., Tang, M. L., Fry, H., Gog, J. R., Edmunds, W. J., Emery, J. C., Medley, G., Munday, J. D., Russell, T. W., Leclerc, Q. J., Diamond, C., Procter, S. R., Gimma, A., Sun, F. Y., Gibbs, H. P., Rosello, A., … Simons, D. (2020). Effectiveness of isolation, testing, contact tracing, and physical distancing on reducing transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in different settings: A mathematical modelling study. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30457-6

  31. May 2020