1,712 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2021
    1. Robert Colvile. (2021, February 16). The vaccine passports debate is a perfect illustration of my new working theory: That the most important part of modern government, and its most important limitation, is database management. Please stick with me on this—It’s much more interesting than it sounds. (1/?) [Tweet]. @rcolvile. https://twitter.com/rcolvile/status/1361673425140543490

    1. ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘the SciBeh initiative is about bringing knowledge to policy makers and the general public, but I have to say this advert I just came across worries me: Where are the preceding data integrity and data analysis classes? Https://t.co/5LwkC1SVyF’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 18 February 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1362344945697308674

    1. For this very reason, we have the hx’s on our site dynamically create id’s. I love being able to direct people directly to a particular part of a page when I find something interesting, but the problem is that only we, as developers, know how to do this.
  2. Apr 2021
    1. Dr Kamna Kakkar. (2021, April 20). If things come down to this, doctors are going to be at the recieving end of all patient wrath. As much as I pray for Delhi patients’ lives, I pray for the safety of my colleagues. #DelhiLockdown https://t.co/Q7RaIj68RB [Tweet]. @drkamnakakkar. https://twitter.com/drkamnakakkar/status/1384535301243109380

    1. Graham, M. S., Sudre, C. H., May, A., Antonelli, M., Murray, B., Varsavsky, T., Kläser, K., Canas, L. S., Molteni, E., Modat, M., Drew, D. A., Nguyen, L. H., Polidori, L., Selvachandran, S., Hu, C., Capdevila, J., Koshy, C., Ash, A., Wise, E., … Ourselin, S. (2021). Changes in symptomatology, reinfection, and transmissibility associated with the SARS-CoV-2 variant B.1.1.7: An ecological study. The Lancet Public Health, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S2468-2667(21)00055-4

  3. Mar 2021
    1. News and policy links

      Bioengineer.org reports on the low cost and eco friendly aspects of "electronic skin" in comparison to smart devices, making is an interesting possible alternative.

      Read more at:


    2. News and policy links

      SYFY Wire reports on the functionality and comfort of the "wearable skin". They state that smart watches are functionally nice, but it is not optimal to have such a large mass on your body. This device matches or exceeds the functionality of this device while also being many times smaller.

      Read more at:


    3. News and policy links

      Science Daily reports about the multi-functionality and comfortability of the device. They state that it could be more accurate and functional than smart watches, while also cutting back on the worlds electronic waste.

      Read more at:


    4. News and policy links

      Nanowerk News reports on the multifunctionality of the device, saying it would be able to be worn as a bracelet, ring, etc. They also make light of its ability to turn heat into electricity using thermoelectric generators, something that could revolutionize smart devices.

      Read more at: https://www.nanowerk.com/nanotechnology-news2/newsid=57267.php

    1. Kaebnick, Gusmano (2018) - Making Policies about Emerging Technologies



    1. Finally, any approach to evidence-based man-agement should ensure that the practices suit theindustry and functional context. For example,professionals in a biotechnology company would beexpected to follow and use industry-appropriateevidence-based practices that are likely to bemore rigorous and extensive than those adopted bya fashion-clothing company. Such practices includeencouraging or even requiring their employees todo the following four things (seePfeffer & Sutton,2006): (1) demand evidence for statements thatseem implausible; (2) examine the logic or cause-and-effect reasoning between the evidence andthe statement; (3) as needed, encourage experi-mentation to test the confidence of data and val-idity of statements; and (4) continually repeat andbuild on the first three activities to create anevidence-based learning culture that stifles theproduction and spread of bullshit.
    1. Bartscher, A. K., Seitz, S., Siegloch, S., Slotwinski, M., & Wehrhöfer, N. (2020). Social Capital and the Spread of COVID-19: Insights from European Countries. IZA Discussion Paper, 13310. Retrieved August 7, 2020, from https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13310/

    1. Decerf, B., Ferreira, F. H. G., Mahler, D. G., & Sterck, O. (2020). Lives and Livelihoods: Estimates of the Global Mortality and Poverty Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic. IZA Discussion Paper, 13549.

    1. Baker, C. M., Campbell, P. T., Chades, I., Dean, A. J., Hester, S. M., Holden, M. H., McCaw, J. M., McVernon, J., Moss, R., Shearer, F. M., & Possingham, H. P. (2020). From climate change to pandemics: Decision science can help scientists have impact. ArXiv:2007.13261 [Physics]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2007.13261

    1. Erik Angner. (2021, February 18). Periodic reminder that in terms of outcomes, Swedish corona policy is thoroughly average in EU comparison – not exactly a model to be emulated by the rest of the world, nor a crime against humanity that should be prosecuted in the Hague. Https://t.co/E1CHBFMs6S [Tweet]. @ErikAngner. https://twitter.com/ErikAngner/status/1362319246378872832

    1. Ashish K. Jha, MD, MPH. (2020, December 12). Michigan vs. Ohio State Football today postponed due to COVID But a comparison of MI vs OH on COVID is useful Why? While vaccines are coming, we have 6-8 hard weeks ahead And the big question is—Can we do anything to save lives? Lets look at MI, OH for insights Thread [Tweet]. @ashishkjha. https://twitter.com/ashishkjha/status/1337786831065264128

