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Planchuelo-Gómez, Á., Odriozola-González, P., Irurtia-Muñiz, M. J., & de Luis-García, R. (2020). Longitudinal evaluation of the psychological impact of the COVID-19 crisis in Spain [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/hgqke
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Beltran, D. G., Isch, C., Ayers, J., Alcock, J., Brinkworth, J. F., Cronk, L., Hurmuz-Sklias, H., Tidball, K. G., Horn, A. V., Todd, P. M., & Aktipis, A. (2020). Mask wearing is associated with COVID-19 Prevalence, Risk, Stress, and Future Orientation. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/dpa2j
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Gabriel, H. T. L., & Ho, C. M. C. (2020). Effects of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic on Social Behaviours: From a Social Dilemma Perspective. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/8duvx
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Rohrer, J. M., Schmukle, S., & McElreath, R. (2021). The Only Thing That Can Stop Bad Causal Inference Is Good Causal Inference. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/mz5jx
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Ebrahimi, O. V., Johnson, M. S., Ebling, S., Amundsen, O. M., Halsøy, Ø., Hoffart, A., … Johnson, S. U. (2021, April 25). Risk, Trust, and Flawed Assumptions: Vaccine Hesitancy During the COVID-19 Pandemic. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/57pwf
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Keshmirian, A., Bahrami, B., & Deroy, O. (2021, April 27). Many Heads Are More Utilitarian Than One. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/7e3dc
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Scheel, Anne M., Mitchell R. M. J. Schijen, and Daniël Lakens. ‘An Excess of Positive Results: Comparing the Standard Psychology Literature With Registered Reports’. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 4, no. 2 (1 April 2021): 25152459211007468. https://doi.org/10.1177/25152459211007467.
Loose, Tianna, and Alejandro Vásquez-Echeverría. ‘Psychosocial Impacts of COVID-19 among University Students in Uruguay’. PsyArXiv, 15 April 2021. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/w9rde.
tips.ariyh.com tips.ariyh.com
When audio quality is high (vs low), people judge the content as better and more important. They also judge the speaker as more intelligent, competent, and likable.In an experiment, people rated a physicist’s talk at a scientific conference as 19.3% better when they listened to it in high quality audio vs slightly distorted, echo-prone audio.
High quality audio makes you sound smarter:
Białek, M., & Grossmann, I. (2021). Social bias insights concern judgments rather than real-world decisions. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/y3h7n
www.wired.com www.wired.com
“Forgetting used to be the default, and that also meant you could edit your memories,” says Kate Eichhorn, who researches culture and media at the New School in New York City and wrote the book The End of Forgetting. “Editing memories” in this context refers to a psychological process, not a Photoshop tool. The human brain is constantly editing memories to incorporate new information and, in some cases, to cope with trauma.
Possibly worth reading for some of my research?
- Mar 2021
www.frontiersin.org www.frontiersin.org
Spagnoli, Paola, Carmela Buono, Liliya Scafuri Kovalchuk, Gennaro Cordasco, and Anna Esposito. ‘Perfectionism and Burnout During the COVID-19 Crisis: A Two-Wave Cross-Lagged Study’. Frontiers in Psychology 11 (2021). https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.631994.
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The BMJ. ‘Marija Pantelic and Nisreen Alwan: The Stigma Is Real for People Living with Long Covid’, 25 March 2021. https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/03/25/marija-pantelic-and-nisreen-alwan-the-stigma-is-real-for-people-living-with-long-covid/.
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Breznau, N., Rinke, E. M., Wuttke, A., Adem, M., Adriaans, J., Alvarez-Benjumea, A., Andersen, H. K., Auer, D., Azevedo, F., Bahnsen, O., Balzer, D., Bauer, G., Bauer, P. C., Baumann, M., Baute, S., Benoit, V., Bernauer, J., Berning, C., Berthold, A., … Nguyen, H. H. V. (2021). Observing Many Researchers using the Same Data and Hypothesis Reveals a Hidden Universe of Data Analysis. MetaArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31222/osf.io/cd5j9
- reseach
- is:preprint
- immigration
- lang:en
- psychology
- meta-science
- sociology
- noise
- crowd sourced replication initiative
- analytical flexibility
- researcher variability
- crowdsourcing
- garden of forking paths
- scientific method
- political science
- behavioural science
- economics
- researcher degrees of freedom
- social policy
Corker, K. S. (2021). An Open Science Workflow for More Credible, Rigorous Research. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/wu6sn
theodora.com theodora.com
Memory is commonly classified by psychologists according as it is exercised (a) mechanically, by attention and repetition; (b) judiciously, by careful selection and co-ordination; and (c) ingeniously, by means of artifices, i.e. mnemotechny, mnemonics. It must, however, be observed that no mnemonic is of any value which does not possess the qualities of (a) and (b). A mnemonic is essentially a device which uses attention and repetition, and careful selection is equally necessary. A more accurate description of mnemonics is "mediate" or "indirect" memory.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Ryan, W., Baum, S., & Evers, E. (2021). People Behave as if they Anticipate Regret Conditional on Experiencing a Bad Outcome. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/dcgpy
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Seguin, D., Kuenzel, E., Morton, J. B., & Duerden, E. (2021). School’s out: Parenting stress and screen time use in school-age children during the COVID-19 pandemic. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/5guc3
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Levy, N. L., & Ross, R. M. (2020). The cognitive science of fake news [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/3nuzj
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Robertson, O. M., & Pownall, M. (2020). The Expertise Paradox: Opportunities and Challenges of a Public Psychology Framework [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/sfnb9
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Gernsbacher, M. A. (2018). Three ways to make replication mainstream. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 41, e129. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0140525X1800064X
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Oreskes, N. (n.d.). Jeffrey Epstein’s Harvard Connections Show How Money Can Distort Research. Scientific American. https://doi.org/10.1038/scientificamerican0920-84
