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Chen and Gawker did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The FBI has declined to comment. Monsegur was unavailable for comment.
Follow up on their replies.
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mozilla.github.io mozilla.github.io
I believe this is an important skill to have and to teach nowadays. Especially with the readily shareable content on social media people could post things with out critically evaluating what content is saying/where it comes from/if it is credible or not.
twitter.com twitter.com
Nathan Young on Twitter: “I refuse to subscribe to every newpaper that I read 3 articles from a month. I’m subscribed to @Blendle @Coil and @Medium for content that I pay per use. If news orgs want my money, let me pay only for what I use.” / Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved July 7, 2020, from https://twitter.com/nathanpmyoung/status/1280080625689669632
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Chatterjee, A., & Chatterjee, A. (2020). Managing through uncertain times: A study to understand the effects of conducting socio-academic life online during COVID-19. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/vcbrw
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Dr Daniel Quintana | Using Twitter for Science | R.I.O.T. Science Club—YouTube. (2020, May 26). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pA5Y4cO934I
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Neill, R., Blair, C., Best, P., McGlinchey, E., & Armour, C. (2020). Media Consumption and Mental Health during COVID-19 lockdown: A UK Cross-sectional study across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/5d9fc
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Midgley, C., Thai, S., Lockwood, P., Kovacheff, C., & Page-Gould, E. (2020). When Every Day is a High School Reunion: Social Media Comparisons and Self-Esteem [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/zmy29
jonathanstray.com jonathanstray.com
News can no longer be (only) about the mass update. Stories need to be targeted to those who might be able to improve the situation. And journalism’s products — which are more than its stories — must be designed to facilitate this. News needs to be built to engage curiosity about the world and the problems in it — and their solutions. People need to get lost in the news like they now get lost in Wikipedia and Facebook. There must be comprehensive stories that get the interested but uninformed up to speed quickly. Search and navigation must be improved to the point where satisfaction of curiosity is so easy it becomes a reflex. Destination news sites need to be more extensively hyperlinked than almost anything else (and not just insincere internal links for SEO, but links that are actually useful for the user.) The news experience needs to become intensely personal. It must be easy for users to find and follow exactly their interests, no matter how arcane. Journalists need to get proficient at finding and engaging the audience for each story. And all of this has to work across all modes of delivery, so it’s always with us. Marketers understand this; it’s amazing to me that the news industry has been so slow to catch on to multi-modal engagement.
everything would work perfectly if we had all of these and people are actually rational and diligent with infinite resource.
I don’t want the product with the best content overall, I want the product that is going to serve me up the best content every single time, regardless of whether or not it was created in-house.
discovery, aggregation, curation. narrator
People spend hours roaming Wikipedia; they don’t spend hours on bbc.co.uk or cnn.com or nytimes.com or news.yahoo.com (which actualy has a far bigger audience than any traditional news outlet.) Wikipedia also tends to take the top spot in Google results, which means that more people link to it than they do to any news site.
or google just ups the ranking of Wikipedia in their algo
debrouwere.org debrouwere.org
If you eventually do manage to find the information you need, kudos. You’re obviously very committed to learn more. But wasn’t the whole “we need context” meme prompted by the acknowledgement that most readers get confused and quit way before that stage?
heyelise.com heyelise.com
The web also rewards news providers who provide context. People are far more likely to re-visit the wikipedia page or the topics overview a year after a news event. Thompson’s “The Money Meltdown” site pulled together the best links to explain the financial crisis. Matt posted it on his blog and in one month, 50,000 unique visitors came along and looked at it 75,000 times. It speaks to a desire. It’s all about pulling together links, in some cases. What’s difficult right now is automating it. Link barns as topic pages aren’t working.
basically: there's a demand for evergreen essays. but there's also demand / place for soundbites and torrent of throwaway patchy breaking news
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David G. Rand en Twitter: “Today @GordPennycook & I wrote a @nytimes op ed ‘The Right Way to Fix Fake News’ https://t.co/dyF84g6oqv tl;dr: Platforms must rigorously TEST interventions, b/c intuitions about what will work are often wrong In this thread I unpack the many studies behind our op ed 1/” / Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved April 15, 2020, from https://twitter.com/dg_rand/status/1242526565793136641
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Zickfeld, J., Schubert, T. W., Herting, A. K., Grahe, J. E., & Faasse, K. (2020, April 16). Predictors of Health-Protective Behavior and Changes Over Time During the Outbreak of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Norway. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/6vgf4
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Schmidt, A., Brose, A., Kramer, A., Schmiedek, F., Witthöft, M., & Neubauer, A. (2020). Cyclical Across-Day Dynamics of Corona-Related Media Exposure and Worries in People’s Everyday Lives During the COVID-19 Pandemic. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/rea57
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Ledford, H. (2020). How Facebook, Twitter and other data troves are revolutionizing social science. Nature, 582(7812), 328–330. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-01747-1
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Tsolaki, Vasiliki, George E. Zakynthinos, and Dimosthenis Makris. ‘The ARDSnet Protocol May Be Detrimental in COVID-19’. Critical Care 24, no. 1 (December 2020): 351. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13054-020-03081-4.