    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2020, November 9). Second session now underway at the SciBeh workshop: Session 2: Interfacing with Policy How can the wider science community be policy-relevant? Speaking now: Alison Wright from UCL #scibeh2020 https://t.co/Gsr66BRGcJ [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1325750355309830145

    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2020, November 9). Great talk by Chiara Varazzani from the OECD on the two speed systems of policy and ‘normal’ research and the challenge that poses to pandemic response #scibeh2020 https://t.co/Gsr66BRGcJ [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1325725690935832576

    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2020, November 5). In 4 days: SciBeh workshop ‘Building an online information environment for policy relevant science’ Join us! Topics: Crisis open science, interfacing to policy, online discourse, tools for research curation talks, panels, hackathons https://t.co/SPeD5BVgj3… I https://t.co/kQClhpHKx5 [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1324286406764744704

    1. ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘Session 1: “Open Science and Crisis Knowledge Management now underway with Chiara Varazzani from the OECD” How can we adapt tools, policies, and strategies for open science to provide what is needed for policy response to COVID-19? #scibeh2020’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 5 March 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1325720293965443072

    1. ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘1 week to the SciBeh workshop “Building an online information environment for policy relevant science” Join us, register now! Topics: Crisis open science, interfacing to policy, online discourse, tools for research curation talks, panels, hackathons https://t.co/Gsr66BRGcJ https://t.co/uRrhSb9t05’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 2 March 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1323207455283826690

  4. Feb 2021
    1. Tim Colbourn. (2021, February 22). It’s good that opening up will be done in stages, though more could be done to ensure we don’t fail after the 1st stage and end up back in lockdown due to hospitals filling up again with unvaccinated people. I hope the government don’t end up regretting not doing the above. END [Tweet]. @timcolbourn. https://twitter.com/timcolbourn/status/1363989485516693508

    1. Aknin, L., Neve, J.-E. D., Dunn, E., Fancourt, D., Goldberg, E., Helliwell, J., Jones, S. P., Karam, E., Layard, R., Lyubomirsky, S., Rzepa, A., Saxena, S., Thornton, E., VanderWeele, T., Whillans, A., Zaki, J., Caman, O. K., & Amour, Y. B. (2021). A Review and Response to the Early Mental Health and Neurological Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/zw93g

    1. The intellectual cesspool of the inflation truthers

      Powerful Headline (words) from a Washington Post article under Economic Policy. WORDS.....! Words..... When you study Legal Theory you learn that "words" play a significant role in all aspects of social order.

      Controlling the rhetoric with consistent narrative

      This statement simply implies the use of consistent narrative (story) to allow control of the rhetoric. Narrative can be viewed as believable while Rhetoric is a general pejorative. When the rhetoric is mis or dis-information the narrative must be credible.

      Main stream media (MSM) has held a long-term standing across the world as being credible. This standing is eroding. It has eroded considerably over the last 25 years among critical thinkers and the general population has started to take notice.

      I question everything from MSM especially when narrative is duplicated with identical rhetoric across known government media assets. History is a wonderful thing when searching for Truth. Events in historical time periods can be researched, parsed and studied for patterns based on future evidence and outcomes.

      Information "Spin" is real and happens for one purpose, that purpose is to benefit a position, agenda, person, plan, etc., by manipulating (advertising, PR, propaganda) information. Spin is difficult to refute without hard facts. Spin has a short-term shelf life, but that is all it needs to chart a new course, set the "ball" in motion so to say.

      History allows Truth to overcome Spin.

    1. I have a Content Security Policy!Oh, do you now.And did somebody tell you that this would prevent malicious code from sending data off to some dastardly domain? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the following four lines of code will glide right through even the strictest content security policy.
    1. That won't work if the external content is on another site due to same origin policy. In some obscure cases, the remote site might support JSONP; but probably not.
    1. Similarly to a cell phone setup, you prepay your email quota. Although they famously used to offer credits that ‘never expired’, new changes mean that credits now expire after 12 months (or, if purchased before May 15th 2019, they’ll expire on May 15th 2020).
  5. Jan 2021
    1. For the future, you should: Install LTS (Long-term support) versions as they have an 8-year life span (with Extended Security Maintenance) or 5 years without. The current LTS version is Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS Bionic Beaver released on July 26, 2018 with an EOL in April 2023. OR Carefully watch the EOL of the interim / development releases and upgrade frequently.
    1. Dave. D. M., Friedson. A. I., Matsuzawa. K., McNichols. D.. Sabia. J. J. (2020). .Did the Wisconsin Supreme Court Restart a COVID-19 Epidemic? Evidence from a Natural Experiment. Institute of Labor Economics. Retrieved from: https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13314/

    1. Jo Maugham QC [@jolyonMaugham] (2020, August) Calling on retired lawyers! Law students! Bored lawyers! We at @GoodLawProject need your help with some research... we are working on what will be (well, if we win it) seminal litigation to establish the precautionary principle as a freestanding part of E&W common law! Twitter. Retrieved from: https://twitter.com/JolyonMaugham/status/1296092565075369984

  6. atomiks.github.io atomiks.github.io
    1. The CSS automatically gets injected into <head> with the CDN (tippy-bundle). With CSP enabled, you may need to separately link dist/tippy.css and use dist/tippy.umd.min.js instead.