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Hoogeveen, S., Sarafoglou, A., & Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2020). Laypeople Can Predict Which Social-Science Studies Will Be Replicated Successfully: Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science. https://doi.org/10.1177/2515245920919667
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Michels, M., Glöckner, A., & Giersch, D. (2020). Personality Psychology in Times of Crisis: Profile-specific Recommendations on how to deal with COVID-19 [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/r9q6g
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Kniffin, K. M., Narayanan, J., Anseel, F., Antonakis, J., Ashford, S., Bakker, A. B., Bamberger, P., Bapuji, H., Bhave, D. P., Choi, V. K., Creary, S. J., Demerouti, E., Flynn, F., Gelfand, Mi., Greer, L., Johns, G., Kesebir, S., Klein, P. G., Lee, S. Y., … van vugt, mark. (2020). COVID-19 and the Workplace: Implications, Issues, and Insights for Future Research and Action [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/gkwme
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Szumowska, E., Czarnek, G., Dragon, P., & Keersmaecker, J. D. (2021). Multitasking and correction of false information. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/w5v4z
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Most Read Articles of 2020—Behavioral Scientist. (n.d.). Retrieved February 27, 2021, from https://behavioralscientist.org/most-read-behavioral-science-articles-of-2020/
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Spread Germ Defence, not the virus! (n.d.). Retrieved March 1, 2021, from http://www.hprubse.nihr.ac.uk/news/spread-germ-defence-not-the-virus/
Ghio, D., Lawes-Wickwar, S., Tang, M. Y., Epton, T., Howlett, N., Jenkinson, E., Stanescu, S., Westbrook, J., Kassianos, A., Watson, D., Sutherland, L., Stanulewicz, N., Guest, E., Scanlan, D., Carr, N., Chater, A., Hotham, S., Thorneloe, R., Armitage, C., … Keyworth, C. (2020). What influences people’s responses to public health messages for managing risks and preventing infectious diseases? A rapid systematic review of the evidence and recommendations [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/nz7tr
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Lakens, D., Tunç, D. U., & Tunç, M. N. (2021). There is no generalizability crisis. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/tm8jy
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Su, I., & Ceci, S. (2021, March 5). “Zoom Developmentalists”: Home-Based Videoconferencing Developmental Research during COVID-19. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/nvdy6
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Skalski, Sebastian, Karol Konaszewski, Paweł Dobrakowski, Janusz Surzykiewicz, and Sherman A. Lee. ‘Pandemic Grief in Poland: Adaptation of a Measure and Its Relationship with Social Support and Resilience’. PsyArXiv, 11 January 2021. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/es3rd.
Grundmann, Felix, Kai Epstude, and Susanne Scheibe. ‘Face Masks Reduce Emotion-Recognition Accuracy and Perceived Closeness’. PsyArXiv, 9 October 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/xpzs3.
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Doom, Jenalee, and Kathryn Fox. ‘Adverse and Benevolent Childhood Experiences Predict Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic’. PsyArXiv, 3 December 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/vr5jd.
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Endress, Ansgar. ‘The Values of Survival: Socio-Cultural Values Predict COVID-19-Related Mortality’. PsyArXiv, 3 December 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/da95b.
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Gligorić, Vukašin, Allard Feddes, and Bertjan Doosje. ‘Political Bullshit Receptivity and Its Correlates: A Cross-Cultural Validation of the Concept’. PsyArXiv, 27 October 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/u9pe3.
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Maddock, J. (2020, October 23). Sick of COVID-19? Here’s why you might have pandemic fatigue. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/sick-of-covid-19-heres-why-you-might-have-pandemic-fatigue-148294?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=bylinetwitterbutton
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Kartushina, N., Mani, N., AKTAN-ERCIYES, A., Alaslani, K., Aldrich, N. J., Almohammadi, A., … Mayor, J. (2021, March 5). COVID-19 first lockdown as a unique window into language acquisition: What you do (with your child) matters. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/5ejwu
- longitudinal
- behavioral science
- turkey
- france
- acquisition
- learning
- spain
- russia
- multi-country
- exposure
- book
- norway
- vocabulary
- screen
- reading
- united kingdom
- lang:en
- developmental psychology
- daycare
- children
- poland
- is:preprint
- language
- saudi arabia
- netherlands
- united states
- passive
- canada
- Israel
- lockdown
- germany
- parenting
- carer
- development
- COVID-19
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Rodman, A. M., Rosen, M. L., Kasparek, S. W., Mayes, M., Lengua, L., McLaughlin, K. A., PhD, & Meltzoff, A. N. (2021, March 4). Social behavior and youth psychopathology during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/y8zvg
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Chevallier, Coralie, Anne-Sophie Hacquin, and Hugo Mercier. ‘COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: Shortening the Last Mile’. PsyArXiv, 3 March 2021. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/xchj6.
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Heeren, A., HANSEEUW, B., Cougnon, L., & Lits, G. (2021, March 11). Excessive Worrying as the Driving Force of Anxiety During the First COVID-19 Lockdown-Phase in Belgium. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/b34aj
edmontonjournal.com edmontonjournal.com
Bergot, N. (2020, October 24). Battling fake science: University of Alberta launches free online science literacy course. Edmonton Journal. https://edmontonjournal.com/news/local-news/battling-fake-science-ualberta-launches-free-online-science-literacy-course
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Stein, D. H., Chatman, J., & Schroeder, J. (2021). Is Commitment Getting Infected Too? How COVID-19 Stay-Home Orders Influence Workgroup Commitment. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/mhqbv
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Dutra, N. B. (2020). Commentary on Apicella, Norenzayan & Henrich (2020): Who is going to run the global laboratory of the future? PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/4bw97
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Kejriwal, M., & Shen, K. (2021, March 9). Affective Correlates of Metropolitan Food Insecurity and Misery during COVID-19. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/6zxfe
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
This excerpt is drawn from “A World Without Email,” by Cal Newport, out in March from Portfolio.
