8,823 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2020
    1. Ć  16.14


      cinquiĆØme semaine de confinement les Ć©coles sont fermĆ©es l'enseignement se fait Ć  distance le maintien de la continuitĆ© pĆ©dagogique coĆ»te que coĆ»te adil ministĆØre de l'Ć©ducation nationale comment Ƨa se passe Ć  nanterre allez venez avec moi on va retrouver Ć  la famille zaoui chez les as oui on se lĆØve comme pour un jour d'Ć©cole bonjour dit comment vas tu as bien dormi c anderson le plus grand qui chapeaute les devoirs du petit dernier en ce1 ce jour lĆ  on dĆ©couvre ensemble le message du maĆ®tre de moussa

      j'en profite pour remercier tous les parents tous les grands frĆØres toutes les grandes soeurs qui vous aident car sans eux je ne pourrais pas m'en sortir je vous enverrai un programme le programme de la journĆ©e le matin vers 8h30 Ć  9h et j'enverrai le corriger en fin de journĆ©e comme je voulais dĆ©jĆ  rĆ©pĆ©tĆ© souvent vous faites au mieux surtout vous ne vous stressez pas si vous n'arrivez pas terminĆ©es dans la journĆ©e vous pouvez continuer Ć  la maison on a Ć©tabli un programme de travail il ya un travail d'Ć©criture chaque jour les offres devront faire une ou deux pages de leurs cahiers d'Ć©criture il n'est pas nĆ©cessaire docteur plus il faut prĆ©fĆ©rer la qualitĆ© Ć  la quantitĆ© non Ƨa qui fait Ƨa aux outils dans les tĆ¢ches dĆ©crit avec eux ont reƧu notification qui 3 sekai des trois cahiers et aprĆØs on commence Ć  y voir Ć©tait qu'on a fini dans votre photo au point que des trucs qu'on prend ici

      le confinement rĆ©vĆØle la fracture numĆ©rique chez les as oui il n'y a qu'un seul ordinateur pour quatre Ć©lĆØves Ć  la maison alors yolande doit organiser le roulement le matin les deux points qui font les devoirs avec le pc portable pour pouvoir laisser l'ordinateur aux deux plus grands l'aprĆØs midi parce que il y a les obstacles matĆ©riels il y a le niveau scolaire aussi violente s'appuie sur les aĆ®nĆ©s pour faire l'Ć©cole sans eux elle n'y arriverait pas fait bien les choses je paie des mousses Ć  elle les invite je peux pas les aider parce qu'ils sont au collĆØge je suis pareil au collĆØge donc c'Ć©tait du mois difficiles comment les coachs et comment voir si l'on fait les devoirs cisaille d'anglais et oui si combattre les inĆ©galitĆ©s sociales et scolaires Ć©tait dĆ©jĆ  difficile dans une salle de classe l'exercice s'avĆØre plus pĆ©rilleux encore avec l'enseignement Ć  distance et pourtant bout Ƨa s'applique dans le travail d'Ć©criture un seul roi du qu'un minuscule fermĆ© appliquĆ© malgrĆ© les obstacles yolande met un point d'honneur Ć  ce que les enfants ne dĆ©croche pas pendant le confinement je veux que mes enfants une nouvelle quelqu'un rĆ©sille bon boulot ils font dieu c'est trĆØs important pour qu'ils arrivent un peu loin m.moussa parce que il est devenu conduit dose tu veux tu as fait voir plus tard bons d'Ć©tat d'ĆŖtre violent nous confiera qu'elle enverra ses enfants Ć  l'Ć©cole lors du dĆ©confinement Ć  partir du 11 mai parce qu'il faut bien qu'il reste au niveau elle ne cache pas non plus un sentiment d'angoissĆ©

    2. La famille n'a plus internet en plein confinement


    1. ā€œOur country is made up of various smaller countries,ā€ Alves said. ā€œWhen you walk through Rio de Janeiro, you go through places that have the characteristics of Switzerland to places more like the Congo, all in the same city.ā€

      On the geography of inequality in Brazil.