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Kazemi, D. (2020, May 23). "NPR is promoting this article again. Without access to the study we have no way of knowing how "bot" was estimated or measured, we simply have to go on the reputation and past research of this lab, which I dug into last night here: https://twitter.com/tinysubversion..." Twitter. https://twitter.com/tinysubversions/status/1263965246416318465
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☣️ Michael Ç̸̠͎͉̹̼̠͔̗̓̐̐̓̓̀͝͝. Bazaco ☣️ on Twitter: “The amount of experts who used to cry foul about people acting like experts in their field that have now chased the COVID story pretending to be virologists, ID epidemiologists, ID physicians, and/or infection control specialists to try and brand build is creepy and ghoulish. 😑” / Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved June 15, 2020, from https://twitter.com/mcbazacophd/status/1271597829065187328
theconvivialsociety.substack.com theconvivialsociety.substack.com
We’re presently living through what feels like a remarkably turbulent time. In fact, we might be tempted to think that ours is a uniquely chaotic moment. Of course, most of us know that human beings have lived through more chaotic, violent, and calamitous times than ours. What is novel in our experience isn’t the depth of the health crisis or the scale of the protests, the economic volatility, or the political instability. What is novel is the information ecosystem in which all of this and more is unfolding. Most of us now have far greater access to information about the world, and we are—arguably, I grant—exposed to a far wider array of competing narratives attempting, without notable success, to make sense of it all. In short, it would appear that our basic sense-making technology, the narrative, is a bit glitchy, both failing to operate as we might expect and causing some issues of its own. You won’t be surprised to learn that I think Marshall McLuhan can be helpful here. While many have found McLuhan’s aphorism “the medium is the message” confounding, McLuhan actually offered a rather straightforward explanation. “The ‘message’ of any medium or technology,” McLuhan wrote, “is the change of scale or pace or pattern that it introduces into human affairs.” “The effects of technology do not occur at the level of opinions or concepts,” McLuhan added, “but alter sense ratios or patterns of perception steadily and without any resistance.”Digital media introduced a new scale, pace, and pattern to human communication, and, in this way, altered how the world is perceived. With regards to scale, we encounter an unprecedented amount of information about the world at large through digital media. With regards to pace, we encounter this information with previously unknown and unrelenting immediacy. And, with regards to pattern, we encounter it both in novel social contexts and in a form that bears greater resemblance to a database than a story.
L. M. Sacasas providing a very brief summary of McLuhan's "medium is the message" quote applied to the Coronavirus pandemic in June 2020.
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Correia, Rion Brattig, Ian B. Wood, Johan Bollen, and Luis M. Rocha. “Mining Social Media Data for Biomedical Signals and Health-Related Behavior.” Annual Review of Biomedical Data Science, May 4, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-biodatasci-030320-040844.
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Ball, P. (2020). Anti-vaccine movement could undermine efforts to end coronavirus pandemic, researchers warn. Nature, 581(7808), 251–251. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-01423-4
www.nbcnews.com www.nbcnews.com
Zadrozny, B. (2020 May 14). One in four popular YouTube coronavirus videos contain misinformation, study finds. NBC News. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/live-blog/2020-05-13-coronavirus-news-n1205916/ncrd1206486#blogHeader
@DFRLab. (2020, May 14). Op-Ed: The criminalization of COVID-19 clicks and conspiracies. Medium. https://medium.com/dfrlab/op-ed-the-criminalization-of-covid-19-clicks-and-conspiracies-3af077f5a7e7
mind.cnm.edu mind.cnm.edu
Common Types of College Writing Assignments
In this section of Chapter 3, you can see a difference in the way the text is delivered. The design changed and has different graphics and layout.
www.annualreviews.org www.annualreviews.org
Edelmann, A., Wolff, T., Montagne, D., & Bail, C. A. (2020). Computational Social Science and Sociology. Annual Review of Sociology, 46(1), annurev-soc-121919-054621. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-soc-121919-054621
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Lakens, D. (2020). Pandemic researchers—Recruit your own best critics. Nature, 581(7807), 121–121. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-01392-8
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
Ruiu, M. L. (2020). Mismanagement of Covid-19: Lessons learned from Italy. Journal of Risk Research, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1080/13669877.2020.1758755
boffosocko.com boffosocko.com
In medieval learned cultures (all the material in this volume was producedin learned, even academic circles for purposes of reading and new compo-sition), such a thorough mixing of media, especially the visual and the ver-bal, was commonplace
This sounds much more like the "learned" world in the modern era using multi-media on the internet.
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Smelter, T. J., & Calvillo, D. P. (2020). Pictures and repeated exposure increase perceived accuracy of news headlines. Applied Cognitive Psychology, acp.3684. https://doi.org/10.1002/acp.3684
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
The Associated Press (2020, May 8). UN Chief Says Pandemic Is Unleashing a “Tsunami of Hate.” The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2020/05/08/world/ap-un-virus-outbreak-hate-speech.html
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Social Media & Well-being. (n.d.). Retrieved May 13, 2020, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSV8GT7y3_E&feature=youtu.be
Fast Science and Philosophy of Science | Jacob Stegenga. (2020, May 11). BSPS. http://www.thebsps.org/auxhyp/fast-science-stegenga/
notes.andymatuschak.org notes.andymatuschak.org
Part of the problem of social media is that there is no equivalent to the scientific glassblowers’ sign, or the woodworker’s open door, or Dafna and Jesse’s sandwich boards. On the internet, if you stop speaking: you disappear. And, by corollary: on the internet, you only notice the people who are speaking nonstop.