An overview of many email related research studies which indicates its design stresses us out unnecessarily.
www.eurekalert.org www.eurekalert.org
When peeking at your brain may help with mental illness
- Experimental treatments use fMRI brain imaging to teach mental illness patients how to optimize their brain activity.
- Scientists analyzed 17 relevant studies with 410 total participants, and concluded that people can regulate their own brain activity when they see it in real time.
- The method is called neurofeedback, and it shows promise as a way to treat mental illness patients.
- However, the method has to be studied more in order to understand how it works, and how to unlock its potential as a treatment.
www.opendemocracy.net www.opendemocracy.net
Reconceptualising joy as dopamine activity in the brain's reward centres, melancholy as serotonin deficiency, attention as the noradrenalin-induced modulation of stimulus-processing, and, not least, love as a consequence of the secretion of centrally acting bonding hormones, changes not only our perspective on emotional and mental states, but also our subjective experience of self. That does not mean that we experience the physiological side of feelings like love or guilt any differently, but it does make us think about them differently. This, in turn, changes the way we perceive, interpret and order them, and hence the effect they have on our behaviour.
Being aware of how we operate is probably worthwhile but not when this understanding is subverted to create more profits for owners of vast algorithmic empires, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.
Depression, however, was also the first widespread mental illness for which modern neuroscience promptly found a remedy. Depression and anxiety were located in the gaps between the synapses, which is precisely where they were treated. Where previously there had only been reflexive psychotherapy, an interface had now been identified where suffering induced by the self and the world could now be alleviated directly and pre-reflexively. At this point, if not before, the unequal duo of capitalism and neuroscience was joined by a third partner. From now on, the blossoming pharmaceutical industry was to function as a kind of transmission belt connecting the two wheels and making them turn faster.
One good reason to be wary of psychopharmacology is that it is extremely profitable.
www.ejumpcut.org www.ejumpcut.org
James Whale’s Frankenstein (1931) and Bride of Frankenstein (1935) explored both the hubris of the male scientist described in Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus (1818) as well as the repressive sexuality of Western culture. Robert Wise’s The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) advocated for a liberal belief in the collective submission to a technocratic elite.
I initially found this article by searching for "alien movie hubris" and the search results did not disappoint. This essay does a great job weaving several themes about creativity, automation, intelligence, biology, culture, ambition, power, delusions of grandeur, human spirituality and sexuality, and a few more I'm probably forgetting. It's definitely worthwhile reading.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Silas, J., Jones, A., Weiss-Cohen, L., & Ayton, P. (2021, March 9). The seductive allure of technical language and the effect on covid-19 vaccine intentions. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/4kb6v
Pick, C. M., Ko, A., Wormley, A., Kenrick, D., & Varnum, M. E. W., PhD. (2021, March 9). Family Still Matters: Human Social Motivation during a Global Pandemic. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/z7mjc
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Karlsson, L. C., Soveri, A., Lewandowsky, S., Karlsson, L., Karlsson, H., Nolvi, S., … Antfolk, J. (2021, March 4). The Behavioral Immune System and Vaccination Intentions During the Coronavirus Pandemic. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/r8uaz
- vulnerable
- behavioral science
- contaminant aversion
- is:preprint
- evolutionary psychology
- social science
- intention
- immune response
- health psychology
- behavioural immune system
- individual differences
- germ aversion
- perceived infectability
- vaccine hesitancy
- evolution
- vaccination
- disgust
- COVID-19
- lang:en
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Scheffer, J. A., Cameron, D., & Inzlicht, M. (2021). Caring is Costly: People Avoid the Cognitive Work of Compassion. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/jyx6q
danallosso.substack.com danallosso.substack.com
The idea is interesting that if you introduce a slight distraction or speak softly, people will not only have to try harder to hear you but that the "effort moves us into higher gear, activating more vigorous and more analytical brain machinery." (53)
It's a frequent story in Hollywood that Michael Ovitz used the tactic of speaking softly to get people to listen to him more closely.
Ought to dig in to see if anyone has done research on this effect.
Dan doesn't seem to indicate it, but I'm sort of curious what his parenthetical numbers in the text represent or link to?
www.ucl.ac.uk www.ucl.ac.uk
System architects: equivalents to architecture and planning for a world of knowledge and data Both government and business need new skills to do this work well. At present the capabilities described in this paper are divided up. Parts sit within data teams; others in knowledge management, product development, research, policy analysis or strategy teams, or in the various professions dotted around government, from economists to statisticians. In governments, for example, the main emphasis of digital teams in recent years has been very much on service design and delivery, not intelligence. This may be one reason why some aspects of government intelligence appear to have declined in recent years – notably the organisation of memory.57 What we need is a skill set analogous to architects. Good architects learn to think in multiple ways – combining engineering, aesthetics, attention to place and politics. Their work necessitates linking awareness of building materials, planning contexts, psychology and design. Architecture sits alongside urban planning which was also created as an integrative discipline, combining awareness of physical design with finance, strategy and law. So we have two very well-developed integrative skills for the material world. But there is very little comparable for the intangibles of data, knowledge and intelligence. What’s needed now is a profession with skills straddling engineering, data and social science – who are adept at understanding, designing and improving intelligent systems that are transparent and self-aware58. Some should also specialise in processes that engage stakeholders in the task of systems mapping and design, and make the most of collective intelligence. As with architecture and urban planning supply and demand need to evolve in tandem, with governments and other funders seeking to recruit ‘systems architects’ or ‘intelligence architects’ while universities put in place new courses to develop them.
practicalhealthpsychology.com practicalhealthpsychology.com
NEW E-book. (n.d.). Practical Health Psychology. Retrieved March 8, 2021, from https://practicalhealthpsychology.com/e-book/
www.sciencemag.org www.sciencemag.org
When should you end a conversation? Probably sooner than you think
- In a conversation-based experiment with 252 strangers, researchers found that only in 2% cases both participants were happy with how long they talked.
- It’s probably because we hide our true intentions for fear of being rude, even though we’d like to end a conversation early.