    1. And here the Blumenthal-Warner bill shines. It avoids ā€œillusions of consentā€ by calling for the collection, use or disclosure of only such data that is ā€œnecessary, proportionate, and limited for a good faith public health purpose.ā€ It also details a long list of prohibited uses of emergency health data, including for commercial advertising, soliciting or selling services in a discriminatory fashion, or engaging in discrimination in any place of public accommodation.
    2. For example, an employer may block entry to a workplace unless an individual has an app on his phone that uses Bluetooth to track location or copies a QVC code at a buildingā€™s entrance into an app. The future may be one of ā€œno app, no entryā€ or even ā€œno app, no job.ā€ The future may be one of ā€œno app, no entryā€ or even ā€œno app, no job.ā€ In these situations, reliance on consent is illusory. Even though the use of the app is voluntary, in the sense of not being government-imposed, its use is part of a take-it-or-leave-it situation.
    1. Many who catch it wonā€™t know they had it at all. Only really the elderly and infirm are under serious threat.

      This is simply not true though. Many people without underlying conditions are badly compromised and even killed by this virus.

    1. Arons, M. M., Hatfield, K. M., Reddy, S. C., Kimball, A., James, A., Jacobs, J. R., Taylor, J., Spicer, K., Bardossy, A. C., Oakley, L. P., Tanwar, S., Dyal, J. W., Harney, J., Chisty, Z., Bell, J. M., Methner, M., Paul, P., Carlson, C. M., McLaughlin, H. P., ā€¦ Jernigan, J. A. (2020). Presymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infections and Transmission in a Skilled Nursing Facility. New England Journal of Medicine, NEJMoa2008457. https://doi.org/10.1056/NEJMoa2008457

    1. Ghinai, I., Woods, S., Ritger, K. A., McPherson, T. D., Black, S. R., Sparrow, L., Fricchione, M. J., Kerins, J. L., Pacilli, M., Ruestow, P. S., Arwady, M. A., Beavers, S. F., Payne, D. C., Kirking, H. L., & Layden, J. E. (2020). Community Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 at Two Family Gatheringsā€”Chicago, Illinois, Februaryā€“March 2020. MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69(15), 446ā€“450. https://doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm6915e1

    1. Yong, S. E. F., Anderson, D. E., Wei, W. E., Pang, J., Chia, W. N., Tan, C. W., Teoh, Y. L., Rajendram, P., Toh, M. P. H. S., Poh, C., Koh, V. T. J., Lum, J., Suhaimi, N.-A. M., Chia, P. Y., Chen, M. I.-C., Vasoo, S., Ong, B., Leo, Y. S., Wang, L., & Lee, V. J. M. (2020). Connecting clusters of COVID-19: An epidemiological and serological investigation. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, S1473309920302735. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30273-5

    1. Gudbjartsson, D. F., Helgason, A., Jonsson, H., Magnusson, O. T., Melsted, P., Norddahl, G. L., Saemundsdottir, J., Sigurdsson, A., Sulem, P., Agustsdottir, A. B., Eiriksdottir, B., Fridriksdottir, R., Gardarsdottir, E. E., Georgsson, G., Gretarsdottir, O. S., Gudmundsson, K. R., Gunnarsdottir, T. R., Gylfason, A., Holm, H., ā€¦ Stefansson, K. (2020). Spread of SARS-CoV-2 in the Icelandic Population. New England Journal of Medicine, NEJMoa2006100. https://doi.org/10.1056/NEJMoa2006100

    1. Zhu, Y., Bloxham, C. J., Hulme, K. D., Sinclair, J. E., Tong, Z. W. M., Steele, L. E., Noye, E. C., Lu, J., Chew, K. Y., Pickering, J., Gilks, C., Bowen, A. C., & Short, K. R. (2020). Children are unlikely to have been the primary source of household SARS-CoV-2 infections [Preprint]. Epidemiology. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.03.26.20044826

    1. Danis, K., Epaulard, O., BĆ©net, T., Gaymard, A., Campoy, S., Bothelo-Nevers, E., Bouscambert-Duchamp, M., Spaccaferri, G., Ader, F., Mailles, A., Boudalaa, Z., Tolsma, V., Berra, J., Vaux, S., Forestier, E., Landelle, C., Fougere, E., Thabuis, A., Berthelot, P., ā€¦ Bag, B. C. (2020). Cluster of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) in the French Alps, 2020. Clinical Infectious Diseases, ciaa424. https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/ciaa424