This quote comes from a larger piece by Robin Sloan. (I don't know who that is though)
The problem with social media is that the equivalent to working with the garage door open (working in public) is repeatedly talking in public about what you're doing.
One problem with this is that you need to choose what you want to talk about, and say it. This emphasizes whatever you select, not what would catch a passerby's eye.
The other problem is that you become more visible by the more you talk. Conversely, when you stop talking, you become invisible.
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Roland, L. T., Gurrola, J. G., Loftus, P. A., Cheung, S. W., & Chang, J. L. (2020). Smell and taste symptom‐based predictive model for COVID‐19 diagnosis. International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology, alr.22602. https://doi.org/10.1002/alr.22602
phylogenomics.blogspot.com phylogenomics.blogspot.com
The Tree of Life: Stop deifying “peer review” of journal publications: (2012, February 4). The Tree of Life. https://phylogenomics.blogspot.com/2012/02/stop-deifying-peer-review-of-journal.html
How can we portray emotions, gestures, and attention in an authentic way through a computational medium?
This reminds me a bit of Kevin Marks' post about phatic reactions in social media: http://epeus.blogspot.com/2009/03/how-twitter-works-in-theory.html
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Orben, A., Tomova, L., & Blakemore, S.-J. (2020). The effects of social deprivation on adolescent social development and mental health [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/7afmd
jamanetwork.com jamanetwork.com
Galea, S., Merchant, R. M., & Lurie, N. (2020). The Mental Health Consequences of COVID-19 and Physical Distancing: The Need for Prevention and Early Intervention. JAMA Internal Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamainternmed.2020.1562
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Cellini, N., Canale, N., Mioni, G., & Costa, S. (2020, April 11). Changes in sleep pattern, sense of time, and digital media use during COVID-19 lockdown in Italy. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/284mr
leoferres.info leoferres.info
Ferres, L. (2020 April 10). COVID19 mobility reports. Leo's Blog. https://leoferres.info/blog/2020/04/10/covid19-mobility-reports/
schub.wtf schub.wtf
It feels a lot like the reason we are unable to offer real alternative social networks is not that we cannot do so. It is because most people with the abilities to do so spend their time working on things that only work for the tiny audience that is the tech sector, while happily ignoring the needs of all those billions of non-technical humans out there. This is something that frustrates me more than I want to admit.
Fan, R., Xu, K., & Zhao, J. (2020). Weak ties strengthen anger contagion in social media. ArXiv:2005.01924 [Cs]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2005.01924
Pham, T. M., Kondor, I., Hanel, R., & Thurner, S. (2020). The effect of social balance on social fragmentation. ArXiv:2005.01815 [Nlin, Physics:Physics]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2005.01815
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Serrano, J. C. M., Papakyriakopoulos, O., & Hegelich, S. (2020). Dancing to the Partisan Beat: A First Analysis of Political Communication on TikTok. ArXiv:2004.05478 [Cs]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2004.05478
epjdatascience.springeropen.com epjdatascience.springeropen.com
Vilella, S., Paolotti, D., Ruffo, G. et al. News and the city: understanding online press consumption patterns through mobile data. EPJ Data Sci. 9, 10 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1140/epjds/s13688-020-00228-9
misinforeview.hks.harvard.edu misinforeview.hks.harvard.edu
Uscinski, J. E., Enders, A. M., Klofstad, C., Seelig, M., Funchion, J., Everett, C., Wuchty, S., Premaratne, K., & Murthi, M. (2020). Why do people believe COVID-19 conspiracy theories? Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review, 1(COVID-19 and Misinformation). https://doi.org/10.37016/mr-2020-015
dl.acm.org dl.acm.org
Epstein, Z., Pennycook, G., & Rand, D. (2020). Will the Crowd Game the Algorithm? Using Layperson Judgments to Combat Misinformation on Social Media by Downranking Distrusted Sources. Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1145/3313831.3376232
misinforeview.hks.harvard.edu misinforeview.hks.harvard.edu
Dias, N., Pennycook, G., & Rand, D. G. (2020). Emphasizing publishers does not effectively reduce susceptibility to misinformation on social media. Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.37016/mr-2020-001
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Dsouza, D. D., Quadros, S., Hyderabadwala, Z. J., & Mamun, M. A. (2020). Aggregated COVID-19 suicide incidences in India: Fear of COVID-19 infection is the prominent causative factor [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/7xa4b
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Orben, A. (2020, April 30). The Sisyphean Cycle of Technology Panics. Retrieved from psyarxiv.com/dqmju
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psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Romano, A., Sotis, C., Dominioni, G., & Guidi, S. (2020). COVID-19 Data: The Logarithmic Scale Misinforms the Public and Affects Policy Preferences [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/42xfm
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Hamilton, J. L., Nesi, J., & Choukas-Bradley, S. (2020, April 29). Teens and social media during the COVID-19 pandemic: Staying socially connected while physically distant. Retrieved from psyarxiv.com/5stx4
