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Some antievolution authors have published papers in serious journals. Those papers, however, rarely attack evolution directly or advance creationist arguments; at best, they identify certain evolutionary problems as unsolved and difficult (which no one disputes)
What holes are these, that remain to be filled? What coverage is required in order for a hypothesis to graduate into a "theory"? 50%? More? Less?
the idea of falsifiability as the defining characteristic of science originated with philosopher Karl Popper
Science is true until "proven" false?
The absence of direct observation does not make physicists' conclusions less certain.
Shouldn't it, though? What's to say there isn't an alternative explanation that fits the same pseudo-observations better.
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Newton had a great time for a long time with his description [of gravity], and then at some point it was clear that that description was fraying at the edges, and then Einstein offered a more complete version
Newton's laws succumbed to fault. Perhaps Einstein's would too? There's nothing wrong with taking a scientific approach to life when you're eternal; you can take your time finding the truth. Seeing as we're not, you cannot be certain that you aren't stuck in some local maxima, only to have your belief supplanted centuries later.
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Explain thermal equilibrium
Heat is familiar to all of us
www.mdpi.com www.mdpi.com
This is a generic problem in scholarly publishing and affects the geochemistry community as much as other disciplines. Some research has shown that preprints tend to be of similar quality to their final published versions in journals [7].
- Ilmu kebumian terdiri dari komponen atmosfer, lithosfer, dan hydrosfer, yang masing-masing telah membangun tubuh keilmuan (body of knowledge) sendiri.
- Geokimia sendiri merupakan interaksi antara litosfer dan hidrosfer, tentunya ini akan memberikan kondisi yang berbeda lagi.
- Kondisi itu membuat kebutuhan dan perilaku ilmuwan di masing-masing sub bidang ilmu akan berbeda-beda.
- Namun demikian kebutuhan untuk memiliki media publikasi yang cepat, minim hambatan waktu (delay) sepertinya akan tetap sama.
minussign.textopress.com minussign.textopress.com
Define a thermodynamic process
This is a learning objective.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Data visualization is both an art and a science
www.catb.org www.catb.org
``Debugging is parallelizable''. Although debugging requires debuggers to communicate with some coordinating developer, it doesn't require significant coordination between debuggers. Thus it doesn't fall prey to the same quadratic complexity and management costs that make adding developers problematic.
contrast this to physical manufacturing: Manufacturing today is rarely evolved to the modular stage for complex projects (such as code), and yet it proceeds across oceans, machinery, and---more frequently---across languages. Programming standardizes the languages of production while allowing the languages of collaboration to be multiple. These multiples are the parallel clusters around the world hacking away at their own thing. They are friends, they are scientists, they are entrepreneurs, they are all of the above.
cahiers.parisdescartes.fr cahiers.parisdescartes.fr
La rationalité objective relève de la démarche scientifique et se base sur la construction du savoir par la preuve. La rationalité subjective est du ressort de la croyance. Les croyances ont leur logique propre qu’il convient de décrypter et d’analyser mais ne relèvent aucunement d’une démarche irrationnelle. “Chaque individu a ses raisons de croire. De ces dernières, s’échafaude un système de croyance qui pose l’individu dans une situation souvent valorisante et réconfortante pour lui-même”, développe Gérald Bronner. Cela explique la méfiance qui s’installe à l’égard de la science notamment. Malgré les progrès indéniables dans toutes les disciplines et l’amélioration considérable qu’elle apporte concernant nos conditions de vie, la méfiance et la défiance s’installent. Il est toujours plus facile de croire que d’acquérir un savoir basé sur des preuves. En cela, les fausses informations (notamment en matière de santé) marquent bien souvent l’opinion de façon très profonde.
Cet argument prends la suite du précédent pour renforcer l’idée que les croyances l’emportent sur le raisonnement scientifique pour des raisons psychologiques, parce que l’esprit humain est biaisé en faveur des premières.