- There was a big disconnect between what people wanted, and what they thought their conversation partners wanted.
- This suggests that we’re really bad at guessing what other people want.
- These findings show that we know very little about how conversations work, so it’s a great area for researchers to explore.
news.ufl.edu news.ufl.edu
Why we’re so bad at daydreaming, and how to fix it
- Researchers find that people don’t know what to daydream about, but when they’re given directions - their pleasure from thinking increases by 50%.
- The way to find pleasure in daydreaming might be to consciously focus on positive, meaningful memories and thoughts.
- Daydreaming is a skill that you can get good at with practice, and once you do, it can be a way to never experience boredom again, and to finally be ok with your thoughts.
- Try it! Just don’t confuse daydreaming with planning (which is not pleasurable), make it a habit, and you may find that you’ll be able to re-shape your emotions.
Psychische Belastung: Jungen Menschen schlägt die Pandemie mehr aufs Gemüt als den Alten
Lena Stallmach (lsl. (2020, December 5). Psychische Belastung durch Covid-19: Senioren sind resilienter. Neue Zürcher Zeitung; Neue Zürcher Zeitung AG, Schweiz. https://www.nzz.ch/wissenschaft/psychische-belastung-durch-covid-19-senioren-sind-resilienter-ld.1589794
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PANDEMIC SHOCKS, FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, MARKETS AND BEHAVIOURS Tickets, Tue, Dec 15 2020 at 17:00 | Eventbrite. (n.d.). Retrieved March 5, 2021, from https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-pandemic-shocks-financial-institutions-markets-and-behaviours-131361717433?utm-medium=discovery&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&aff=estw&utm-source=tw&utm-term=listing#
Unrealistic optimism about future life events: A cautionary note. (n.d.). Retrieved March 4, 2021, from https://psycnet.apa.org/fulltext/2010-22979-001.pdf?auth_token=a25fd4b7f008a50b15fd7b0f1fdb222fc38373f4
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Oljača, M., Sadiković, S., Branovacki, B., Pajić, D., Smederevac, S., & Mitrović, D. (2020). Unrealistic optimism and HEXACO traits as predictors of risk perception and compliance with COVID-19 preventive measures during the first wave of pandemic. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/rt64j
www.shapingtomorrowsworld.org www.shapingtomorrowsworld.org
Armaos, K., Tapper, K., Ecker, U., Juanchich, M., Bruns, H., Gavaruzzi, T., Sah, S., Al-Rawi, A., Lewandowsky, S. (2020). Tips on countering conspiracy theories and disinformation. Available at sks.to/countertips
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Airaksinen, J., Komulainen, K., Jokela, M., & Gluschkoff, K. (2021). Big Five personality traits and COVID-19 precautionary behaviors among older adults in Europe [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/rvbjf
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Drury, J., Rogers, M. B., Marteau, T., Yardley, L., Reicher, S., & Stott, C. (2021). Re-opening live events and large venues after Covid-19 ‘lockdown’: Behavioural risks and their mitigations. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/ze8by
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Baal, S. van, Walasek, L., & Hohwy, J. (2021). Staying home so you can keep going out: A multiplayer self-isolation game modelling pandemic behaviour. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/mh69r
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Peris, T. A., & Ehrenreich-May, J. (2021). The Parents are Not Alright: A Call for Parental Mental Health Screening During the COVID-19 Pandemic. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/xzf2c
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independently demonstrated
may indicate low-hanging fruit in the field, methinks
- Feb 2021
Peyton, Kyle, Gregory A. Huber, and Alexander Coppock. “The Generalizability of Online Experiments Conducted During The COVID-19 Pandemic.” SocArXiv, November 28, 2020. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/s45yg.
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Ghio, D., Lawes-Wickwar, S., Tang, M. Y., Epton, T., Howlett, N., Jenkinson, E., Stanescu, S., Westbrook, J., Kassianos, A., Watson, D., Sutherland, L., Stanulewicz, N., Guest, E., Scanlan, D., Carr, N., Chater, A., Hotham, S., Thorneloe, R., Armitage, C., … Keyworth, C. (2020). What influences people’s responses to public health messages for managing risks and preventing infectious diseases? A rapid systematic review of the evidence and recommendations [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/nz7tr
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Imagining the Next Decade of Behavioral Science. (2020, January 20). Behavioral Scientist. https://behavioralscientist.org/imagining-the-next-decade-future-of-behavioral-science/
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Krpan, Dario. ‘To Sit Quietly in a Room Alone: The Psychology of Social, Material, and Sensation Seeking Input’. PsyArXiv, 24 February 2021. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/zpf6b.
Jans-Beken, L. (2020, November 25). A Perspective on Mature Gratitude as a Way of Coping with COVID-19. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.632911
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Werner, Anika, Maren-Jo Kater, Angelika A. Schlarb, and Arnold Lohaus. “COVID-19-Pandemie-Stress-Skala (CPSS).” PsyArXiv, January 14, 2021. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/4gduz.
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IrrationalLabs. (2021, February 3). We designed an intervention that reduced shares of flagged content on TikTok by 24% via a large scale RCT, thread 👇1/7 [Tweet]. @IrrationalLabs. https://twitter.com/IrrationalLabs/status/1357033901311451140
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Anderson, Ian, and Wendy Wood. ‘Habits and the Electronic Herd: The Psychology behind Social Media’s Successes and Failures’. PsyArXiv, 23 November 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/p2yb7.
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Aczel, Balazs, Marton Kovacs, and Rink Hoekstra. ‘The Role of Human Fallibility in Psychological Research: A Survey of Mistakes in Data Management’. PsyArXiv, 5 November 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/xcykz.
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Ogbunu, B. C. (2020, October 27). The Science That Spans #MeToo, Memes, and Covid-19. Wired. https://www.wired.com/story/the-science-that-spans-metoo-memes-and-covid-19/
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Konstantinos, A. (2021). Tips on countering conspiracy theories and misinformaton. CommsFlyer.