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Shook, N., Sevi, B., Lee, J., Fitzgerald, H. N., & Oosterhoff, B. (2020, April 16). Who’s Listening? Predictors of Concern about COVID-19 and Preventative Health Behaviors. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/c9rfg
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Ennis, E. G. (2020, April 16). A Novel Solution to Academic Publishing. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/gqxmu
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Rosen, Z., Weinberger-Litman, S. L., Rosenzweig, C., Rosmarin, D. H., Muennig, P., Carmody, E. R., … Litman, L. (2020, April 14). Anxiety and distress among the first community quarantined in the U.S due to COVID-19: Psychological implications for the unfolding crisis. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/7eq8c
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Pummerer, L., & Sassenberg, K. (2020, April 14). Conspiracy Theories in Times of Crisis and their Societal Effects: Case “Corona”. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/y5grn
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Vijayaraghavan, P., & SINGHAL, D. (2020, April 13). A Descriptive Study of Indian General Public’s Psychological responses during COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown Period in India. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/jeksn
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Sætrevik, B. (2020, April 13). Realistic expectations and pro-social behavioural intentions to the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Norwegian population. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/uptyq
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Jarynowski, A., Wójta-Kempa, M., & Belik, V. (2020, April 22). TRENDS IN PERCEPTION OF COVID-19 IN POLISH INTERNET. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/dr3gm
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Rosenfeld, D. L., Rothgerber, H., & Wilson, T. (2020, April 22). Politicizing the COVID-19 Pandemic: Ideological Differences in Adherence to Social Distancing. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/k23cv
Lades, L., Laffan, K., Daly, M., & Delaney, L. (2020, April 22). Daily emotional well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/pg6bw
www.picturinghealth.org www.picturinghealth.org
Picturing Health. Films about coronavirus (COVID-19). picturinghealth.org/coronavirus-films/
www.atlanticcouncil.org www.atlanticcouncil.org
Brazil and Mexico: Domestic disinformation in the context of COVID-19. (n.d.). Atlantic Council. Retrieved April 27, 2020, from https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/event/brazil-and-mexico-domestic-disinformation-in-the-context-of-covid19/
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Jarynowski, A., Wojta-Kempa, M., Belik, V. (2020, March 30). Perception of emergent epidemic of COVID-2019 / SARS CoV-2 on the Polish Internet. Cornell University. arXiv:2004.00005.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Olapegba, P. O., Ayandele, O., Kolawole, S. O., Oguntayo, R., Gandi, J. C., Dangiwa, A. L., … Iorfa, S. K. (2020, April 12). COVID-19 Knowledge and Perceptions in Nigeria. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/j356x
- COVID-19
- lockdown
- questionnaire
- China
- public health
- descriptive statistics
- is:preprint
- lang:en
- misinformation
- precaution
- symptom
- media
- prevention
- general public
- perception
- knowledge
- infection
- behavior
- news
- misconception
- health information
- data collection
- information
- Nigeria
- transmission
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Velásquez, N., et al. (2020, April 1). Hate multiverse spreads malicious COVID-19 content online beyond individual platform control. Cornell University. arXiv:2004.00673.
arxiv.org arxiv.org
El Shoghri, A., et al. (2020 April 03). How mobility patterns drive disease spread: A case study using public transit passenger card travel data. 2019 IEEE 20th International Symposium on "A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks". DOI:10.1109/WoWMoM.2019.8793018
covid19.scops.ai covid19.scops.ai
Scops. Topic Stream Graph. Covid19.scops.ai. https://covid19.scops.ai/superset/dashboard/streamgraph/.
advances.sciencemag.org advances.sciencemag.org
Allen, J., Howland, B., Mobius, M., Rothschild, D., & Watts, D. J. (2020). Evaluating the fake news problem at the scale of the information ecosystem. Science Advances, 6(14), eaay3539. https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.aay3539.
ij-healthgeographics.biomedcentral.com ij-healthgeographics.biomedcentral.com
Kamel Boulos, M.N., Geraghty, E.M. Geographical tracking and mapping of coronavirus disease COVID-19/severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) epidemic and associated events around the world: how 21st century GIS technologies are supporting the global fight against outbreaks and epidemics. Int J Health Geogr 19, 8 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12942-020-00202-8
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Koebler, J. (2020 April 09). The viral 'study' about runners spreading coronavirus is not actually a study. Vice. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/v74az9/the-viral-study-about-runners-spreading-coronavirus-is-not-actually-a-study
www.psycharchives.org www.psycharchives.org
Betsch, C, et al. (2020 March 3). Germany COVID-19 Snapshot MOnitoring (COSMO Germany): Monitoring knowledge, risk perceptions, preventive behaviours, and public trust in the current coronavirus outbreak in Germany. PsychArchives. http://dx.doi.org/10.23668/psycharchives.2776
twitter.com twitter.com
Michael Veale on Twitter.
reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk
Nielsen, R.K., Fletcher, R., Newman, N., Brennen, S., Howard, P.N. (2020 April 15). Navigating the ‘infodemic’: how people in six countries access and rate news and information about coronavirus. Reuters Institute. https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/infodemic-how-people-six-countries-access-and-rate-news-and-information-about-coronavirus
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Holmes, E. A., O’Connor, R. C., Perry, V. H., Tracey, I., Wessely, S., Arseneault, L., Ballard, C., Christensen, H., Cohen Silver, R., Everall, I., Ford, T., John, A., Kabir, T., King, K., Madan, I., Michie, S., Przybylski, A. K., Shafran, R., Sweeney, A., … Bullmore, E. (2020). Multidisciplinary research priorities for the COVID-19 pandemic: A call for action for mental health science. The Lancet Psychiatry, S2215036620301681. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2215-0366(20)30168-1
twitter.com twitter.com
Sander van der Linden en Twitter: “New study: fake news only makes up a tiny bit of our media consumption. Great! But that totally misses the point: micro-targeted fake news only needs to convince a tiny minority of the population to disrupt an election. Misinformation also kills people, literally. Just saying https://t.co/SBpg0EBfhx” / Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved April 8, 2020, from https://twitter.com/sander_vdlinden/status/1247146391002132480
Oprichting Media Special Interest Group op initiatief ISOC NL «. (n.d.). Retrieved April 9, 2020, from https://isoc.nl/nieuws/oprichting-media-special-interest-group-op-initiatief-isoc-nl/
lasocialscience.ucla.edu lasocialscience.ucla.edu
Editor, A. (2020, March 31). UCLA Researchers Use Big Data Expertise to Create a News Media Resource on the COVID-19 Crisis. LA Social Science. https://lasocialscience.ucla.edu/2020/03/31/ucla-researchers-use-big-data-expertise-to-create-a-news-media-resource-on-the-covid-19-crisis/
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Alam, F., Sajjad, H., Imran, M., & Ofli, F. (2020). Standardizing and Benchmarking Crisis-related Social Media Datasets for Humanitarian Information Processing. ArXiv:2004.06774 [Cs]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2004.06774
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Pennycook, G., McPhetres, J., Zhang, Y., & Rand, D. G. (2020, March 17). Fighting COVID-19 misinformation on social media: Experimental evidence for a scalable accuracy nudge intervention. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/uhbk9
www.w3.org www.w3.org
Traditional annotations are marginalia, errata, and highlights in printed books, maps, picture, and other physical media
- Feb 2020
opensquare.nyupress.org opensquare.nyupress.org
By Any Media Necessary The New Youth Activism
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
Social media research ethics faces a contradiction between big data positivism and research ethics fundamentalism. Big data positivists tend to say, ‘Most social media data is public data. It is like data in a newspaper. I can therefore gather big data without limits. Those talking about privacy want to limit the progress of social science’. This position disregards any engagement with ethics and has a bias towards quantification. The ethical framework Social Media Research: A Guide to Ethics (Townsend and Wallace, 2016) that emerged from an ESRC-funded project tries to avoid both extremes and to take a critical-realist position: It recommends that social scientists neither ignore nor fetishize research ethics when studying digital media.Research ethics fundamentalists in contrast tend to say,You have to get informed consent for every piece of social media data you gather because we cannot assume automatic consent, users tend not to read platform’s privacy policies, they may assume some of their data is private and they may not agree to their data being used in research. Even if you anonymize the users you quote, many can still be identified in the networked online environment.
One important aspect of critical social media research is the study of not just ideolo-gies of the Internet but also ideologies on the Internet. Critical discourse analysis and ideology critique as research method have only been applied in a limited manner to social media data. Majid KhosraviNik (2013) argues in this context that ‘critical dis-course analysis appears to have shied away from new media research in the bulk of its research’ (p. 292). Critical social media discourse analysis is a critical digital method for the study of how ideologies are expressed on social media in light of society’s power structures and contradictions that form the texts’ contexts.
Marx is certainly not the only relevant critical social theorist who matters for under-standing social media. The critical study of social media should be based on a broad range of critical theories of society. The crisis of capitalism and the devastating social and political effects of austerity and neoliberalism have made evident that political econ-omy can no longer be ignored in the study of society. This does not mean that the econ-omy determines society but rather that all social phenomena have an economy and are economic and non-economic at the same time (Fuchs, 2015a).
There are at least six elements in Marx’s works that are of key relevance for understanding communications today (Fuchs, 2016b; Fuchs and Mosco, 2016a, 2016b):(1) Praxis communication: Marx was not just a critical political economist but also a critical journalist and polemicist, whose writing style can inspire critical thought today.(2) Global communication: Marx stressed the connection of communication technol-ogy and globalization. In an age, where there are lots of talk about both the Internet and globalization, we should remind ourselves that technology-mediated globalization has had a longer history.(3) Dialectical philosophy: Marx elaborated a critical theory of technology that is based on dialectical logic. Dialectical philosophy can help us to avoid one-sided analyses of the media (Fuchs, 2014c).(4) Class analysis: Marx stressed the relevance of the connection of labour, value, commodities and capital. He analysed modern society as a class society. Focusing on class today can counter the positivism of analyses of society as information society, net-work society, knowledge-based society, post-industrial society and so on.(5) Crisis and social struggles: Marx described class struggle and crisis as factors in the historical dynamics of class societies. Class structures and struggles are in complex ways reflected on and entangled into mediated communication.(6) Alternatives: Marx envisioned alternatives to capitalism and domination. Given capitalist crisis and monopoly control of social media today, it is important to envision alternatives to capitalism and capitalist social media.