    1. Ghinai, I., McPherson, T. D., Hunter, J. C., Kirking, H. L., Christiansen, D., Joshi, K., Rubin, R., Morales-Estrada, S., Black, S. R., Pacilli, M., Fricchione, M. J., Chugh, R. K., Walblay, K. A., Ahmed, N. S., Stoecker, W. C., Hasan, N. F., Burdsall, D. P., Reese, H. E., Wallace, M., ā€¦ Uyeki, T. M. (2020). First known person-to-person transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in the USA. The Lancet, 395(10230), 1137ā€“1144. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30607-3

    1. Ce qui motive le changement c'est la publication au JO du dĆ©cret de dĆ©confinement. Celui-ci prĆ©cise que "le port du masque de protectionā€¦ est obligatoire pour les personnels des Ć©tablissements (scolaires) lorsqu'ils sont en prĆ©sence des Ć©lĆØves". La nouvelle version du protocole prĆ©cise donc cette obligation pour tous les adultes en prĆ©sence des Ć©lĆØves, par exemple les AESH et les ATSEMS oubliĆ©s dans la version initiale.Ā 
    1. You shouldnā€™t be able to buy pants because you might drive immediately to a nursing home and sneeze on someoneā€™s grandma? Is that the model going forward for six, nine months?

      If this is the new assumption, that just makes me want to go sneeze on someone's grandma three, maybe four times a day. That's my bag.

    1. They only thought in terms of lockdowns vs business as usual, but failed to consider a third option: that people engage in social distancing voluntarily when they realise lives are at stake and when authorities recommend them to do so.

      I find it interesting that the author felt the need to include "and when authorities recommend they do so."

      Absolutely unnecessary. At best, a sop. In truth, untrue.

      People engaged in social distancing voluntarily when they believed their lives were at stake. Full stop. And they did not / do not when they don't.

      Infantalizing other people is the modern hobby of journalism.

    1. FORUM Higher Education in the Age of Coronavirus Besides overturning the very structure of higher education virtually overnight, COVID-19 will also accelerate a number of troubling longer-term trendsā€”including less public funding and a migration of courses online.

    1. As COVID-19 was forcing me to reinvent so many facets of my teaching and my life, I was glad of this one thing I did not have to rethink on the fly, did not have to leave up to emergency thinking. I already had a grading system meant to maximize student engagement while minimizing stress. Perhaps more importantly, partly because I had been contract grading all along, I could relate to students in a time of mutual need without that sense, so palpably present when I used to put As, Bs, and Cs on individual assignments, that my role as a gatekeeper or judge was always there in the backgroundā€”a hat I couldnā€™t remove.

      Traditional grading, in which the gatekeeper judges the worth of student work, makes supportive, trusting relationships so much more difficult.

    1. making different use of our current spaces, implementing further sanitation and transitioning toward more room for pedestrians are all going to be key features in a pandemic-resilient city of the future
    2. Modern cities werenā€™t designed to cope with life during a pandemic, and this upside-down way of living has turned them into ā€œa disorganised array of disconnected bedrooms and studiosā€
    1. Chu, H. Y., Englund, J. A., Starita, L. M., Famulare, M., Brandstetter, E., Nickerson, D. A., Rieder, M. J., Adler, A., Lacombe, K., Kim, A. E., Graham, C., Logue, J., Wolf, C. R., Heimonen, J., McCulloch, D. J., Han, P. D., Sibley, T. R., Lee, J., Ilcisin, M., ā€¦ Bedford, T. (2020). Early Detection of Covid-19 through a Citywide Pandemic Surveillance Platform. New England Journal of Medicine, NEJMc2008646. https://doi.org/10.1056/NEJMc2008646

    1. Hartman, T. K., Stocks, T. V. A., McKay, R., Gibson Miller, J., Levita, L., Martinez, A. P., Mason, L., McBride, O., Murphy, J., Shevlin, M., bennett, kate m, & Bentall, R. (2020). The Authoritarian Dynamic During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Effects on Nationalism and Anti-Immigrant Sentiment [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/4tcv5

    1. Drew, D. A., Nguyen, L. H., Steves, C. J., Menni, C., Freydin, M., Varsavsky, T., Sudre, C. H., Cardoso, M. J., Ourselin, S., Wolf, J., Spector, T. D., Chan, A. T., & ConsortiumĀ§, C. (2020). Rapid implementation of mobile technology for real-time epidemiology of COVID-19. Science. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abc0473