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Sinclair, A. H., Hakimi, S., Stanley, M., Adcock, R. A., & Samanez-Larkin, G. (2021). Pairing Facts with Imagined Consequences Improves Pandemic-Related Risk Perception. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/53a9f
Mills, M. (2021). Online Academic Collaboratives, Part 1: Overview and Possibilities. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/azmu9
docdrop.org docdrop.org
McCarthy et al. (2020) refer to a number of bullshit expressionssuch as “blue-sky thinking” or “out-of-the-box thinking”, which are often usedas vague buzzwords with minimal substance. This vagueness serves the interestsof bullshitters, because communication targets are less likely to ask questionswhen they find it difficult to understand what has been said (McCarthy et al.,2020).
elpais.com elpais.com
El cerebro humano está diseñado para favorecer la redistribución, pero la desigualdad genera prejuicios que ayudan a justificar actitudes más egoístas
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Hossain, M., Rahman, M., Trisha, N. F., Tasnim, S., Nuzhath, T., Hasan, N. T., … Ma, P. (2020, October 31). Prevalence of anxiety and depression in South Asia during COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/q4k5b
www.hse.ru www.hse.ru
Can the Brain Resist the Group Opinion?
- In a study of 20 participant’s brain activity and opinion-forming, researchers find that people are likely to conform to group opinion if their own is different.
- It’s possible that the brain foresees potential disagreements in the future, and subconsciously drives us to conform to popular opinions.
- This process involves the superior parietal cortex, a brain area that retrieves memories.
- The study suggests that the opinion of others literally changes our brain.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Tomfohr-Madsen, L., Giesbrecht, G., Lebel, C., Racine, N., & Madigan, S. (2021). Depression and Anxiety in Pregnancy during COVID-19: A Rapid Review and Meta-Analysis. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/n8b7x
www.sciencedaily.com www.sciencedaily.com
Neural nets learn and make decisions independently of their human programmers. Researchers refer to this hidden process as a "black box." It is hard to trust the machine's outputs if we don't know what is happening in the box.
Counter-argument: Why do we trust a human being's decisions if we don't know what is happening inside their brain? Yes, we can question the human being but we then have to trust that what they tell us about their rationale is true.
www.technologyreview.com www.technologyreview.com
propose to create a new academic discipline called “machine behavior.” It approaches studying AI systems in the same way we’ve always studied animals and humans: through empirical observation and experimentation
We do this all the time; observe people's behaviour and then make inferences about their intentions.
We've developed scientific methods to study black boxes for hundreds of years now, but these methods have primarily been applied to [living beings] up to this point
It's called psychology.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
DeYoung, C. G., & Krueger, R. (2020, October 27). To wish impossible things: On the ontological status of latent variables and the prospects for theory in psychology. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/4anhr
- Jan 2021
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Grundy. E., (2020) SCRUB PROJECT WAVE 4: AUSTRALIANS’ VIEWS ON PRIVATE GATHERINGS, REMOTE WORKING AND GETTING TESTED. Behaviour Works Australia. Retrieved from https://www.behaviourworksaustralia.org/scrub-project-wave-4-australians-views-on-private-gatherings-remote-working-and-getting-tested/
Marples. M. (2020) Pandemic denial: Why some people can't accept Covid-19's realities. CNN health. Retrieved from: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/08/16/health/pandemic-covid-19-denial-mental-health-wellness/index.html
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ReconfigBehSci[@SciBeh}(2020, August) Videos of talks from July's eBridges conference on "SOCIETY, PSYCHOLOGY AND BEHAVIOUR DURING AND POST COVID-19 LOCKDOWN" are now all available here: Twitter. Retrieved from:https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1297863598144999424
Elon Musk declared that we are marching towards a near future without language, in which we’ll be able to communicate directly mind-to-mind through neural links. ‘Our brain spends a lot of effort compressing a complex concept into words,’ he said in a recent interview, ‘and there’s a lot of loss of information that occurs when compressing a complex concept into words.’
Elon Musk on the future of talking
Mute inner speech can appear as an inner dialogue as well, but its truncated form encourages us to create a ‘secret’ abbreviated language and deploy mental shortcuts. By forcing us to articulate ourselves more fully, self-talk summons up the image of an imagined listener or interrogator more vividly. In this way, it allows us to question ourselves more critically by adopting an external perspective on our ideas, and so to consider shortcomings in our arguments – all while using our own speech.
The essential difference between mute speach and self-talk
Contemporary theories in cognition and the science of learning reaffirm Kleist’s speculations, and show how self-talk contributes not only to motivation and emotional regulation, but also to some higher cognitive functions such as developing metacognition and reasoning.
Self-talk brings lots of benefits
It’s no coincidence that we walk when we need to think: evidence shows that movement enhances thinking and learning, and both are activated in the same centre of motor control in the brain. In the influential subfield of cognitive science concerned with ‘embodied’ cognition, one prominent claim is that actions themselves are constitutive of cognitive processes. That is, activities such as playing a musical instrument, writing, speaking or dancing don’t start in the brain and then emanate out to the body as actions; rather, they entail the mind and body working in concert as a creative, integrated whole, unfolding and influencing each other in turn. It’s therefore a significant problem that many of us are trapped in work and study environments that don’t allow us to activate these intuitive cognitive muscles, and indeed often even encourage us to avoid them.
Symbiosis of movement and thinking
People think that fighters fight best when they are angry, that singers, actors and musicians perform best when they are high on emotions. This cannot be further from the truth. Studies show that in high-stress situations, we perform when we separate ourselves from our emotions. Like how a cup is only useful when it’s empty, it is only when we empty ourselves that we can become a conduit for our art, transcend our mortal shell, and perform at the highest levels.
Studies show that in high-stress situations people perform better when there is a separation of self and emotions.
We might think that boxers perform better when they're angry but that might not be the case.