The term ‘social media’ takes on different meanings depending on what concept of the social is foregrounded. Example understandings of the social are Émile Durkheim’s concept of social facts, Max Weber’s categories of social action and social relations, Ferdinand Tönnies’ notion of community or Karl Marx’s understanding of the social as social problems and social co-production that implies the need for social ownership
Understanding and contextualizing social media
danmackinlay.name danmackinlay.name
Upon the efficient consumption and summarizing of news from around the world. Remember? from when we though the internet would provide us timely, pertinent information from around the world? How do we find internet information in a timely fashion? I have been told to do this through Twitter or Facebook, but, seriously… no. Those are systems designed to waste time with stupid distractions in order to benefit someone else. Facebook is informative in the same way that thumb sucking is nourishing. Telling me to use someone’s social website to gain information is like telling me to play poker machines to fix my financial troubles.. Stop that.
gsantner.net gsantner.net
on your blog, diaspora*, mastodon, .. :).
When we talk about political media, we tend to cut a sharp line between the political elites who create the media and the audience that consumes it. But that’s a mistake. No one consumes more political, and politicized, media than political elites. This is part of the reason political media has an enormous effect on politics, even though only a small fraction of the country regularly consumes it.
This is a damning result: The more political media you absorb, the more warped your perspective of the other side becomes.
- Jan 2020
www.c3l.uni-oldenburg.de www.c3l.uni-oldenburg.de
Selection and integration of communications media
Selection and integration of communication media
buzzmachine.com buzzmachine.com
McCarthy next asks: “Who selects what is to be recorded or transmitted to others, since not everything can be recorded?” But now, everything can be recorded and transmitted. That is the new fear: too much speech.
digitallyliterate.net digitallyliterate.net
One of the key critiques of the study is that the researchers didn’t log in. That is to say that they could not experience the full impact of the algorithm as it impacts their findings.
As Becca Lewis suggests, is the problem associated with methodology? This reminds me of some of the discussions associated with [social media and teens] (https://collect.readwriterespond.com/social-media-has-not-destroyed-a-generation/)
www.perell.com www.perell.com
Highest Grossing Media Franchises
What type of media sells the most:
- Dec 2019
edtechfactotum.com edtechfactotum.com
And I am planning on cutting back on my personal use of social media (easier said than done) and want to try to return to using my blog more than Twitter for sharing.
certainly a laudable goal!
It helped me a lot to simply delete most of the social media apps off of my phone. I scribbled a bit about the beginning of the process back in November and there's a link there to a post by Ben doing the same thing on his own website.
More people are leaving social feeds for RSS feeds lately. I've recently started following Jeremy Felt who is taking this same sort of journey himself. See: https://jeremyfelt.com/tag/people-still-blog/
Kudos as well to making the jump here:
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>Taking a bit of a Twitter break. I'm going to try to stay off until the new year, but likely lack the willpower to stay off for more than a few hours. Wish me luck!<br><br>....but silently. Not via reply to to this tweet. Cause that'll just suck me back into the vortext.
— Clint Lalonde (he/him) (@edtechfactotum) December 19, 2019In part, it's what prompted me to visit your site to write a comment. (Sorry for upping your cis-gendered white male count, but 2019 was a bad year, and hopefully we can all make 2020 better as you've indicated.)
Most of the convo, if any, seems to happen on the socials vs comments left on the blog these days.
The sad part of this is how painfully limiting the conversation can be on social with the character limitations and too many issues with branching conversations and following all the context.
I find that using Webmentions on my site adds a lot of value because it brings all the conversation back to my site, where it really should be for more context.
By the numbers
I'm curious what things would look like if you similarly did an analysis of Twitter, Facebook, etc.? Where are you putting more time? What's giving you the most benefit? Where are you getting value and how are you giving it back?
www-sciencedirect-com.ezproxy.rice.edu www-sciencedirect-com.ezproxy.rice.edu
Composition of H15 growth medium
knightcolumbia.org knightcolumbia.org
Moving back to a focus on protocols over platforms can solve many of these problems.
This may also only be the case if large corporations are forced to open up and support those protocols. If my independent website can't interact freely and openly with something like Twitter on a level playing field, then it really does no good.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
E. coli in 2xYT broth which takes faster (8 h) to grow compared to LB
collect.readwriterespond.com collect.readwriterespond.com
Alexander Samuel reflects on tagging and its origins as a backbone to the social web. Along with RSS, tags allowed users to connect and collate content using such tools as feed readers. This all changed with the advent of social media and the algorithmically curated news feed.
Tags were used for discovery of specific types of content. Who needs that now that our new overlords of artificial intelligence and algorithmic feeds can tell us what we want to see?!
Of course we still need tags!!! How are you going to know serendipitously that you need more poetry in your life until you run into the tag on a service like IndieWeb.xyz? An algorithmic feed is unlikely to notice--or at least in my decade of living with them I've yet to run into poetry in one.