On peut noter la structure du raisonnement logique :
Prémisse 1: la rationalité objective (= science) se base sur des preuves neutres et demande une démarche active de construction de savoir
Prémisse 2: la rationalité subjective (=croyance) trie les informations en fonction de ce qui est le plus satisfaisant a croire
Conclusion : il est plus facile et spontané de croire que de savoir
Ce raisonnement lui permet d’expliquer le paradoxe entre les bénéfices factuels des progrès scientifiques et la méfiance croissante que ces progrès suscitent.
www.ardanlabs.com www.ardanlabs.com
If the word “share” doesn’t come out of your mouth, you don’t need to use a pointer
key point
The benefit of passing data “by value” is readability. The value you see in the function call is what is copied and received on the other side
no hidden cost, eg., memory growth on the heap or pauses during garbage collection. but there is a cost in stack memory usage and "scoping" among multiple stack frames, CPU caching, etc.
Functions execute within the scope of frame boundaries that provide an individual memory space for each respective function. Each frame allows a function to operate within their own context and also provides flow control. A function has direct access to the memory inside its frame, through the frame pointer, but access to memory outside its frame requires indirect access. For a function to access memory outside of its frame, that memory must be shared with the function.
eg., shared via the "pointer" to an address in heap memory
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Web science
As it is, it looks like it refers to science of the web. Not to scientific practices in a web-like way (which seems to be the goal of the Linked Resarch project).
- Mar 2020
www.nature.com www.nature.com
The charges focus on Lieber’s alleged involvement in China’s Thousand Talents Plan, a prestigious programme designed to recruit leading academics to the country. Documents outlining the charges allege that Lieber received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) in China and agreed to lead a lab there — and that when US government agencies asked about his involvement with the programme he stated that he was not a participant and denied any formal affiliation with WUT.
Ideally, the process is democratic: Anybody can science the shit out of anything. In reality, most people “do” science vicariously—by reading about new discoveries and having faith that the discoverers aren’t charlatans. Though it’s not quite faith: We trust them because scientists argue in public.
“La speranza è che potremo caricare la nostra auto elettrica mentre stiamo guidando su un’autostrada”
www.wired.it www.wired.it
Sempre ricordando che quando si parla di sfericità, l’elettrone non deve essere pensato come una pallina: si tratta di una particella elementare, dunque non strutturata e indivisibile, e per forma si intende in realtà la simmetria delle sue interazioni con i campi esterni, con altre cariche.
These machines actually rely heavily on humans to be useful.
This is a key point. Watching those impressive astounding videos about these robots we forget how much humans are behind that
www.esa.int www.esa.int
If you’re planning on flying a robotic or even human mission in the near future to the Moon, an asteroid or even Mars, one indispensable requirement you’ll face is the need for at least one deep-space tracking dish to communicate with your craft.
propelled by a “water plasma” engine. Solar panels generate electrical power, which the vehicle then uses to generate microwaves, which superheat the water up to Sun-surface temperatures. That produces a plasma that shoots out a nozzle, propelling Vigoride forward.
- Feb 2020
researcher.watson.ibm.com researcher.watson.ibm.com
IMB's research about securing Internet of things
www.mprnews.org www.mprnews.org
"We are at a time where some people doubt the validity of science," he says. "And if people feel that they are part of this great adventure that is science, I think they're more inclined to trust it. And that's really great."
These citizen scientists in Finland helped identify a new type of "northern light". Basically, 2 people were able to take a shot of the same display at the same second, 60 miles apart, allowing for depth resolution.
- Jan 2020
marxdown.github.io marxdown.github.io
the phenomenal form
In Fowkes, the 'form of appearance' or the Erscheinungsform.
Exchange value is the 'form of appearance' of something contained in it, yet distinguishable from it--this 'third thing' will turn out to be 'socially necessary labor time'.
Book Two of Hegel's Science of Logic, the Doctrine of Essence, begins with a chapter on 'Der Schein,' which appears in A.V. Miller's translation as "Illusory Being" (Hegel, Science of Logic, trans. by A.V. Miller, pp. 393-408).