“affect labelling,” the act of putting feelings into words, actually help decrease brain activity in the amygdala and therefore reduce stress
Affect Labelling - Put thoughts into words. Decreases amygdala activity which decreases stress.
Other studies have shown this has resulted in:
- Healthier eating choices
- Healthier sexual appetites
Great practices are:
- Reframing your language. Practise saying phrases like “I am feeling angry”, instead of “I am angry.”
- Meditate often
- Induce flow states through work you enjoy, or exercise
- Psychedelic experiences
- Being in nature (e.g long hikes)
- Vipassana retreats
- Long stretches of undisturbed time spent with yourself
“Cognitive Reframing” is a technique used in therapy where patients are taught to look at things from another perspective. This technique helps patients look at the same event with different points of view, and has been proven to help improve their self-talk and behaviour. We are, after all, made up of the stories we tell ourselves.
Cognitive Reframing - Technique to let patients look at situations from different perspectives.
- Helps with self talk and behavior
- Helps with narratives about ourselves
www.brainpickings.org www.brainpickings.org
the commonplace book has been particularly beloved by poets, whose business is the revelation of wholeness through the fragmentary
Gestalt: the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. See also, emergence in chaos theory and complexity.
- Dec 2020
In both cases – speech and writing – the materiality of language undergoes a transformation (to audible sounds or written signs) which in turn produces a mental shift.
There's surely a link between this and the idea of thought spaces in the blogosphere or the idea of a commonplace book/digital garden/wiki.
The idea that speaking out loud and thinking are closely related isn’t new. It emerged in Ancient Greece and Rome, in the work of such great orators as Marcus Tullius Cicero. But perhaps the most intriguing modern development of the idea appeared in the essay ‘On the Gradual Formation of Thoughts During Speech’ (1805) by the German writer Heinrich von Kleist.
Some of this is at play with the idea of "rubber ducking" as a means of debugging programs
www.bmj.com www.bmj.com
Teen dislike of physical appearance strong predictor of depression in early adulthood
Summary of the article:
- Teens unhappy about their looks are up to 285% more likely to develop depression later in life.
- This finding comes from a long-term study of ~4000 children born in 1991/2.
- At age 14, both boys and girls were mildly satisfied with their bodies, but girls were more dissatisfied.
- Body dissatisfaction at 14 predicted depressive episodes at 18, with the boys at much greater risk of severe depressive episodes.
- Study authors conclude that body dissatisfaction should be seen as a public health issue, and reducing it could lead to better mental health outcomes for young adults.
twitter.com twitter.comTwitter1
Stuaert Rtchie [@StuartJRitchie] (2020) This encapsulates the problem nicely. Sure, there’s a paper. But actually read it & what do you find? p-values mostly juuuust under .05 (a red flag) and a sample size that’s FAR less than “25m”. If you think this is in any way compelling evidence, you’ve totally been sold a pup. Twitter. Retrieved from:https://twitter.com/StuartJRitchie/status/1305963050302877697
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Lakens. D. Etz.. A. J. (2020) Too True to be Bad: When Sets of Studies With Significant and Nonsignificant Findings Are Probably True. Pubmed. Retrieved from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29276574/
medium.com medium.com
Instead of waiting for a magic fairy to appear and eliminate your problem so that you can enjoy life again, you might want to start adding those little positive events back onto your agenda despite the problem still being present
This solution based therapy focuses on trying to get people active and engaged with life even when depressed.
It is important to help patients experience those little positive events. These events can help people get back on track.
If you need to imagine in concrete detail how you would notice that a problem disappeared, you are challenged to leave vague descriptions like “I’ll be happy”, “I’ll be less annoyed” behind.Vagueness in the end is a cognitive avoidance mechanism. It is easy to ruminate on general emotions and thoughts but very hard to imagine concrete outcomes and changes. We would rather not face precise thoughts, emotions or memories because they can be painful. Better to stay at a safe but vague distance.
This is all about solution based therapy. We need concrete ways of fixing our problems.
Vagueness is a cognitive avoidance strategy. It is a way to avoid digging deep.
It is safer for our feelings to stay vague, but that is not where we need to improve.
Rather than defining the problem — which is hard — you are invited to define the change you would like to experience. It is a bit like reverse engineering.
This is a very interesting way to approach psychotherapy:
Let the patient define and explore the change they want to experience.
Cameron, E. E., Joyce, K. M., Rollins, K., & Roos, L. E. (2020, November 29). Paternal Depression & Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/drs9u
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Rocca, R., & Yarkoni, T. (2020). Putting psychology to the test: Rethinking model evaluation through benchmarking and prediction. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/e437b
- Nov 2020
www.mattkaramazov.com www.mattkaramazov.com
The Thirteen Sources of Well-Being:More positive emotionsFewer negative emotionsLife satisfactionVitalityEnvironmental masteryPositive relationshipsSelf-acceptanceMasteryAutonomyPersonal growthEngagement in lifePurpose and meaning in lifeTranscendent experiences
The Thirteen Sources of Well-Being
- More positive emotions
- Fewer negative emotions
- Life satisfaction
- Vitality
- Environmental mastery
- Positive relationships
- Self-acceptance
- Mastery
- Autonomy
- Personal growth
- Engagement in life
- Purpose and meaning in life
- Transcendent experiences
“Within the humanistic psychology framework, the healthy personality is considered one that constantly moves toward freedom, responsibility, self-awareness, meaning, commitment, personal growth, maturity, integration, and change, rather than one that predominantly strives for status, achievement, or even happiness."
The humanistic psychology framework focuses on larger scale values than on individual achievement
forge.medium.com forge.medium.com
Once the person opens up about what they’re feeling, resist the temptation to find a solution. Instead, validate. McGrath suggests telling them their emotions makes sense, reiterating how hard their experience sounds, then asking what they need.If you’re burning to share how you see things, ask permission before dishing out advice. Sometimes, well-intentioned attempts to fix the problem send a message that you’re uncomfortable with the other person’s emotions, which does anything but forge trust and connection.
Something I need to practice more.