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Madison’s design has proved durable. But what would happen to American democracy if, one day in the early 21st century, a technology appeared that—over the course of a decade—changed several fundamental parameters of social and political life? What if this technology greatly increased the amount of “mutual animosity” and the speed at which outrage spread? Might we witness the political equivalent of buildings collapsing, birds falling from the sky, and the Earth moving closer to the sun?
Jonathan Haidt, you might have noticed, is a scholar that I admire very much. In this piece, his colleague Tobias Rose-Stockwell and he ask the following questions: Is social media a threat to our democracy? Let's read the following article together and think about their question together.
- Nov 2019
simplelogin.io simplelogin.io
Loading this iframe allows Facebook to know that this specific user is currently on your website. Facebook therefore knows about user browsing behaviour without user’s explicit consent. If more and more websites adopt Facebook SDK then Facebook would potentially have user’s full browsing history! And as with “With great power comes great responsibility”, it’s part of our job as developers to protect users privacy even when they don’t ask for.
www.themandarin.com.au www.themandarin.com.au
I believe that many of the current challenges in public sectors link back to two causal factors: googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1560300455224-0'); }); The impact of increasing reactivism to politics and 24-hour media scrutiny, in public sectors (which varies across jurisdictions); and The unintended consequences of New Public Management and trying to make public sectors act like the private sector.
journal.alt.ac.uk journal.alt.ac.uk
A multimedia approach to affective learning and training can result in more life-like trainings which replicate scenarios and thus provide more targeted feedback, interventions, and experience to improve decision making and outcomes. Rating: 7/10
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Using Technology to Help First-Gen Students
This article highlights the need for and benefits of implementing more technology tools to support first-generation college students' learning, engagement, and success. For many first-gen students, especially those from low-income backgrounds, the transition to college can be challenging; this leads to lower retention rates, performance, and confidence. The authors, drawing off of research, suggest mobile devices and Web 2.0 technologies to prevent these challenges. Example of such tools include dictionary and annotation apps that are readily-accessible and aid in students' understanding of material. Fist-gen students can also use social media apps (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) to maintain supportive connections with family, peers, and mentors. Rating: 8/10
evolllution.com evolllution.com
Hodson relates specific examples of effective technology integration in her classrooms. Although she acknowledges the apprehension both instructors and learners feel, she argues that the benefits outweigh them.
- Oct 2019
www.mla.org www.mla.org
ecognize the legitimacy of scholarship produced in new media, whether by individuals or in collaboration, and cre-ate procedures for evaluating these forms of scholarship
Also key.
wiobyrne.com wiobyrne.com
When these signals are intercepted, collected, co-opted, or stolen, they have the potential to confuse, weaken, or compromise an individual or initiative.
I can't help but thinking here about stories of native peoples feeling like photographs of them were like having their soul stolen.
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
Differential Effects of Capital-Enhancing and Recreational Internet Use on Citizens’ Demand for Democracy
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Is internet freedom a tool for democracy or authoritarianism?
I chose this article because its topic speaks to our time. Also, this article has a lot of great links out just in case you want to learn more about the topics the authors speak of.
outline.com outline.com
A former union boss jailed over receiving a coal exploration licence from his friend, former NSW Labor minister Ian Macdonald, was an "entrepreneur" who found a "willing buyer" in the disgraced politician, a court has heard.
This is a flawed proposition and both misleading and deceptive in relation to the subject matter, considering its prominence in a court media report of proceedings which largely centre on the propriety or otherwise of an approvals process.
Using a market analogy mischaracterises the process involved in seeking and gaining approval for a proposal based on an innovative occupational health and safety concept.
In this case, the Minister was the appropriate authority under the relevant NSW laws.
And while Mr Maitland could indeed be described as a "entrepreneur", the phrase "willing buyer" taken literally in the context of the process to which he was constrained, could contaminate the reader's perception of the process as transactional or necessitating exchange of funds a conventional buyer and seller relationship.
Based on evidence already tendered in open court, it's already known Mr Maitland sought both legal advice on the applicable process as well as guidance by officials and other representatives with whom he necessarily engaged.
But the concept of finding a "willing buyer", taken literally at it's most extreme, could suggest Mr Maitland was presented with multiple approvals processes and to ultimately reach his goal, engaged in a market force-style comparative assessment of the conditions attached to each of these processes to ultimately decide on which approvals process to pursue.
Plainly, this was not the case. Mr Maitland had sought advice on the process and proceeded accordingly.
The only exception that could exist in relation to the availability of alternative processes could be a situation silimilar to the handling of unsolicited proposals by former Premier Barry O'Farrell over casino licenses which were not constrained by any of the regular transparency-related requirements including community engagement, notification or competitive tender.
Again, this situation does not and could not apply to the process applicable to Mr Maitland's proposal.
The misleading concepts introduced from the outset in this article also represent an aggravating feature of the injustice to which Mr Maitland has been subjected.
To be found criminally culpable in a matter involving actions undertaken in an honest belief they were required in a process for which Mr Maitland both sought advice process and then at no stage was told anything that would suggest his understanding of the process was incorrect, contradicts fundamental principles of natural justice.
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
Liberal and Conservative Representations of the Good Society: A (Social) Structural Topic Modeling Approach
I chose this article, because it is timely, relevant, easy-to-follow (because it is intuitive), and innovative (using data sources, Twitter, and an innovative method, textual analysis). I hope you enjoy the reading. Please follow my annotations (comments + questions) and respond to the questions I pose. Try to answer them in your own words.
