2,917 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2020
    1. Ljiljana Lazarevic Danka Purić Predrag Teovanovic Goran Knezevic Petar Lukic Zorana Zupan

      Lazarevic. L., Purić. D., Teovanovic, P., Knezevic, G., Lukic., P., Zupan, Z (2020) What drives us to be (ir)responsible for our health during the COVID-19 pandemic? The role of personality, thinking styles and conspiracy mentality. PsyArXiv Preprints. Retrieved from https://psyarxiv.com/cgeuv/

    1. prevent its disclosure to any person not authorized to create the subscriber's digital signature

      So the signature can be used by another entity to create the digital signature if authorized beforehand.

      So if there is a statement that "I authorize [organization] to create a cryptographic key-pair on my behalf, and create the digital signature."

    1. compressed public keypk2={bi t,(t1,t2,t3)∈(Z2e2)3,A∈Fp2,ent_bi t,r∈Z256}
    1. Pollán, M., Pérez-Gómez, B., Pastor-Barriuso, R., Oteo, J., Hernán, M. A., Pérez-Olmeda, M., Sanmartín, J. L., Fernández-García, A., Cruz, I., Larrea, N. F. de, Molina, M., Rodríguez-Cabrera, F., Martín, M., Merino-Amador, P., Paniagua, J. L., Muñoz-Montalvo, J. F., Blanco, F., Yotti, R., Blanco, F., … Villa, A. V. de la. (2020). Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in Spain (ENE-COVID): A nationwide, population-based seroepidemiological study. The Lancet, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31483-5

    1. Corbett, K. S., Edwards, D., Leist, S. R., Abiona, O. M., Boyoglu-Barnum, S., Gillespie, R. A., Himansu, S., Schäfer, A., Ziwawo, C. T., DiPiazza, A. T., Dinnon, K. H., Elbashir, S. M., Shaw, C. A., Woods, A., Fritch, E. J., Martinez, D. R., Bock, K. W., Minai, M., Nagata, B. M., … Graham, B. S. (2020). SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccine Development Enabled by Prototype Pathogen Preparedness. BioRxiv, 2020.06.11.145920. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.06.11.145920

    1. There’s another unfortunate dimension to this whole saga that mimics the coercive effect of public marriage proposals: everyone innocently cheers on the romance because it tells a good story, but it places the woman in the invidious position of being the “bad guy” if she says no.

      It reminds me of watching a video of public marriage proposal on Facebook. Most comments I noticed was talking bad about the lady because she said no to the guy. But first, I wonder why do these strangers think they can make a decision for this lady or anyone they don't even know already?

    1. As Shannon Larratt is interviewing Stalking Cat, he brings up a point that's quite interesting to me, and entirely relevant to the idea of privacy and unwanted celebrity we discussed earlier in this course.

      SL: "... uh you do- you do go to a fair number of tattoo conventions, and you must experience at least a minor celebrity status while you're there."

      SC: "Well, you know, in fact, I've only been to a couple conventions-"

      SL: "I guess- I guess it's just every one you go to, they will always photo you."

      SC: "Right, and my pictures have been plastered all over the place, and uh, it, in a way kind of irritates me, because these people're making money off of something I've spent a great deal of time doing, and I haven't gotten a dime out of it."

      SL: "Mmhmm."

      SC: "But uh, and uh, and they're basically using my picture to get themselves famous."

      SL: "Mmhmm."

      SC: "Or to get publicised."

      SL: "Yeah."

      SC: "But again, I did this for me, not for other people."

      SL: "Mmhmm."

      There's also been a positive side to this, as it encouraged self-expression amongst the public, and while not exactly normalising it, it allowed people who needed to do stuff like this to accept it and go for it. (But not those who are doing it as a trend.)