When someone opens up, do not be so quick to fix. Understand the issue, what is causing them pain, why it is causing them pain, and validate that concern by reiterating the experience to them.
This way you allow them to not feel like they are wrong for feeling that way.
simple as tacking on an “I could be wrong, but” at the beginning, or an “Am I off base?” at the end. “This way, you provide an out so the other person can deny they feel that way,” she says, and give them a chance to correct the record by sharing what’s actually going on, if they choose.
You don't have to be right about your observation, you just have to try. This shows that you are trying, that you are willing to empathize.
So it is important to make your observation but also give space for them to talk about their feelings. How can you do that? Well you can say: "Am I off base?", "Correct me if I'm wrong"
Observations, on the other hand, cultivate connection by showing you’re paying attention, Braman explained in her post; that’s why she encourages parents to lead with statements like “You seem frustrated,” or “You’re full of smiles.”
Asking a kid "how was your day" can cause them anxiety because they still don't have the language to describe their feelings. This question usually don't lead to any good.
On the other hand, make observations! Say something like "you seem frustrated" or "You seem pretty happy today". This helps them develop a language to describe how they are feeling.
As I was writing this I thought about how important books are. They can describe the emotional language of someone and help the reader empathize with it and also adopt ways to express themselves.
Observations “send the message that you notice changes in a person and are interested in knowing more about their experience, says New York-based psychologist Sabrina Romanoff, “all the while rejecting the superficial ‘how are you’ exchange and replacing it with genuine connection.”
Another important point is that observations show interest in the subject matter while simply asking for a broad summary of a day does not.
A direct, “you seem” statement might work with your own kid, but for an adult, it might feel like labeling, which can trigger defensiveness or an emotional shutdown. The goal is to encourage the other person to open up about how they’re doing by showing you care, so frame your observation in a way that won’t make them feel judged or misinterpreted.Instead, couch your observation with softer, curiosity-driven language. Mia Rosenberg, a therapist and the owner of Upsider Therapy, recommends the “I’ve noticed that” and “I’m wondering” formula. For example, you could say, “I’ve noticed that you’re quieter lately; I’m wondering if you’re stressed?”
"You seem" might work on a child but can be seen as labeling when used on an adult.
Instead use "I've noticed that" and "I'm wondering". Also observe body language.
Do not say "You look tired" because that can seem mean to someone struggling. Instead use emotion focused words such as burned out or frustrated.
- Oct 2020
corelab.blog corelab.blog
Proposing a PSA-affiliated paid translation service with a first focus on Africa. (2020, October 14). https://corelab.blog/psatranslation/
icla2020b.jonreeve.com icla2020b.jonreeve.com
Her dark coat fell open, and her white throat—all her soft young body in the blue dress—was like a flower that is just emerging from its dark bud.
The ambiguity of Mansfield's stories, and there sudden endings, place the tensions and moral implications, on our laps. What are the relationships between motherly neglect, wealth, and the sexuality of a young girl? Is the young girls bratiness a reasonable reaction to her circumstances (assuming the mother, really is a neglectful mother). Is she spoiled? or is the young girl simply lashing out. Do we develop our identities, or does circumstance?
Playing video games as a child can improve working memory years later
- Studies have shown that playing video games can lead to brain structure changes, but new study shows changes can happen even years after people stop playing.
- The study lasted a month, and involved 27 people between 18 and 40 years old, with and without experience in gaming.
- Those who played a lot before becoming adults performed better with working memory tasks, which require you to mentally hold and manipulate information.
- They also did better at processing 3D objects, but after a period of video game training, non-gamers were able to catch up in this area.
- Video games are great to strengthen mental skills, however these improvements have limited effect on activities not linked to gaming
jgmac1106homepage.glitch.me jgmac1106homepage.glitch.me
Pointing someone to a README.md does not lead to learning.
This reminds me of an interesting study from MIT relating to collective learning that I heard about from Cesar Hidalgo recently.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
It was later determined that humans impose meaning even on nonsense syllables to make them more meaningful. The nonsense syllable PED (which is the first three letters of the word "pedal") turns out to be less nonsensical than a syllable such as KOJ; the syllables are said to differ in association value.[5] It appears that Ebbinghaus recognized this, and only referred to the strings of syllables as "nonsense" in that the syllables might be less likely to have a specific meaning and he should make no attempt to make associations with them for easier retrieval.
This seems roughly similar to Major Beniowski's phrenotypic associative memory. Some of these nonesense syllables could more easily be associated than others. Perhaps going through them one could do phrenotypic distances?
Would Ebbinghaus have known of Beniowski's work? Evidence?
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
Most previous explanations had focussed on explaining how someone’s beliefs might be altered in the moment.
Knowing a little of what is coming in advance here, I can't help but thinking: How can this riot theory potentially be used to influence politics and/or political campaigns? It could be particularly effective to get people "riled up" just before a particular election to create a political riot of sorts and thereby influence the outcome.
Facebook has done several social experiments with elections in showing that their friends and family voted and thereby affecting other potential voters. When done in a way that targets people of particular political beliefs to increase turn out, one is given a means of drastically influencing elections. In some sense, this is an example of this "Riot Theory".