- Sep 2019
www.vanschneider.com www.vanschneider.com
On social media, we are at the mercy of the platform. It crops our images the way it wants to. It puts our posts in the same, uniform grids. We are yet another profile contained in a platform with a million others, pushed around by the changing tides of a company's whims. Algorithms determine where our posts show up in people’s feeds and in what order, how someone swipes through our photos, where we can and can’t post a link. The company decides whether we're in violation of privacy laws for sharing content we created ourselves. It can ban or shut us down without notice or explanation. On social media, we are not in control.
This is why I love personal web sites. They're your own, you do whatever you want with them, and you control them. Nothing is owned by others and you're completely free to do whatever you want.
That's not the case with Facebook, Microsoft, Slack, Jira, whatever.
joshcsimmons.com joshcsimmons.com
I feel by far less distracted. My attention span feels more robust than it ever has. I also clocked in at 1000 consecutive days of meditation this past year so I’m not sure which can lay claim to more of these benefits, but my hunch is that getting rid of social media helped.
No Facebook/Instagram/"social media" better concentration. I'm quite sure that this adheres to a lot of people.
- Aug 2019
www.adweek.com www.adweek.com
Social media network TikTok is testing an advertising platform that will let advertisers target users across third-party apps, as well as within TikTok.
As of 2018-08, TikTok has 500M users worldwide. 2/3 are under 30. In the US, more than half are 16-24.
www-nature-com.ezproxy.rice.edu www-nature-com.ezproxy.rice.edu
In minimal media, cell growth and division slow considerably, while protein overproduction from plasmids can continue
bookbook.pubpub.org bookbook.pubpub.org
As such, we can read Yelp and similar review sites as curated collections of texts that provide annotators.d-undefined, .lh-undefined { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) !important; }.d-undefined, .lh-undefined { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) !important; }2Troy Hicks, Maha Bali with a public and networked opportunity to express their truth and author counternarratives.
Here I'm reminded of Tom Standage's book Writing on the Wall: Social Media: The First 2,000 Years as potentially having some interesting examples that include the ideas of social media as an annotation layer on life.
notes are tediously authored for the profit of multinational corporations.
social media: live annotations on life itself
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
- Jul 2019
www.buzzfeednews.com www.buzzfeednews.com
Another solution might be to limit on the number of times a tweet can be retweeted.
This isn't too dissimilar to an idea I've been mulling over and which Robin Sloan wrote about on the same day this story was released: https://platforms.fyi/
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
The initial promise of Web 2.0—that gatekeepers have their power reduced and that “ordinary” users can make media—is still true, even for for-profit firms such as Facebook and Twitter.
While this is generally true that everyone can now create, the real inequity is the fact that distribution is not equal for all players. We might also ask the question: Should distribution be equal for all?
Robin Sloan has an "essay" on this topic that mirrors my own long held distribution questions/problems: https://platforms.fyi/
In the years between 2004 and 2012, many media critics proclaimed a promising new mediascape of democratic production and thus democratic organization (Benkler, 2006; Bruns, 2008; Shirky, 2009)—precisely what alternative media theorists had been calling for in previous decades.
I note here that they mention production and organization, but there is a missing piece of "distribution". In large part, part of the problem with current corporate social media is one of how their content is distributed and the advertising model that drives what sorts of content are distributed.
In this sense, it isn’t the medium that is the message as McLuhan (1994) famously states; rather the process of producing media is the message as Benjamin (1970; See also Waltz, 2005) argued, whether the media in question be print, radio, TV, or online.
Drawing on Walter Benjamin’s (1970) important essay “The Author as Producer,” Chris Atton (2002) argues that alternative media “are crucially about offering the means for democratic communication to people who are normally excluded from media production” (p. 4). That is to say, alternative media are defined as much by their content (i.e., radical, progressive, socialist, anarchist, feminist, queer, or anti-racist) as by the contours and practices of their underlying conditions of production, which are meant to allow democratic participation in making media.
www.quora.com www.quora.com
One way to look at this is that when a new powerful medium of expression comes along that was not enough in our genes to be part of traditional cultures, it is something we need to learn how to get fluent with and use. Without the special learning, the new media will be mostly used to automate the old forms of thought. This will also have effects, especially if the new media is more efficient at what the old did: this can result in gluts, that act like legal drugs (as indeed are the industrial revolution’s ability to create sugar and fat, it can also overproduce stories, news, status, and new ways for oral discourse.
davecormier.com davecormier.com
The internet is fundamentally participatory.
I feel like the shift to content platforms challenges this in a significant way. We have lots of terms for different kinds of participation - visitor/resident, participant/lurker, etc. - but producer/consumer strikes me as potentially a change in kind, not in shading. Even when the consumer is allowed to add a comment, the value of their participation is substantially different (I would argue lesser) than if they were treated as a collaborator or community member.
- Jun 2019
ecbmurphy.pressbooks.com ecbmurphy.pressbooks.com
Spoken web project seems to have some overlaps with media studies...could be interesting to teach in that context. I wonder how such audio labs might fit into or be in tension with other media labs/archives?