Here, Hegel describes "schein" as "reflected immediacy, that is immediacy which is only by means of its negation and which when contrasted with its mediation is nothing but the empty determination of the immediacy of negated determinate being," (p. 396).
Hegel goes on to remark that "Schein" is "the phenomenon [Phänomen] of skepticism, and the Appearance [Erscheinung] of idealism," (p. 396).
In describing exchange value as the 'Erscheinungsform' of 'something contained in it, yet distinguishable from it'--which will be labor--Marx is clearly flirting with the terminology surrounding "Illusory Being" in the Science of Logic, which suggests labor as the 'thing-in-itself' of the exchange value. Exchange-value is the reflected immediacy that conceals the congealed labor that it is its essence.
The passage as a whole is suggestive of how exchange value will wend its way through Marx's demonstration, unfolding from itself determinations of itself.
Before presenting a long, difficult quotation from Hegel, I think the most straightforward way to present this reference to Hegel is to say present the argument as follows:
In Kantian idealism, we find that the 'thing-in-itself' cannot become an object of knowledge; consciousness only ever has immediate access to the form of appearance, the 'sensible form' of a 'thing-in-itself' which never presents itself to consciousness. In referring to the value form as the 'form of appearance' of something else which does not appear, Marx is saying that just as idealism subordinates the objectivity of the world to its appearance for consciousness, exchange-value represents immediately an essence that it suppresses, and implicitly, denies the possibility of knowledge of this essence.
Hegel writes, "Skepticism did not permit itself to say 'It is'; modern idealism did not permit itself to regard knowledge as a knowing of the thing-in-itself; the illusory being of skepticism was supposed to lack any foundation of being, and in idealism the thing-in-itself was not supposed to enter into knowledge. But at the same time, skepticism admitted a multitude of determinations of its illusory being, or rather its illusory being had for content the entire manifold wealth of the world. In idealism, too, Appearance [Erscheinung] embraces within itself the range of these manifold determinateness. This illusory being and this Appearance are immediately thus manifoldly determined. This content, therefore, may well have no being, no thing or thing-in-itself at its base; it remains on its own account as it is; the content has only been transferred from being into an illusory being, so that the latter has within itself those manifold determinateness, which are immediate, simply affirmative, and mutually related as others. Illusory being is, therefore, itself immediately determinate. It can have this or that content; whatever content it has, illusory being does not posit this itself but has it immediately. The various forms of idealism, Leibnizian, Kantian, Fichtean, and others, have not advanced beyond being as determinateness, have not advanced beyond this immediacy, any more than skepticism did. Skepticism permits the content of its illusory being to be given to it; whatever content it is supposed to have, for skepticism it is immediate. The monad of Leibniz evolves its ideas and representations out of itself; but it is not the power that generates and binds them together, rather do they arise in the monad like bubbles; they are indifferent and immediate over against one another and the same in relation to the monad itself. Similarly, the Kantian Appearance [Erscheinung] is a given content of perception; it presupposes affections, determinations of the subject, which are immediately relatively to themselves and to the subject. It may well be that the infinite obstacle of Fichte's idealism has no underlying thing-in-itself, so that it becomes purely a determinateness in the ego; but for the ego, this determinateness which it appropriates and whose externality it sublates is at the same time immediate, a limitation of the ego, which it can transcend but which has in it an element of indifference, so that although the limitation is in the ego, it contains an immediate non-being of the ego." (p. 396-397).
In Lenin's notebooks on Hegel's Science of Logic, these sections provoke a considerable degree of excitement. Lenin's 'Conspectus of Hegel's Science of Logic' can be accessed via Marxists.org here:
In Ben Fowkes translation in the Penguin edition, we find "The wealth of societies…appears as."
In the German edition, Marx uses the verb erscheint ('scheint' shares an etymological link to the English word, shine.)
On p. 127, Marx uses the Hegelian expression, Erscheinungsform (form of appearance). In this edition, it is rendered "the phenomenal form."