  2. Jun 2020
    1. Rosenberg, E. S., Tesoriero, J. M., Rosenthal, E. M., Chung, R., Barranco, M. A., Styer, L. M., Parker, M. M., John Leung, S.-Y., Morne, J. E., Greene, D., Holtgrave, D. R., Hoefer, D., Kumar, J., Udo, T., Hutton, B., & Zucker, H. A. (2020). Cumulative incidence and diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection in New York. Annals of Epidemiology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annepidem.2020.06.004

    1. Ferguson, N., Laydon, D., Nedjati Gilani, G., Imai, N., Ainslie, K., Baguelin, M., Bhatia, S., Boonyasiri, A., Cucunuba Perez, Z., Cuomo-Dannenburg, G., Dighe, A., Dorigatti, I., Fu, H., Gaythorpe, K., Green, W., Hamlet, A., Hinsley, W., Okell, L., Van Elsland, S., … Ghani, A. (2020). Report 9: Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID19 mortality and healthcare demand. In 20 [Report]. https://doi.org/10.25561/77482

    1. Oliver, N., Lepri, B., Sterly, H., Lambiotte, R., Deletaille, S., Nadai, M. D., Letouzé, E., Salah, A. A., Benjamins, R., Cattuto, C., Colizza, V., Cordes, N. de, Fraiberger, S. P., Koebe, T., Lehmann, S., Murillo, J., Pentland, A., Pham, P. N., Pivetta, F., … Vinck, P. (2020). Mobile phone data for informing public health actions across the COVID-19 pandemic life cycle. Science Advances, 6(23), eabc0764. https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abc0764

  3. May 2020
    1. Döhla, M., Boesecke, C., Schulte, B., Diegmann, C., Sib, E., Richter, E., Eschbach-Bludau, M., Aldabbagh, S., Marx, B., Eis-Hübinger, A.-M., Schmithausen, R. M., & Streeck, H. (2020). Rapid point-of-care testing for SARS-CoV-2 in a community screening setting shows low sensitivity. Public Health. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.puhe.2020.04.009

    1. Ghinai, I., Woods, S., Ritger, K. A., McPherson, T. D., Black, S. R., Sparrow, L., Fricchione, M. J., Kerins, J. L., Pacilli, M., Ruestow, P. S., Arwady, M. A., Beavers, S. F., Payne, D. C., Kirking, H. L., & Layden, J. E. (2020). Community Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 at Two Family Gatherings—Chicago, Illinois, February–March 2020. MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69(15), 446–450. https://doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm6915e1

    1. Une action particulière est menée pour s'assurer que les élèves qui n'ont pas ou très peu répondu dans le cadre de la continuité pédagogique soient sensibilisés à l'importance du suivi effectif des cours en présentiel.
    2. les groupes multi-niveaux peuvent être constitués pour scolariser des élèves prioritaires dont les cours n'ont pas repris et correspondant aux catégories suivantes  les élèves en situation de handicap ; les élèves décrocheurs ou en risque de décrochage ; les enfants des personnels indispensables à la gestion de la crise sanitaire et à la continuité de la vie de la Nation. Dans la mesure du possible, il est également tenu compte des élèves relevant d'une même fratrie ;

      La réunion avec le Dasen (Directeur académique des Yvelines) du 8 mai nous a permis de comprendre que la première semaine, la DSDEN laisse de la souplesse aux écoles et aux communes quant à la "sélection" des publics prioritaires". Pour résumé, certaines écoles prennent des enfants d'enseignants, alors que d'autres se restreignent cette semaine aux enfants déjà accueillis lors du confinement.

      Le souhait du Dasen est que rapidement (semaine prochaine) la liste des publics accueillis s'allonge en fonction des priorités définies dans la circulaire. Il semble important d'engager le dialogue avec l'IEN pour faire apparaître les perspectives de scolarisation de chaque groupe scolaire.    A noter que les choses vont très certainement bloquer à un moment si les communes ne désengorgent pas les écoles en organisant les 2S2C

    1. Part of the problem of social media is that there is no equivalent to the scientific glassblowers’ sign, or the woodworker’s open door, or Dafna and Jesse’s sandwich boards. On the internet, if you stop speaking: you disappear. And, by corollary: on the internet, you only notice the people who are speaking nonstop.

      This quote comes from a larger piece by Robin Sloan. (I don't know who that is though)

      The problem with social media is that the equivalent to working with the garage door open (working in public) is repeatedly talking in public about what you're doing.

      One problem with this is that you need to choose what you want to talk about, and say it. This emphasizes whatever you select, not what would catch a passerby's eye.

      The other problem is that you become more visible by the more you talk. Conversely, when you stop talking, you become invisible.