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Pandemic fatigue—Reinvigorating the public to prevent COVID-19, September 2020 (produced by WHO/Europe). (n.d.). Retrieved October 7, 2020, from https://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/health-emergencies/coronavirus-covid-19/publications-and-technical-guidance/2020/pandemic-fatigue-reinvigorating-the-public-to-prevent-covid-19,-september-2020-produced-by-whoeurope
- exhaustion
- compliance
- emotion
- framework
- strategy
- is:pdf
- pandemic fatigue
- psychology
- public support
- demotivation
- is:webpage
- COVID-19
- lang:en
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Conspiracy Theories And Winter Wellbeing: The Week’s Best Psychology Links. (2020, October 2). Research Digest. https://digest.bps.org.uk/2020/10/02/conspiracy-theories-and-winter-wellbeing-the-weeks-best-psychology-links/
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Learning lessons before launching an inquiry—IfG LIVE 2020 Labour Fringe Programme—YouTube. (n.d.). Retrieved September 29, 2020, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCZl-naQ6UM
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Arbel, R., Khouri, M., Sagi, J., & Cohen, N. (2020). Reappraising Others’ Negative Emotions as a way to Enhance Coping during the COVID-19 Outbreak [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/y25gx
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Haas, I. J., Baker, M., & Gonzalez, F. (2020). Political Uncertainty Moderates Neural Evaluation of Incongruent Policy Positions. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/bmr59
icla2020b.jonreeve.com icla2020b.jonreeve.com
I will accept your ladyship’s dismissal, but not your ladyship’s money
Detectives are masters of psychology. By not accepting Mrs. Verinder's money, Sergeant Cuff tries to make Mrs. Verinder feels that she owes him a favor, and therefore decreases the possibility that he will get fired.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Mactavish, A., Mastronardi, C., Menna, R., Babb, K. A., Battaglia, M., Amstadter, A. B., Rappaport, L. (2020). The Acute Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Children’s Mental Health in Southwestern Ontario. 10.31234/osf.io/5cwb4
Kneer, M., & Hannikainen, I. R. (2020). Triage Dilemmas: A Window into (Ecologically Valid) Moral Cognition. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/v87sb
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Spellman, B. A. (2015). A Short (Personal) Future History of Revolution 2.0. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 10(6), 886–899. https://doi.org/10.1177/1745691615609918
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Henrich defends this sweeping thesis with several studies, including a test known as the Triad Task. Subjects are shown three images—say, a rabbit, a carrot, and a cat. The goal is to match a “target object”—the rabbit—with a second object. A person who matches the rabbit with the cat classifies: The rabbit and the cat are animals. A person who matches the rabbit with the carrot looks for relationships between the objects: The rabbit eats the carrot.
WEIRD people have a bad habit of universalizing from their own particularities. They think everyone thinks the way they do, and some of them (not all, of course) reinforce that assumption by studying themselves. In the run-up to writing the book, Henrich and two colleagues did a literature review of experimental psychology and found that 96 percent of subjects enlisted in the research came from northern Europe, North America, or Australia. About 70 percent of those were American undergraduates. Blinded by this kind of myopia, many Westerners assume that what’s good or bad for them is good or bad for everyone else.
This is a painful reality. It's also even more specific to the current Republican party. Do as we say, not as we do.
This is the sort of example that David Dylan Thomas will appreciate.
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we assessed the learner-centeredness of 109 syllabi sampled from Project Syllabus
Each syllabus is a sample from Project Syllabus, hosted by the Society of Teaching of Psychology.
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Thus, New Thought thinker Ralph Waldo Trine (not to be confused with Ralph Waldo Emerson) could exhort his readers to “See yourself in a prosperous condition. Affirm that you will before long be in a prosperous condition.”
This also sounds a bit like the general philosophy behind Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich.
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Usher, E., Golding, J. M., Han, J., Griffiths, C. S., McGavran, M. B., Brown, C. S., Sheehan, E. A. (2020). Psychology Students’ Motivation and Learning in Response to the Shift to Remote Instruction During COVID-19. [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. 10.31234/osf.io/xwhpm
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This is how much people in different countries value personal space. (2017, May 2). The Independent. http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/personal-space-boundaries-different-countries-argentina-uk-romania-a7713051.html
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Lawlor, Jennifer, Zachary Neal, and Kyle Metta. ‘What Is a Coalition? A Systematic Review of Coalitions in Community Psychology’. Preprint. PsyArXiv, 20 August 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/ba4yw.
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However, there is one important point: with the visualisation the feeling must be there too. When someone is seeing him/herself in for example delivering a speech for the first time on stage, they really must let the feeling build up in their hearts, minds and body too. Then the vibrations will do their "magic
Comment in the article suggested that you should focus on visualizing the action AND emotion
“In 2004, Cleveland Clinic physiologist Guang Yue wanted to know if merely thinking about lifting weights was enough to increase strength. Study subjects were divided into four groups. One group tried to strengthen their finger muscles with physical exercise; one tried to strengthen their finger muscles by only visualizing the exercise; another tried to increase arm strength through visualization; while the last group did nothing at all. The trial lasted twelve weeks.When it was over, those who did nothing saw no gains. The group that relied on physical training saw the greatest increase in strength-at 53 percent. But it’s the mental groups where things got curious. Folks who did no physical training but merely imagined their fingers going through precise exercise motions saw a 35 percent increase in strength, while the ones who visualized arm exercises saw a 13.5 percent increase in strength.”Let’s review — these participants did NOTHING BUT VISUALIZING and saw an increase of up to 35% in strength!But things are all the more convincing when you consider that a few years before Yue’s studies, neuroscientists found no difference between performing an action and merely imagining oneself performing that action-the same neuronal circuits fire in either case.
Experiments have shown that simply visualizing an can have great impacts.
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- discussion
- misinformation
- 5G
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- psychology
- conspiracy theory
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- healthcare worker
- health psychology
- wellbeing
- resource
- high risk
- system
- care
- mental health
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- support
- COVID-19
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To see how this story unfolded, it’s worth going back to 2003. At the ETech conference that year, a keynote speech was given by the web enthusiast and writer Clay Shirky, now an academic at New York University, which surprised its audience by declaring that the task of designing successful online communities had little to do with technology at all. The talk looked back at one of the most fertile periods in the history of social psychology, and was entitled “A group is its own worst enemy”. Shirky drew on the work of the British psychoanalyst and psychologist Wilfred Bion, who, together with Kurt Lewin, was one of the pioneers of the study of “group dynamics” in the 40s. The central proposition of this school was that groups possess psychological properties that exist independently of their individual members. In groups, people find themselves behaving in ways that they never would if left to their own devices.
Wilfred Bion and Kurt Lewin and group dynamics