Marx uses this term to describe the way that, in order for exchange-values to present an equivalence between two distinct use-values (i.e. x corn, y silk) they must possess some common element of identical magnitude. As exchange-values, commodities "cannot be anything other than the mode of expression, the 'form of appearance' [Erscheinungsform], of a content distinguishable from it," (Karl Marx. Capital, Vol. I, p. 127)
www.open-science-conference.eu www.open-science-conference.eu
Overall, we received 60 submissions for the Call for Poster Presentations. Among the high amount of excellent abstracts, the programme committee decided to accept 20 abstracts for poster presentations.
Even a normal conference in the geo-sciences is more open than this "open science" conference. There is a limited amount of time for speakers, but why would anyone deny someone the possibility to present a poster and try to find an audience for their research? There is no scientific need for this gate keeping.
gregorygundersen.com gregorygundersen.com
Summarizing a paper in your own words restructures the content to focus on learning rather than novelty.
In the scientific papers we convey novelty, hence, some of the early readers might confuse themselves that this is the right way to speak in a daily scientific community
Blogging has taught me how to read a paper because explaining something is a more active form of understanding. Now I summarize the main contribution in my own words, write out the notation and problem setup, define terms, and rederive the main equations or results. This process mimics the act of presenting and is great practice for it.
Why teaching others/blogging has a great value in terms of learning new topics
When I first started teaching myself to program, I felt that I had no imagination. I couldn’t be creative because I was too focused on finding the syntax bug or reasoning about program structure. However, with proficiency came creativity. Programming became less important than what I was building and why.
While learning, don't worry about the creativity, which shall come after gaining proficiency (knowledge base)
In my opinion the reason most people fail to do great research is that they are not willing to pay the price in self-development. Say some new field opens up that combines field XXX and field YYY. Researchers from each of these fields flock to the new field. My experience is that virtually none of the researchers in either field will systematically learn the other field in any sort of depth. The few who do put in this effort often achieve spectacular results.
I think we all know that...
Many of us have done this on exams, hoping for partial credit by stitching together the outline of a proof or using the right words in an essay with the hopes that the professor connects the dots for us.
Often we tend to communicate with a jargon we don't understand just to pretend we know something
- Dec 2019
we shield ourselves from existential threats, or consciously thinking about the idea that we are going to die, by shutting down predictions about the self,” researcher Avi Goldstein told The Guardian, “or categorizing the information as being about other people rather than ourselves.
Magically, our brain doesn't easily accept the fact that we will die some day. It was proved by the short experiment:
volunteers were watching images of faces with words like "funeral" or "burial", and whenever they've seen their own one, the brain didn't showcase any surprise signals
open-scholarship-strategy.github.io open-scholarship-strategy.github.io
enlightenmens.lmc.gatech.edu enlightenmens.lmc.gatech.edu
Brown's Vulgar Errours.
Thomas Browne's Pseudodoxia Epidemica or Enquiries into very many received tenets and commonly presumed truths (1646), commonly known as Vulgar Errours, was an important text in the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century. Browne, like Francis Bacon, argued that empirical evidence was necessary to support (or disprove) claims, so his "trial" here likely involved many bird dissections.
Browne is credited with introducing a number of words to the scientific discourse, including "electricity" and--interesting for our purposes--"computer" and "hallucination."
frankensteinvariorum.github.io frankensteinvariorum.github.io
It was, perhaps, the amiable character of this man that inclined me more to that branch of natural philosophy which he professed,
The relationships between Victor and his teachers appear to drive the interdisciplinary curiosity that leads to his later discoveries. For example, M. Waldman, who loves chemistry, notes that "I have not neglected the other branches of science," and neither does Victor.
I had heard of some discoveries having been made by an English philosopher
It is unclear who this English philosopher might have been, though it might be a reference to Erasmus Darwin, who Percy Shelley cites in the novel's introduction.
frankensteinvariorum.github.io frankensteinvariorum.github.io
The event of these enquiries interested my understanding, I may say my imagination, until I was exalted to a kind of transport. And indeed
This brief addition in the Thomas Copy emphasizes the extent to which Victor's interest in human physiology carries away his imagination until he is "exalted to a kind of transport."